Disclaimer: …after having a screaming fight with my brother yesterday, he said something very hurtful that made me cry… "YOU D

The Bet

Summary: Inuyasha is the most popular kid in school. He's a jock football player and has all the girls falling for him. But there's one who resists…and it's his dumb butt friends who think it'll be funny for Inuyasha to mess with her head. But will he do it? Or will Miroku beat him for considering something so stupid? Inu/Kag pairings of course, and some Mir/San. Please R&R!

Disclaimer: …after having a screaming fight with my brother yesterday, he said something very hurtful that made me cry… "YOU DON'T OWN INUYASHA!" ,( How could someone be so cruel? Especially my own flesh and blood?

The Bet

Chapter 1:

A New Girl

Inuyasha made his way through the crowded hall of his high school. It was rather easy for him to reach his locker through the hoard of students because they parted for him like Moses and the Red Sea. Of course, Inuyasha wasn't a messenger from God sent to the Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. He was just fabulously cute and a star football player.

All girls adored him. He had beautiful and well-groomed short black hair. And his bangs feathered handsomely over his stunningly gorgeous golden eyes. He also had that amazing boyish grin that melted hearts everywhere and when he winked at a girl, she fainted. He did that mostly for his own amusement. He thought it was funny that girls adored him and would do anything he asked.

Inuyasha was also unbelievably rich. His dad was a politician and his mother a retired runway model. Now they mainly traveled the country, trying to win a vote and Inuyasha barely saw them. He lived in a huge mansion with his half-brother Sesshomaru, who was almost never home, seeing as how he was now attending college.

Yes, life was great for Inuyasha. He reached his locker and banged on it three times before it sprung open. He threw a book in then grabbed another and slammed the locker shut. Behind him he heard a group of girls giggling and he turned and gave them his signature smile. They all but melted before him. Inuyasha made his way to his next class, science, his worst subject with the only teacher that hated him. He opened the door right as the tardy bell rang and sat in his usual seat at a table in the back.

Professor Mushibi was writing some equations on the board before he stopped and turned to Inuyasha. A mischievous smile crept across his face.

"Fashionably late again I see, Mr. Tanoshi." He opened a notebook on his desk and smiled again. "I do believe this is your fifth tardy, and do you know what that means?" Inuyasha didn't answer, he just blew a bubble with his gum unfeelingly and then popped it. "It means you will have detention with me tomorrow afternoon. But seeing how you have your precious football practice after school, you will serve your time in the morning at eight o'clock sharp. Do not be late." Professor Mushibi turned back to the black board and continued writing equations.

Inuyasha couldn't care less that he had detention. He had served time before with Mushibi. His wacked out teacher always decided to 'punish' him by making him do chemical equations and other science stuff. But although Inuyasha pretended to be rather ignorant when it came to school, he was pretty good with science. Yes, he was making his worst grade in this class, but that was because when Mushibi graded his tests, he marked off for the stupidest things or accused him of cheating. But when it came to those 'horrid' little worksheets he was forced to do during detention, Inuyasha had nothing to worry about.

He began to doze off like always when Mushibi slammed his hands on his own desk. That made Inuyasha and the rest of the class jump in their seats. Mushibi grinned slyly.

"Many of you may have noticed there is a new student in our class today," he said pointing a hand at a girl sitting by herself at the very first table. "This is Higurashi Kagome, and she has come to us from the most prestigious private academy in Japan. Maybe some of you," he glared at Inuyasha, "will learn a little something from her example." Inuyasha looked at the girl in the front and saw she was blushing.

"Now," Professor Mushibi continued, "today we will be dissecting frogs." Many of the class groaned in disgust. "I will be pairing you off. Hmm…" he glared around the room. "Yuri and Muso, Ayumi and Sari, Miroku and Sango," he continued on for a while until everyone was paired off except Inuyasha. Mushibi smiled. "And finally, Kagome and Inuyasha."

Inuyasha inwardly groaned. He'd much rather be paired with his best friend Miroku. He looked to his friend. 'I guess he doesn't mind the pairing.' Miroku had already taken a seat at the lab table next to Sango and was leaning close to her, trying to seduce her obviously. But Inuyasha knew Sango was the only girl who would not allow this behavior from Miroku. He looked away for a second before he heard a loud SMACK and turned back to see Sango fuming and Miroku smiling with a very red handprint on his face. Then he looked to the front of the class. The new girl was sheepishly making her way to Inuyasha's table. He gave her a small smile, but to his dismay, she did not seem to notice it. Well, she saw him smile, but she didn't melt or faint like all the other girls.

She then sat next to him and sat a notebook down in front of her, flipping to a page labeled "Science Notes". People actually took notes? Inuyasha watched her closely. Normally, the girl would be smiling and giggling uncontrollably and telling him how much they loved him. Some may have even asked for an autograph to prove they were science partners. But not this girl.

He looked at her closely. She was actually pretty cute. She wore the usual school uniform with the white shirt, green skirt, and brown loafers. Her hair was long, black, and slightly wavy, resting against her back, and her eyes, he saw, were a deep brown. She had an innocent looking face and looked as if she had never gotten angry a day in her life. But why wasn't she already falling for him?

Kagome sat next to 'Inuyasha' and opened her notebook so she could take notes on the dissection. That's when she noticed a pair of eyes glued to her. She looked up and saw her partner's golden eyes looking at her in a rather confused expression. She smiled politely at him.

"Hello," she said softly.

"Hey," he then took his eyes off her, glancing back every once in awhile. "Ever dissect a frog before?"

"Actually no, but I have dissected a few other animals." She began jotting a few things in her notebook. Professor Mushibi walked around the room placing a dead frog on a tray at each table. He reached Kagome's table and placed their frog in front of them.

"Mr. Inuyasha, I hope Ms. Higurashi has a positive influence on you." He then went back to his desk at the front of the room. "First, you will notice I placed instruments on each of your trays. One person will do the dissecting while the other takes the necessary notes. You may switch jobs if you like. Now, I want everyone to decide who will dissect."

Inuyasha looked at Kagome with a raised eyebrow.

"Actually," she said, "you can do it." She made a funny face at the upside down frog in front of them. "My brother and I used to have a pet frog." She then looked up at Inuyasha. "I don't think I can do it."

"Fine," he grabbed a knife in his hand.

"Now," Mushibi continued. "I want the dissector to slice the frog from the neck, down to the start of the legs. Once the frog is open, I want you to take out certain parts and label them on a piece of paper. I will be grading that. Once you have finished that project, you may explore the frog more until class is over. Now, begin." Mushibi then sat at his desk and began grading papers, mercilessly covering the papers in red ink.

Inuyasha began picking through the tools, deciding his weapon of choice. Kagome continued to stare at the frog almost longingly.

"He sort of looks like a Jacepi, doesn't he?" she said still staring at the lifeless frog.

Inuyasha gave her a questioning look. "What?"

Kagome looked him in the eye. "He looks like a Jacepi."

"A Jacepi?"

She nodded.

"Oooo…kay…" he whistled and picked up the sharpest knife then pointed his tip on the frog's throat. Kagome placed a hand on Inuyasha's who sharply looked down at her.

"Don't you think we should have a moment of silence? Maybe say a few words?"

Inuyasha's mouth dropped. "Are you serious?"


"It's just a frog!"

Kagome's eyes grew big. "A frog named Jacepi!"

"It's still just a frog! Besides, you named it that!"

"Maybe, but what if he had a family?"

"Who cares?"

"He might have had children!"

"They'll live!"

"How could you be so cruel?"

"How could you be so heart-broken over a stupid dead frog?!"

"He's not a stupid frog!"

"Yes he is! He's a stupid dead frog named Jacoce!"

"His name is Jacepi! And he's not stupid!"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. He was getting no where and he needed to get a good grade on this project.

"Fine, we'll say a few words." He waited for Kagome to speak, but nothing.


More silence.

Inuyasha glared at her. "Aren't you going to say something?!"

"I thought it would be more meaningful if you said a few words."


"After all, you just insulted him." She looked up at him with a serious expression. "If you don't say a few kind words Jacepi may haunt you. The dead don't like to be mocked you know."

He rolled his eyes again. "You're one crazy girl." He sighed and lowered his voice so no one would know he was paying his respect to a dead frog named Jacepi.

"Jacepi was a good frog," he looked at Kagome who had bowed her head. "He was a…wise frog…and although his life was short…he accomplished many things unknown to me now. He raised good children and taught them well. He will always be in our memory. The end, or whatever."

Kagome smiled and opened her eyes. "That was very nice."

"Yea, whatever, can we slice him now?"

"Fine, do what you want." Kagome scowled as she ripped out a piece of paper from her notebook for the frog parts.

Inuyasha proceeded to place organs and parts on the paper while Kagome labeled them and took several notes in her notebook. She actually looked sick when he pulled out Jacepi's heart. She covered her mouth and closed her eyes when she saw it.

"You okay?" Inuyasha asked still holding the heart.

"Yea, fine, just feeling a little queasy."

They finished pulling out the necessary parts and Inuyasha, being bored out of his mind, began scarping around the inside of Jacepi's stomach.

"Stop that!" Kagome yelled quietly.

Inuyasha looked up at her. "Why? Mushibi said to continue 'exploring'."

"But now you're just desecrating Jacepi's poor, defenseless body!"

Inuyasha smiled at her and leaned in closer. "You're cute when you get angry about little frogs named Jacepi." Wow, he really was bored.

Kagome scowled. "How dare you! You're little smile and boyish face may make girls at this school melt, but I'm different. You have no affect on me whatsoever!"

Inuyasha blanched. She didn't melt into a puddle of giggling mass. Was he losing his touch? He quickly smiled at a girl at another table who began to giggle like an idiot and wave. No, he still had it. This girl was different. She was probably the only girl who could resist him, and he didn't like that.

"Ok, sorry, I was just having some fun."

She glared at him and turned away. Soon, Mushibi came by the table to grade their work. He checked every last detail then looked at Inuyasha with a scowl.

"It looks like poor Ms. Higurashi was forced to do all the work. Kagome, you pass," he smiled at the girl and she nodded with satisfaction. "Mr. Tanoshi, you fail." Inuyasha's jaw dropped.

"No, Professor, I did half the work! Kagome, tell him." But Kagome kept her mouth shut. What help she was…

Mushibi made a disappointed clicking noise with his tongue. "Maybe next time you'll learn not to use your lab partner."

Inuyasha sat, dumbfounded and disappointed when the bell rang and Kagome stood beside him and began packing her bag. He grabbed her arm before she could leave. She turned around to him.

"Why didn't you tell him I helped?!" he whispered fiercely.

"Because I don't defend insensitive jerks!" she pulled her hand away from him and walked to the door, where Sango was waiting for her. Together they left and Miroku showed up by his side.

"Come on, buddy, it's lunchtime and I'm starving."

Once they were outside of their science class, Sango grabbed Kagome's arm and pulled her close.

"Why didn't you stick up for Inuyasha?"

"Because he was a jerk to Jacepi."


Kagome shrugged Sango's hand off. "Nothing, it's a long story."

Together they walked through the halls and towards their lockers. Sango had become Kagome's friend during the first period of the day. She sat beside Kagome in math and they hit it off immediately. Sango was already like a best friend to Kagome.

They fought their way through the crowd until finally making it to their lockers which were right next to each other. Sango's locker was decorated with pictures of famous kick boxers and Karate fighters. It was obvious Sango was into the whole martial arts thing. Kagome opened her locker which was empty except for all of her books. She threw her science book in and grabbed a history book and her bagged lunch. Sango grabbed her lunch and together they walked to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was almost as crowded as the hall, except everyone was sitting at tables. Sango found an empty table across from a table full of jocks. They sat opposite each other so Kagome had to look at the jock table.

Kagome placed all of her lunch items on the table and popped open her drink. She then poured some homemade dressing onto her salad and began eating it happily. A moment later two other girls sat beside Sango and Kagome. They were Ayumi and Eri, Kagome's other new friends. She liked Sango more because the only thing these two seemed to do was gossip and talk about guys. They began chattering away while Kagome consumed herself in her salad.

Inuyasha sat at the jock table glaring at the new girl at the next table. He really didn't like her. He was perfectly fine with her, until she refused to tell Mushibi he had helped with the dissection. He was suddenly snapped out of his thought when a girl flung herself onto his arm. He looked to see who is was…Kikyou.

He didn't really care for her, but since she was the star cheerleader and he was the star football player, it was thought that they were meant for each other. But he hated how slutty she dressed and how she showed him so much affection when he knew it was just for her reputation.

"Hey there Inuyasha," she whispered into his ear.

"Hey," he said dully. He continued eating his food. There was no way to peal her off his body…he'd already tried that before.

Miroku, Kouga, Muso, Jakotsu, and Hiten were talking about game plays for the Friday night game. Miroku then broke away from the conversation and started talking to Inuyasha about the previous science class. Suddenly, the others began laughing hysterically.

"What's so funny?" Inuyasha asked suspiciously.

Hiten gasped for air. "We have a little bet for you Inuyasha."

"Yea," said Muso. "You interested?"

Inuyasha cocked his head to the side. "What is it?"

"Make a girl fall for you."

Inuyasha smiled. "That's too easy. Every girl here adores me."

"Except one," Jakotsu sneered.

Inuyasha's eyes immediately settled on Kagome who was picking at her salad while her new friends chatted energetically.

"You have to make the new girl fall for you, head over heels, and then once she is so in love with you, you have to dump her." Muso began laughing again.

Miroku's eyes grew big and annoyed. Inuyasha merely watched Kagome. Maybe he could actually do it. After all, his reputation was at stake here.

Miroku stared at his friend angrily. "Inuyasha?"

He snapped out of his trance. "Yea?"

"I need to buy a drink," Miroku said through gritted teeth. "Won't you accompany me?"

Inuyasha eyed him for a moment then decided to follow his friend. They walked to the coke machine, Miroku not saying a word until they reached it. He forcefully jammed his coins into the machine and pounded on the button before turning to Inuyasha.

"Are you seriously considering it?" he snapped.

"Yea, why?"

"That girl is new here, and you're already thinking about crushing her?!"

"I don't want to, but I have to."


"You know I can't back down from a bet, not with those guys!" he pointed at the table for emphasis.

"Who cares about them? They're a bunch of morons!"

"Look, getting close to her won't hurt, and maybe I'll just let her down easy in the end. I won't hurt her…purposely."

"Fine, do what you wish, but don't come crying to me when she's sent Sango after your ass! I want no part of this! Do you know what Sango will do to me if she finds out I was involved?!" A panicked expression came to his face. "It'll hurt a hell of a lot more than those little lovable taps she gives, I'll tell you that!" Miroku's face was getting red and his eyes grew wide with worry. "I don't want that, Inuyasha! I want to live past my high school years!"

"Alright, I get it. You're not involved in this whatsoever. Come on, we got to go back to the table."

"Fine." Miroku grabbed his soda and followed Inuyasha to the table.

Muso, Jakotsu, Kouga, and Hiten leaned in close to Inuyasha. "So what do you say?" Kouga asked.

Inuyasha began eating his food nonchalantly. "Fine…I'll do it…"

The boys all sneered and snickered. "Perfect!" said Hiten.

"When will you start your master plan?" asked Muso.

"When I figure up a master plan." Inuyasha continued eating his lunch.

Kagome sat at the lunch table. She was just about to finish her salad when she suddenly sneezed. She looked at the jock table and saw all the boys leaning in close to one another. She couldn't help but think someone was talking about her.

AN: That's it for now. Did you like it? Did you hate it? Please review. In the next chapter…Inuyasha's scheme begins…See you later!