A/N I know when someone does a Sasuke in Akatsuki story it's a good idea but I doesn't work well im hoping this will work and will be in character. The only Akatsuki's in this will be Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Sasori, Zetsu and Tobi (I think Tobi is Obito so if they seen similar good) (also I'm on a cheese high YAY!)


"what have you done? Now you will never gain power.!" Orochimaru the immortal sanin was dead by the Sasuke's hand.

"you will die for this!" Kabuto was enraged, he was chasseing Sasuke. Sasuke had only seen the look Kabuto was carrying once. That was the thing making him run.

Beyond the chase was a red haired man with a seemingly wooden complexion. This new man saw Sasuke running .

"great thanks that makes this easier!"

Sasuke ran right past Sasori, but got knocked out by a blonde. "He'll be fun to annoy grumpy with, un! by the way un, I sent Zetsu in to get the ring, un!"

"got it lets head back" Zetsu had returned with Orochimaru's ring

"I'll be a minute I'm just got to kill Kabuto met you at the hideout," Sasori wanted to make his brain fry.


Sasuke began to wake up.

"Where am I? Who are you? Let go of me!"

"quite you"

"well done Deidara you finally said something without the word… ur thing 'un'!" a man boomed from the shadows.

"anyway UN!" 'un' was practically shouted "this guy killed Orochimaru for us and I thought he could join us , un"

"fine" the voice bellowed " are you a missing-nin?"

"y-yes why, his place in what?" Sasuke didn't know what was going on.his life had changed so much.

"do you want power?"

"Yes I must kill my brother!" Sasuke didn't care anymore power meant a dead Itachi. So when given Orochimaru's old ring and cloak and left the room.(A/N ohhhh I ran out of cheese)

"dei' what's his name?"

"Sasuke Uchiha, un" Deidara laughed.

"bet you ten bucks he don't last the week!"

In the hallway Sasori was leading Sasuke to where the rest of the Guys were.

"Hey who took all my fizzy cola bottles!" (A/N MMMMMEEEEEEE!)a dark haired red eyed man said. The Left side of his face was covered by hair, the little that could be seen was covers in scars, ha also had some googles on the table next to a bowl with the words 'Tobi's sweets' carved into it.

"Tobi you did this morning" a half white and half black man replied. The man also had a flytrap eating him it looked like- but it couldn't because no one was worried.

"Yeah you did swirls. Hey flowerpot this is new boy, where weasel and fishy?"

"My names Uchiha Sasuke not 'new boy'!"

"Uchiha huh? This will be interesting" Zetsu contiued muching on a sweet, on closer inseption a fizzy cola bottle.

"Swirls go get weasel he should be in his room with fishy" Sasori always bossed Tobi around.

Tobi -being a good boy- walked into Itachi's room, witch used to be Orochimaru's as well, meaning there was an extra bed.

"Robot robot robot!" Itachi and Kisame were listening to their mp3s - the latter listing to T.A.T.U's 'robot', and the former…

"Trying to bend the truth" lying from you by linken park.

"HEY!" Tobi yelled at the top of his lunges, trying to get their attention.

"what did you forget you ate your sugar again?"

"Yeah I didn't touch your Kinder beuno!"

Itachi sighed " Kisame, how did you ever become a ninja? Why are you here Tobi?"

"to tell you there's a new boy"

"tell him to stay out of my way"

"Can't do that. He'll be sleeping here"


A/N sorry if this is short will probily update tomarrow or next weekend. It is going to be 3 chapters long(they are already written just not typed up) and i can't spell cloak ( the pice of clotheing) and i spell it so bad spell cheack don't know what i'm trying to type.