One Week Changes Everything

Finding Out

Summary: What happens when six kids bond on a school camping trip, but two of the six become a little closer than best friends? Could drama ensue considering one of the two is already taken? Troyella!

A/N: This camping trip is based on one that I went on. The love story is completely false but a lot of the activities and things they do are true. It is a very spiritual trip, but this isn't a spiritual story.


Taylor, Gabriella, and Sharpay are best friends as are Troy, Chad, and Zeke. The gang does not exist but they all know each other. They are friends but they are not really close. They know each other partly because they are all the part of 'cooler' group of kids at East High. The Green Valley trip is a trip that the juniors go on at East High. Everyone goes in groups of 20 and there are multiple trips spread out over the year. They go for a week and it is known to be the ultimate bonding experience. People let down their guards and frequently come back like a family. It is one of the most highly anticipated things at East High.


Taylor, Gabi, and Sharpay looked at the bulletin board to see what trip they were going to go on.

"Oh my god! We are all together!" Sharpay exclaimed.

"Thank god!" Gabi responded.

"When are we going?" Taylor asked.

"Two weeks! We are on the first trip!" Sharpay exclaimed.

"Yay!" Taylor clapped. "Are any of our other friends going?"

"Umm not really," Gabi said looking at the board, "I mean Troy, Chad, and Zeke are but that otherwise no one we know."

"Well I guess that is good it will give us the chance to make more friends," Taylor said.

"Yeah," Gabriella said.


"We are all together!" Chad exclaimed looking at the board.

"Good, when are we going?" Troy asked.

"Two weeks," Zeke said looking at it.

"Which means…" Chad said.

"We miss the first week of practice," Troy sighed running his fingers through his hair.

"Coach is gonna flip," Zeke said.

"Well it is the Green Valley trip so he is just going to have to deal," Troy said.

"Yeah," Zeke replied.

"Are any of our other friends going?" Troy asked.

"Umm," Chad said looking at the board. "No, I mean Taylor, Gabriella, and Sharpay are on it so not really."

"Well I guess that is good, we will get a chance to bond with other people," Troy said.

"Yeah," Chad replied. "Sorry man," he said placing his hand on Troy's shoulder you are going to have to be away from Ali for a week."

"I will survive," he laughed. Ali was Troy's girlfriend of 2 months. She was in the drama club so she was friends with the three girls.

Please R&R! Nothing much happened in this chapter but trust me it will get better