Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters within the this story. All characters are owned by their respective copyright holders. This story is a work of fiction and is for fun. This story is free and shall remain so. If you wish to host this story, please email me. This story may not be altered, published or used in any manner without my explicit permission.

My thanks goes to Fanboyimus Prime, Arthur Hansen, James Axelrad and finally NeoSeether who's help and continued support are the pillars of this story.

Credits for Ship designs used in the story

Alexzandyr J.

Zues Class Warstar


Mike Brown


Glenn Wagner

Titan class escort frigate

This is a Nu Battle Star Galactica / universal century gundam zeta era crossover

for people who are not familiar with zeta gundam go here

www. /Tokyo /Flats /8218/ index. html

for thoes who want to learn about the new class of ships go here

wolfsshipyard . mystarship . com /BSG . html

For information on the earth colonies go here

www . msgundam/ frontier.html