Damn my muses. Here begins yet another fanfiction that it will take me ages to finish and that just popped randomly into my head. But it was screaming to be written. There is a sad lack of decent Voldemort/Harry fics that keep them both in character. Which is what I intend to do.
This fic completely ignores the fifth and sixth books. I don't like either of them. The fifth was a bit like a terrible fanfic and it made me cry. The sixth, well that one was better but in order to not use the fifth then I have to not use the sixth. And there is no Sirius in that one pouts I like Snuffles.
Anyhoo I don't own Harry Potter (else the fifth book would have been radically different, ex. slash would have been included) or any of the characters in this story, unless I make them up. But I will tell you which ones those are when and if they come.
I will try to update this once a month.
Note: This is SLASH, that means two men having sex. If that bothers you then don't read. I roast marshmellows with flames.
"It is a small tradition at graduation to allow any student who wishes, to use the magical object on the desk." The man speaking was old, this was likely to be one of his last years as Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but he wasn't quite done yet.
This lot of seventh years still had to graduate. A lot that had seen a good deal too much of the real world as it was. What with a Dark Lord appearing and being killed while they were in school, and the death of a classmate or two, they had seen a good deal too much death.
"The object allows the student to see the name of the one person who they are meant to be married to. It is a tradition that tends to lead to a great many marriages actually… Anyway the point is that any student who wishes to use the Crystal of Bonding is welcome to do so. Professor Dumbledore will bring the crystal in front of each of you in turn, just place your hands on it." The man sat down, he was exhausted.
The red head named Professor Dumbledore began to walk in front of the line of students, who were soon to become adults, and allowed them each the descision of whether or not to know. Many students chose to use the crystal, and when they did the name of there bonded was emblazoned in the air above them.
Then Dumbledore stood in front of the boy named Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom had no intention of finding out who he was supposedly bonded to, he didn't care. But Dumbledore did care; he cared very much.
Before Tom could refuse, Dumbledore had pushed the blue piece of crystal under his palms. Tom jerked them back, but it was too late. It took less than two seconds for a name to begin to appear. The process went painstakingly slow, taking forever to spell the first name.
The entire hall let out a gasp as the first name was finished. The name that had appeared was commonly used for boys.
"I never saw him as the type."
"Yeah who'd imagine the Prince of Slytherin as gay" Whispers were heard amongst the students.
The middle name passed without notice, it was also fairly male and this increased the whispers abundance.
But it was the last name that sent the entire hall in uproar.
After the slow and drawn out writing was completed a dark green name was emblazoned in the air around Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Harry James PotterThe Potters were a family of Gryffindors. Riddle was a Slytherin, and to make matters worse, there was no Potter with the name of Harry.
Even Dumbldore was confused. He did however take note of the name; he might need to know it in the future after all. Then he continued on, smiling at Tom as he left.
Tom was furious.
However, by the end of the evening everyone had forgotten the incident and no one remembered any of those names except the one that came out for them.
So by the end of the night only two people knew the name of the person who was meant to be mated with Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom, and Dumbledore.
Tom was still furious.
Years Later
The Potters had just had a son, so Dumbledore was there to find out the name of the child, and to wish them congratulations, of course. He was upset to find that the boy's name was James Larry Potter. But if the Potters naming scheme held up it would only be another generation that the Harry he was waiting for was born.
The Potters always gave their firstborn son his fathers name as the child's middle, so, Dumbledore reasoned, Harry will be James's son.
He was not wrong.
Well what do you think? Good, Bad, Wonderful, Terrible? Just let me know in a review.
Angel no Yami