Title: A New Path

Rating: PG-13 (to be safe and for possible future stuff)

Summary: Harry is adopted by his distant relatives, the Sons, when he is younger and grows up as a big brother to Gohan. HPDBZ crossover

Disclaimer: I don't own either of these.

His name was Harry James Potter but he rarely had the pleasure of being called that. His relatives, his uncle, aunt, and their porky son, had always called him Boy or Freak, hissing his name as if it was an obscene cuss word.

At Portsmee Orphanage he had been treated with similar distaste often being subject to bullying from his peers, both older and younger, because of his small size and timid nature. Despite his cruel treatment from the children, the adults at Portsmee Orphanage were kind to him if not a bit distracted, and this made his life there much better then his life at the Dursley's. No, Harry was not happy at the orphanage but he could not remember ever being happy somewhere, and he was not completely miserable so he was content to remain at the orphanage rationally that there must not be a place that held joy for its inhabitants.

Galvin Daniels, owner of the orphanage, was not content with allowing the boy to stay. It had been him that had found him on the door step last winter beaten up and cold and the boys happiness was a great concern for the man. It was clear that Harry did not belong in the orphanage, he needed a small family who would love him and the shy boy needed it more than most, but no family ever wanted the quiet and a bit strange child so Galvin dove into research digging for any living family. He found some one.

The alternative to the orphanage came under the name of Chi-Chi Son and her family, which Galvin discovered after quiet a bit of research. They were distantly related forth or fifth cousins or something similar but they were more then willing to take the five year old in and Chi-Chi even had a son of her own who was only three years younger then Harry. There were only a few problems like that they lived in Japan and that the father didn't have a job but that could be ironed out and because they were related Harry could move in with them quicker.

The father was concerning until Galvin met him. A man with no written records beside martial arts fights and no job but he turned out to be the best choice because of his loving concern for his own son and gentle nature, exact opposite of what Galvin had expected.

Harry had been sitting under an old oak tree watching the other children play while he drew a picture of a dog. It was recess, Harry hated recess, everyone was always so loud. Miss. Fisher, the second grade teacher, walked out with a clip board in hand and Harry found it odd since Mr. Stewart was in charge of recess. None of the other children even noticed her but Harry was always more observant then they were and they were preoccupied with there games.

Miss. Fisher looked over the crowd of people before she noticed Harry then walked through the sand box to get to the oak tree.

"Mr. Potter," she said her blond hair falling into her eyes as she bent down. "Mr. Daniels wants to speak with you."

Harry nodded and silently picked up Yuki, a stuffed bear he got when he came to the orphanage, walked with the teacher to the building.

Silently he was lead to Mr. Daniels office which was on the other side of the building and stopping at the door the teacher smiled and nodded for him to enter the room. She left with out saying anything; Miss. Fisher wasn't the type to say much at all.

Curiously Harry knocked on the large door.

"Come in," Mr. Daniels said softly.

Pushing the door open he peered into the office and noticed three people other than Mr. Daniels. They were oddly dressed and one of them looked like they were from a Kung-fu movie. They had a child with them, he was young and Harry wandered if they were putting him up for adoption. Shyly Harry inched in to the room and quietly closing the door, he stood watching the people. Maybe they had called him here to show the younger child around.

"Harry, I would like for you to meet Mr. and Mrs. Son and their son Gohan."

Harry nodded as Goku and Chi-Chi smiled at him holding her young son. The woman did not frighten Harry and neither did the child but the man did. He was tall and had weird hair which spiked upward resembling horns to the child. Harry shook and inched backward.

"Their your family, Harry, and their here to adopt you."