Title: "The Meaning of Words"

Author: Baliansword

Rating: T for Teen

Pairings: Alexander/Hephaestion

Type: …slowly becoming chapters….

Chapter: 5 of 5..."Finality"

Summary: Hephaestion begins to act strangely around Alexander. It's not what they say, but rather something Hephaestion has left unsaid.

Warnings: Sexual Content. Yes, I know, just be shocked and either read or don't read. By now…you should have stopped reading if you didn't want the sex.

A/N: thank you to all of those that read and review. Again, I am sorry for these delays in posting!




Hephaestion glanced up as the sun hit his face. Alexander had pulled the drapes to his room open. They had clearly managed to sleep through part of the day. Yawning, Hephaestion pushed himself up and rubbed his eyes. There was something that he needed to do, and so it was good to be up. Yet at the same time he did not want to have to leave Alexander.

"What are you doing," Alexander asked as Hephaestion got up and began to dress. He lay back down on the bed and watched Hephaestion dress, his eyes addressing each and every part of him. "I just wanted to be able to see you this time."

"I have something that I need to do," Hephaestion told him. "I promise to be back in a little while. Alexander, don't look at me like that. I swear that I will be right back."


"Have a little bit of faith in me," Hephaestion whispered as he leaned down, placing his lips against Alexander's lightly. Alexander wrapped his arms around him and gave him a warm embrace before letting him go. Hephaestion pressed his lips to his forehead once more before turning to walk away.

"You had better come back," Alexander said with a smirk.

"I vow," Hephaestion replied with a laugh. He then left the room. As soon as the door shut behind him he was missing Alexander. Yet he knew that there was only one way to solve things with Cassander. He needed to find the root of the problem himself. It would do him no good to ignore him, or to let Alexander handle incidents for him.

It did not take long before he was standing before Cassander's door. He knew it would be unwise to push his way in. There was no telling what Cassander could be doing, and many knew that entering his room unannounced was foolish. The simplest things angered him. Hephaestion, for the first time, did not care though. He'd found a courage within himself that he needed in the hallway. Slowly he pushed the door open and then stepped inside.

"Get out," Cassander said before he even saw who had entered. When he glanced over his shoulder he repeated his words louder, and with more anger. It looked as if he had not slept all night, and it showed underneath his eyes. Hephaestion ignored his request though and stepped further into the room. He paused, glancing around at the shards of metal and glass that hung from the ceiling.

"Are you trying to keep daemons away," Hephaestion asked. Absent-mindedly reached up and touched a shard of glass that hung from a black cord. The piece swayed suddenly, and as it hit the sun a bright beam of light shot across the room. Cassander suddenly pushed his chair back and grabbed the spinning decoration and glared at Hephaestion.

"What do you want," he hissed.

"To talk."

"What could you possibly have to say to me?"

"I want you to know that what happened to Escander…"

"You have no right to say his name!"

"I do," he answered after a moment. "It was horrible, yes, but it was no one's fault. The gods took him from you. It was not I, and it was not Alexander. What happened that day can never be changed. You know that. Please, do not curse me for what befell to you."

"The gods curse me, yet they bless you," Cassander screamed. "You think that you're so lucky, that you are perfect because Alexander loves you…well you are nothing Hephaestion! You are a fool. You're weak, just like the rest of the damnable Athenians that raised you!"

"Neither of us are better than the other," Hephaestion admitted. "Yes, the gods took Escander from you. It was cruel of them to do. Yes, they have blessed me, but please stop holding it against me."

"He was mine you know, Alexander. He was mine before you came back. I was his best friend. He told me secrets. Did he tell you that?"

"I know," Hephaestion lied. Alexander had never really brought up the subject. Hephaestion knew though. He had listened to Aristotle long enough to know the ways of men. Cassander envied him for many reasons. First, he'd has Escander ripped from his grasp and could not accept that Alexander and he were happy. On the other hand he was hurt that he, after being gone for so long, had come back and now was Alexander's closest Companion.

"Well he loves you now!"

"Yes," Hephaestion said with a nod. "But he will always treasure you."




Alexander felt Hephaestion wrap his arm around him. He smiled as he stirred from his sleep. It was about time that Hephaestion return. Where he had gone, and why it had taken so long to return, was still a mystery to him. Alexander turned his head and looked over his shoulder at Hephaestion, who was conveniently kissing the back of his neck. It drove him wild, and Alexander was beginning to think that Hephaestion already knew this.

"I love you," Hephaestion then said, the words materializing for no reason at all. Alexander rolled over so that he faced Hephaestion and he ran a hand over his cheek. Yes, he loved him as well. It was perfect, being able to hold him, and hearing him say it. They knew. Alexander continued to smile, like a fool, but he did not care. Instantly he leaned forward and kissed Hephaestion softly.

"I love you too."




A.N: The end! Hope you all enjoyed!