Me: Okay, so it's been a bit since the last update…what can I say? I'm busy and midterms are coming up. Well have chapter three and review me….I feel loved when you do and it motivates me…

What I've felt, what I've known

Turn the pages, turn the stone

Behind the door, should I open it for you...

What I've felt, what I've known

Sick and tired, I stand alone

Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you

Or are you unforgiven too?

(Unforgiven II-Metallica)

QOTD: Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all

Adriane couldn't sleep that night. Her body jolted her awake every time she did. Dreamer was out on the preserve with the animals along with Lyra. Everyone had been nerves for a week or so now. The warrior was no exception.

Since the witch was mentioned as a possible cause of the recent attacks on people in town, she was jumpy. Fairwood seemed to be only the first victim. The newer victims seem to have been blinded before their hearts were harmed. The last man's heart exploded, too old to handle the assault.

Adriane was tired, though she'd never admit it. She was tired of having to fight, though it was her duty as the warrior to do so. Why was it up to her to do everything? She was fourteen for god's sake!

Growling, she curled onto her left side. She stared at her wall without really seeing it. If something was happening in town that was magical, she wanted it to be substantial so she could kick its ass face to face. It was like trying to catch smoke with nothing but two bare hands.

Something tickled on the edge of her mind, like a faint call. She sat bolt upright and focused her magic on it. At first, she thought it might be one of the animals trying to contact her, but then it began to burn.

Yelping, she rolled from her bed and onto all fours, snarling in pain. She drew back, pulling her magic away quickly. The crystal at her throat began to pulse and shine like the moon. It bathed her face in cool silver and outlining the deep set of her ebony eyes. Her face snapped into a determined frown. Something was wrong and she was the only one that could fight it.

She quickly grabbed her vest and boots, dragging them on with haste. In a moment, she had burst through the outside door, power crystal flashing. She didn't think to call Dreamer, her tunneled thoughts driving her to solely run to the rescue.

The pain in her head worsened as she came closer to town. She snarled in anger, beginning to hear faint crying. It was a small boy she saw when she burst down the particular side street. He was curled in a ball, holding onto his head like his life depended on it.

Adriane spun and loosed a wave of pure magic, bathing the street in good magic, hopefully driving off the attackers. Then, with a gentleness she showed to very few, she lifted the boy and turned him over. He looked up and she gasped, feeling her heart stop for a second.

The boy's eyes were a bleached white and blood had stained his chubby cheeks.

Swearing in her head, she cradled him in her arms and began to stand. Something brushed across her back and it felt like ice had been injected into her bones. There was a shushing sound, like a long cloak brushing across leaves.

'Don't interfere, mage.'

'We only want the boy.'

Adriane growled, setting the boy down. She stood and turned around, pulling her crystal free. "Like hell you're getting him. You have to go through me."

'We are not afraid.'

'What is one mage?'

'We will get the boy.'

'Don't interfere.'

"You should be afraid of me." She was searching the night as best she could, but she couldn't see anything. For a second, the streetlamp went dark. She whipped her head up and immediately shot sliver fire towards the shadow.

There was chuckling and more whispering. She began shaking. It was becoming hard to move and it felt like her blood had turned to ice. Whimpering, she fell to one knee. Growling, she shouted out every curse word she could think of. She felt herself falling asleep and punched her arm in vain; the darkness was becoming too strong.


She whipped her head up at Dreamer's call. He was coming, she could feel it. How soon he would be there, she didn't know, but he wouldn't be able to reach her in time. She felt a ripple of dark magic and braced herself for the pain. But it never came.

There was a streak of silver and a savage growl. Stormbringer stood before her pack mate, teeth bared and ready to bite. Adriane looked up at her weakly, catching a glance from a golden eye for a second.

'Get out of here now and take the boy while I distract them.'

"I can't leave you to fight alone, Storm. Pack mates stand together."

'You have been affected by their magic. If you don't leave now, they could kill you. Take the boy and go to Ravenswood; you'll be safe there.'

Adriane opened her mouth to protest, but stopped. She nodded weakly and grabbed the boy and began to run. For moment, the only sound heard was the rhythmic thumping of her boots, then with a fierce howl, Storm attacked. The warrior winced but forced herself not to look back.

Dreamer found her soon after. He quickly changed direction and fell into step with her. 'What happened? Are you alright?'

"I'm fine, but Storm's back there fighting those things by herself."

'I'll go help her. Contact Emily and Kara and Zack as soon as you get to Ravenswood, though Lyra might have already told them you were in danger.'

Adriane nodded. Bumping her side quickly, he spun around and went to help Stormbringer. Swearing under her breath, the warrior silently prayed for her pack mates. 'If they get hurt, it's my fault, and I'll never stop hunting those things until they're all dead.'

The warrior wasn't in the Ravenswood glade long before her mage friends came. Zach knelt by her and hugged her tight, whispering to her. Emily quickly began healing the boy. He was unconscious and his heartbeat was irregular. With the help of Lyra and Kara, she quickly healed him. He stirred, but she gently coaxed him back to sleep.

"Adriane, you're next."

Adriane looked up at her redheaded friend. She swallowed hard and shook her head. "I'm fine," she rasped, "I need to know that Dreamer and Storm are alright."

'We're fine.' Dreamer said as he padded into the clearing. He appeared unscathed, but Emily still ran healing magic over him just in case. 'By the time I got back to Stormbringer, those things were gone. We both checked around everywhere, but I could barely even sense their magic, and most of it was mixed with yours.' The mistwolf sank beside his pack mate, pressing his body against hers.

Adriane scowled, resting her head on Zach's shoulder and digging her fingers into Dreamer's fur. She felt Storm near, watching closely. "I felt them touch me. It felt like ice. They told me not to interfere and then…pain. Dreamer snapped me out of it and Storm distracted them so I could run. They are the ones who have been attacking Stonehill." She snarled, curling her top lip back and pushing away from Zach and Dreamer. Everyone looked at her in surprise and she stood facing away from them. "How the hell are we supposed to fight them!? My crystal wasn't any good and its pure Avalon magic." She balled her fist and viciously punched a tree.

Emily gasped. The warrior was scared, more frightened than she'd been for a long time. She was the strongest of the three and if her magic didn't do any good, what would there's? One Level Two and three Level Ones.

Adriane let her hand fall to her side, knuckles bleeding. Her eyes were cold and angry. But she was as Emily thought; scared out of her mind. She'd been affected badly. Dreamer and Storm had saved her, but just barely. These…creatures had forced her to come after them and had made her do as they had wanted. She came alone and became easily prey. Even now, with Ravenswood protecting her, she shivered in fear. Her eyes flickered around, waiting for a shadow to block the moon and finish the job. Steeling herself, she sighed.

"You'd better get that boy into town. Don't let anyone see you. Leave him in a public place. I need to go do something. Alone." she added when Dreamer made to follow her. With a flick of her injured hand, she left, leaving three severely confused mages.

Me: So yeah…I really don't update much, do I? Well now I have a really good idea where this is all going. And y'all might hate me midway through this, but don't worry…it will all be fine. Actually…I think you're gonna hate me next chapter. Haha…

Please review…I like to know my work is appreciated and read.