A/N: This fic is based off of the law of three. Where it is theorized that everything must exist in sets of three in order to exist.

And remember that "Half" is a japanese reference for someone who is only half japanese.


What It Maybe Like

Chapter 1

Tamaki was enjoying himself. The twins were off on some family vacation, Kyouya was home with his clipboard and papers, Mori shadowed Honey as they went to a privet resort and Haruhi was on speed dial. Though he did get yelled at for calling her every time he discovered something new in the little down. It was several days ago that he decided he would "rough it" and took a taxi to a quiet little place at the base of one of Japan's majestic mountains. He found a nice hotel and got one of the best rooms and struck up conversations with the old desk clerk each morning and afternoon hearing stories of how the man used to be in wars, an adventurer, and how he saved a princess twice. The blond's favorite story of the past was when the old man saved the world from aliens that used yeti soldiers and he had nothing but a trusty pocket knife and an old nag. He couldn't get enough of the story and even bought a recorder and started to record their little chats, which took up to three tapes in one sitting, that was before they would have tea or coffee.

But now he was taking a relaxing stroll down the little streets, a backpack slung over his shoulder already filling with souvenirs for his friends, but mostly for Haruhi and her father. Taking off his sunglasses in favor to see the full colors of the evening dusk, he greeted people by name when he could remember them. He was quickly becoming one of the town's favorite and the small amount of people reminded him of the places in France...

"Aa, Tamaki!" the over enthusiastic fish market man waved at him, "How are you doing today?"

The Half turned from his little path to come up to the man behind the display counter, "Everything is just as relaxing and refreshing as yesterday. How are you today Yamanaka-san?"

"Good, good, you going to by a fish for old man Mutoh today?"

"As usual, but I was thinking I would take a walk before it gets too dark."

"A walk huh? You should head south west, some lovely hiking trails can be found around there."

"Aa, thank yo-"


Tamaki's body froze. That voice... Kaoru. No, he couldn't deal with the twins with out "kaa-san", Kyouya was the only one who could really control the two little devils. Sure, His Highness was persistent but he had learned that was something they could harness for their own malicious intent.

He took a breath and turned around on his heel, he'll just deal with them like he usually did and maybe he could see if he could get some fun out of it. "Kaoru, what a coincidence meeting you here," he beamed with his arms wide, just glad that it was only the reasonable twin that was there. Hikaru could get out of hand real easily, but if it was just Kaoru then...

He liked spending time with Kaoru on the rare occasion that the twins separate. "When did you get here?"

"Uh... just now."

Blue eyes shimmered, "HoHoo? Then let me show you around and introduce you to people. It seems you already know Yamanaka-san, the best fish market salesman in all of Japan."

"Aa, Tamaki-san..." Yamanaka held up his hand and tried to interject only to find it was too late, the rich boy had drug off his friend in a cloud of chatter about this and that.

Five hours later and in the dead of night --------

"And this is Youkoto's place, she's the best baker I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. If it wasn't so late then we could have tried some of her black berry turnovers with cream cheese... maybe in the morning. Aa, I'm hungry, how about you Kaoru? You've been rather silent, awestruck by the beauty of the common folk no doubt. I understand, I was that way myself when I first came here. OH! You must meet Mutoh-san, he's a hero you know... Kaoru? Kaoru where did you go?"

He gave sort of a mix between a shout and yelp when he saw his companion down the street helping someone with stacking boxes and crates in the back of a shop. He quickly jogged up and found that there was an old woman standing next to Kaoru directing where he should place things. He was smiling and holding a mild conversation with her giving small jokes here and there. Tamaki slowed his pace and stood there, watching his friend. Kaoru... really was a gentle person wasn't he?

Just then his cell phone rang, the ring tone that said that it was Hikaru. With an odd frown he took out his phone. Why would Hikaru be calling him when his twin would naturally be the first person to contact?

Flipping open the phone he closed his eyes as he braced himself for a distraught older twin, they must have been fighting or something. "Hello?"

"Tono, we're bored," Kaoru's voice came over the line. "Where are you so we can come hang out. Haruhi and the rest said they want to come too."

Blue eyes opened and then narrowed a little with a raised eyebrow, "Kaoru?"


Tamaki looked at the person still helping the old lady and smirked, "Hikaru, you need to think of a better prank to play when you're not with Kaoru. Now if you want to talk to Daddy to figure out how to smooth things out between your brother and yourself all you have to do is ask."

"Tono, are you feeling okay?"

"Still not giving up the ghost? I see, I see, you're so worried about your brother that you just can't help yourself. Alright then, we're in Otaru city. See you soon. And don't worry I'll put in a good word for you." He hung up and watched Kaoru with fatherly fondness. "So... even the mighty Hitachiin twins can have fights..." he thought to himself in a whisper.

"Hey, Kaoru- let me help you with those."


Across the world at a beautiful sandy beach identical twins stood side by side staring at a cell phone in hand.

"You think Tono lost it?"

"He never had it."

To Be Continued...