I was totally disturbed by tonight's episode.. Sandy and Martin getting married...Ruthie acting like a spoiled brat.. I have decided to write my own storyline for the next couple of episodes... Of course it will somehow turn out to be a Marthie...

I couldn't believe Lucy had called me selfish. Was it my fault that I didn't want to come home? I was just beginning to feel normal again and then my parents decide to show up, to ruin something that I had wanted so long. I sighed once more before my phone rang once more.

"I hope you are calling to apologize" I said without bothering to look at the caller id.

"Why would I need to apologize? What did I do wrong?" Martin asked confused.

"Did you find out about my parents?" I interupted as I heard a giggle in the background.

"No I called to share some good news with you"

"The only good news for me would be that I am staying in Scotland"

"Well you can't, because I want you to be at my wedding"

"Your wedding? Sandy and you are getting married?"

"I finally convinced her"

"Well that's..." I paused unsure of what to say and then took a steadying breath and said "wonderful. How soon?"

"As soon as possible"

"Well if you're happy, I'm happy"

"Thanks I knew you would be. I'll talk to you later and just think about what I said"

"About what?"

"About coming home, I would love to see my best friend again"

"Mac's your best friend"

"So what? A guy can't have two best friends?"

"I suppose you are right"

"Great, oh and one more thing?"


"This boyfriend of yours?"

"Yes" I sighed as I waited for the lecture that was sure to come..

"I think you are way too young to get serious so soon and you are half way across the country without me looking after you"

"Martin I can take care of myself. I am no longer the little girl you use to know"

"Ruthie, you will always be my little girl"

"Great" I thought as I rolled my eyes and replied "Night Martin"

"Good night Ruthie"

Martin POV

After I hung up with Ruthie, I called Mac and he answered on the first ring "Hello"

"Hey Mac"

"Martin, how are you? How's Aaron?"

"He's doing great. I was actually calling to see if you would be my best man"

"Who are you marrying? The Camdens are letting you marry Ruthie?"

"Ruthie? No I'm marrying Sandy"

"Sandy? Why would you do that? Didn't she tell you that she didn't want to see you and she's not in love with you"

"Well she changed her mind"

"And what about Ruthie?"

"Whta about her?"

"Dude, it's one thing to have a baby with this girl but to get married to her when you don't even love her"

"It's what's right for Aaron"

"For Aaron? Are you crazy?"

"Mac, let's not get into this tonight. I just want to enjoy this feeling"

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow and we'll talk about it then"

"Okay, night"