A/N: Hey, here is chapter 1!!! WARNING: CHARACTERS ARE GOING TO BE OOC.

"Dang! When's Mike gonna get here?" Emmett whined.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." Rosalie answered. I rolled my eyes. Of course she agreed with him, I mean, they were going out, and they have been since what, 1935? I don't remember.

"But what if he doesn't?" Jessica asked. "I want to go back to the dance." She started dancing, in my direction.

"Hey." I said, pointing my finger at her. "You know I don't dance."

"Yeah, but there are the rest of us who are ready to get our freak on with you baby." Jasper said, joking around.

Alice rolled her eyes at him and hit his chest.

"Here he is!" Emmett said; rejoiced.

Mike parked his car in between Rosalie's and mine in the parking lot (that we made) at the cement factory.

He stepped out of his car, his hands in his leather jacket.

He walked over to where Emmett and I were leaning against my car.

"I thought I told you to show up at 10." He said.

Mike didn't say anything in response to Emmett. "Next time be here when I tell you." He said.

Emmett turned to me in hysterics. "Ha ha! Next time!" He laughed. "Like that's gonna happen" he added in.

"Let's get goin." Jasper said, impatient.

The girls all held hands, Jasper and Emmett walked in front of him.

I walked behind with Mike. My arm was around his shoulder. "Are you ready to fly?" I said, my arms up like wings.

Mike nodded nervously. I laughed, and continued to pull him along.

Emmett stopped once we had met our destination. "That's all you have to do. Jump off the tower and you're one of us."

"Don't worry Man," I started. "I'll be jumping with you."

Mike nodded nervously again, and started taking off his pants, shirt and jacket.

I did the same, now only in some shorts and a tank top.

"Exactly how deep is this…?" he asked, trying to keep his voice even.

"Well I don't really know man, I guess we're going to find out."

He nodded, and we made our way to the tower. Climbing up the ladder, I smirked at the plan that we had in store for him.

"You've made this jump before right?" he asked, as we were looking down at the water.

"Yeah, we all have." I said. "Ok, on the count of three. One, Two, THREE!"

Instead of jumping, I helped Mike along by pushing him.

I started laughing as he hit the water doing a belly flop.

He eventually resurfaced after about 3 seconds; not moving.

What was wrong with him? "EDWARD! He's hurt! OH my… Edward! Go get him!" Rosalie and Alice yelled.

I was about to jump off to get him, but I thought better of it. I turned around, jumped over the top of the ladder, and slid down it.

"Edward! He's hurt!" Came their cries, over and over. Even with my extra speed, I felt as if I could not move fast enough.

I dived into the murky water. I swam my way over to him and started pulling him towards the dock.

"Hey! Hey! What are you kids doing? I'm calling in backup!" came the voice of the security guard.

"Help me!" I yelled, trying to pull him up on the dock.

The started pulling him up on the dock, but then heard the sirens coming from the police car and all ran away.

Mike was groaning now. He was lying on his back, on the dock, and I was trying to get him to calm down.

The sirens were getting closer, and I ran.

I quickly grabbed my clothes and put them in the passenger seat of my car.

I tried to get away from the cops but I couldn't. They blocked off the only exit, so I went the other way which I knew was a loop, so I could go back down and out the actual exit.

The cop started pushing me over and over; I ended up hitting two long tubes with water in them.

I leaned my head against the headrest and closed my eyes.

"This is the police! Put your hands on the wheel." He ordered. I opened my eyes, looked at him and put my hands on steering wheel.


"Let us be thankful," Reverend Swan said Sunday morning at church. "For the young life that was saved recently. And let those who were involved with the accident lives be on the past to righteousness." I sunk lower in my chair.

Not only was Reverend Swan the reverend, but he was also the chief of police in the small town of Forks, Washington.

He was the cop who came after I hit the tube things. That was a lot of fun to explain.

Reverend Swan sat down, and the choir stood up.

They sung some song about light and the lighthouse. I never really listened to it, even though I've probably heard it a million times since I've lived here.

It wasn't a surprise when Reverend Swan's daughter Bella had her solo. I had to admit, she had a real nice voice, but I was never her friend.

Even though I had been in ALL of her classes for years, she was just… weird. She did anything to help somebody. It was pretty strange.

I could have sworn that just for a moment that she made eye contact with me for a moment, and then looked confused.

I shrugged it off and looked somewhere else. That was the last time that I thought of Isabella Swan that day.