"Wake up, Ty Lee!" Shaylin, Ty Lee's thirteen-year-old sister Shaylin shouted as the sun rose. "Ugh," Ty Lee thought, "Could this girl bother me anymore? She knows I need my beauty sleep!" Ty Lee picked up her pillow and threw it at Shaylin. She giggled and ran out of the room, avoiding anymore danger Ty Lee may throw out to her. Ty Lee slipped into her silk robe, a gift from her father, and walked out of her room. As she went to use the shower room, it was locked, Shaylin was using up the bathroom as usual. "COME ON, SHAYLIN!" Ty Lee nearly screamed at her after five minutes of waiting to bathe. "You are such a pest!" Ty Lee stormed off and went to eat breakfast. As she stepped off the last step of the stairs, she walked into the dining room where she saw her father eating breakfast. It was no secret that being her father's first born daughter made her a little more special in his eyes than Shaylin. "Good morning baby girl," her father said to her with a smile on his face. "Did you sleep well?"

"Not exactly father," Ty Lee said with a hint of attitude in her voice, "Shaylin was up all night giggling to something, and now she is hogging up the shower, as usual."

"Ah," he said, "My two girls, at it again." Yes, it was a normal beginning to a school day in Ty Lee's house.


As she arrived at the Fire Academy for Girls, Ty Lee met up with her friends Azula and Mai. Only moving to the Fire Nation's capital a year ago, Mai was still quite reserved, and preferred having silence than noise. Azula, on the other hand, like being the best, controlling people in order to get what she wanted. Although she had these somewhat denouncing attributes, their fathers were all friends, making the three girls friends as well. Ty Lee watched as Shaylin ran off to a group of girls, laughing about something. Ty Lee wondered if they were laughing at her, although Shaylin didn't have much to laugh at. Her mother and father were both attractive people, thus so were Ty Lee and Shaylin. Some would say one was more attractive than the other, but it depended on the person. Ty Lee straightened her Academy dress, required by dress code, and said to Mai, "So, how was your night? Did you finish your research on the beginning of the Fire Nation?"

"Yes, it was quite interesting." Mai said with little emotion. Ty Lee smiled at her friend, trying to indirectly tell her that it was okay to talk with her, considering they have known each other for a year now. It was now Azula who spoke and said, "Ty Lee, do you think you could lay off the tea? It seems to make you very peppy." Ty Lee didn't drink tea in the morning, but it was a true accusation that she was peppy. While she was talking with the girls, she almost never stopped moving, and being an active acrobat who practiced everyday, she never really got tired either. "Oh Azula," Ty Lee laughed, " You only wish you had my energy." Azula smirked and shoved Ty Lee in a joking manner. "It is true," Azula said, "I wish to be exactly like Ty Lee someday!" The girls laughed, including Mai, who secretly loved hanging out with Ty Lee and Azula.


The morning's classes passed, and lunch had come and gone. Ty Lee always met up with Azula during the class after lunch, because it was one of the only classes with Azula she took. The class was acrobatics, and quite frankly, Ty Lee was scoring higher and showing better performance than Azula was. Guaranteed Azula was a better fighter than she, but Ty Lee was more graceful and flexible than her, and Azula envied her.

"So, how is your cute brother?" Ty Lee giggled poking Azula in the shoulder. Ty Lee had never met Zuko, but from a drawing that Azula and her family had painted for them, Ty Lee could tell Zuko was quite the looker.

"Dream on, Ty Lee," Azula said rolling her eyes. "He is two years older than us. Do you think he would give you a chance?"

Putting on her gym suit, Ty Lee said, "Well, I can be very convincing if I want something enough!" She braided her hair and winked at Azula, "And being friends with you gives me a shoe in!" She skipped into the gym and Azula though, "Wow. Yet another one of my friends falling for my older brother." She shook her head and followed Ty Lee into the gym, preparing to be shown up, as usual.


Tired from Acrobatics, Ty Lee could hardly focus on the last class of the day. It was very warm in the class, because during winter, the Fire Nation officials made sure that every school was heated properly, even too much so.

After listening to her teacher drone on and on about the history of the Fire Nation, and after day dreaming about the boys that she had befriended through a co-ed Acrobatics club, someone knocked on the class door and asked for her to come to the office.

"We are looking for a Ty Lee," The messenger said, "The Headmistress would like to speak to you about something: something urgent."

"Oh," Ty Lee said nervously, "Alright."

Not knowing if she was in trouble about something that she possibly did without knowing, Ty Lee walked nervously down the hallway behind the woman, who she thought was the Headmistress' assistant, and she said, "Don't worry Ty Lee, everything is going to be okay." With that, they arrived at the Headmistress' office and the woman left her. As she entered the room, the Headmistress said with somewhat of a hint of sorrow in her voice, "Please, sit down Ty Lee."

As Ty Lee sat, the Headmistress said, " I have some bad news to tell you," Ty Lee looked at her with eagerness, awaiting for what could be so horrible that would pull her out of class, "Your sister Shaylin," She said, almost seeming ages before she completed the sentence, " was found dead in a cleaning closet, with a knife shoved through her throat."

With this, Ty Lee broke down, and the next thing she knew, was that she was in her father's arms, he whispered in her ear, "Everything is going to be alright baby girl," tears streaming from both of their eyes.


R&R.R&R.R&R! I may be focusing more on this story than Things Change, because I actually definitely know where this story is going, and it should be around 10 Chapters. Pleaaaaaaaase R&R, I absolutely love this storyline! Hope you didn't find it too boring. :D