Chapter 1

Hermione said goodbye to her parents and she was ready for another year of school and whole lot of new experiences, and for once wasn't all that excited about the fact that newts were this year and she would have to study even harder. Nevertheless that was what she was good at she was the school nerd and now head girl. Nevertheless, some how she new that this year was going to be weird.

Stepping onto the train, she went to the first compartment and she knew immediately who was inside it. Opening the door, she smiled.

"Hey guys," she said, just before a petite girl was in her arms hugging the life out of her.

"Hermione," Ron and Harry said at the same time flabbergasted at her, she just smiled as they all studied her,

"You look amazing Mione, what did you do," she asked looking her over.

"I'll tell you later, I have to get the Heads compartment see you at the feast save me a seat," she said as she waved them goodbye and with her trunk behind her she dragged it down the corridor and came upon the compartment that was labeled HEADS, opening the door she entered and into a new hell she was thrown.

She had just been entering when someone was exiting, running into the person and the force shoved her back and an immense bruise on her ass would have been if not for two amazingly tone arms coming around her. Looking up she looked at the face that haunted her dreams just centimeters from hers, staring into the deep blue eyes that could only belong to one man and one man only.

"Draco," she breathed, she could feel his heart beating against her chest making her nipples hard already, only one man had ever been able to make her react this way, shiver and break into a sweat all at the same time as he did with just one glance, not that she would ever tell him it was much to embarrassing. She could smell his scent so intoxicating the smell of pine made her head fuzzy.

He straightened and withdrew his arms, and stood in front of her.

Realizing what she had said earlier she corrected herself," Malfoy," she sneered.

"Granger," he said raking his bodies up and down her as he studied her new body," nice body."

She blushed at his scrutinizing stare, and moved past him her trunk behind her as he still stared at her. Turning to her rack, she stared pulling up her trunk.

"I should have guessed that you would have got head," she said the trunk was a lot heavier this year and she couldn't quite get it on the rack. As if on queue the weight left her hands as she watched, strong large powerful hands take it and shove it on her rack. Turning she meet chest staring at it for a second she looked up and a new feeling one she had never felt before, need.

"It's a great change," he said as his hand rested on her cheek caressing it with his thumb, he felt her tremble and smirked. He liked to know he could affect her like this it sent a thrill through him.

"Ummm well," Hermione, said, as she backed away from the hand and sat down trying to control the emotions that were jumping around inside of her. Sitting across from her, his gaze never left her as he studied her even more.

She was not yes, no pretty didn't even describe the change she was a complete goddess. She was skinny yes, but not incredibly skinny. She was a girl that didn't' care what she weighed, she ate what she wanted but did like to exercise. Her long legs were at all, and gleaned, a man just wished to have them wrapped around him as they pounded into her. Her thin waist, just about thinking about anything of hers made him break into sweat. She had curves in all the right places; her long chestnut hair was flowing replacing the rats nest that was there before. Her hair was in a high ponytail accentuating the long neck she had so smooth and slender. Her face was flawless, as she stared out the window her caramel eyes glittering. She turned her head and looked at him, their eyes meet and locked.

"All right Malfoy, seeing that were forced to share a dorm and do patrols together and all that crap I really can't deal with fighting this year, and I'm really not in the mood for it all right," she said and he just nodded.

"Sure," he said his face still emotionless. He reached forward his hand for her to take after a seconds hesitation she took it and shook it only for a second before retracting it back.

"So that means no calling each other names no hexing each other all right," she said her eyes going fiery, he loved it when they did that and nodded.

"How was your summer," he asked, trying to get things off to a good start.

"Same as usual stayed home as my parents went to Italy, read more books," she groaned, it was always the same every year no matter what.

"So you and the scar head are a couple or is it Weasley," he asked trying to smother his sneer.

"Ewww that is so gross they're both like my brothers," she said making a gagging noise, they both laughed at this, both realizing that they were laughing together stopped.

She looked at him through cat eyes and had to ask," why are you being so nice?"

"I realized that my father was wrong," he said simply he looked at her leaned forward wanting to know more.

"My father is a follower, Voldermorts a half breed, and he's an asshole I had enough, watching my father kill so many helpless people I couldn't take it anymore and told him I didn't want to be a follower and walked away," he said and she smiled.

She was speechless she couldn't believe it he wasn't a death eater thank god. Finally finding her voice, she put it to good use.

"That's amazing I'm so happy for you," she said.

"Thanks, it was all for the better," he said smirking staring out the window.

"So friends then," Hermione asked, she knew she was really out on a limb trusting but she didn't care anymore.

Looking at her he smiled," Yah I guess we are."

As the train chugged along the many pastures rivers they chatted, never before had she ever been so intent on hearing everything willingly. They left very personal things out and for once actually enjoyed each others company, and discovered they actually had something's in common.

"So what ever happened between you and Pansy, I hear you two were quite and did item," Hermione said then started laughing at his face of disgust.

"I dated her yah, but she freaked me out big time with that whole fuck me please, and to set the record straight I never screwed her," he said still disgusted she just chuckled setting his blood to a boil," and she was obsessed with her weight all the time no matter what she was eating some vegetables."

"Well good for you don't want you to catch anything," Hermione said as they both started laughing. Eventually Hermione found her way out of her shoes and they were left discarded on the floor as her feet were tucked under her. As the door opened the laughter ceased.

"Ah its seems that there's no yelling and no fighting," Dumbeldore said smiled, Hermione blushed as Draco glared.

"Well I am glad that there is no fighting don't worry your secret is safe with me," he said smiling," now this year we have a new DADA professor, he is new and just graduated from Drumstrang a couple of years ago, and also there are some aurors around the school this year."

"Now after the feast, your new professor will escort you to your dorm and there are no patrols tonight so you can all have a nice sleep and have a good year you two and stay out of trouble," he said winking before the door closed and left them there gaping.

"Is it just me or does he get more cenial as the years go by," Hermione asked chuckled.

"Trust me its not just you," he said returning the chuckle.

They changed separately as they noticed the moon starting to come out and the little image of home started coming into view. Maybe this year wasn't going to be as bad after all.

Entering the great hall, Hermione looked around in amazement. They had split apart on the train each going to their friends making sure that their friendship was secret. Sitting down with her friends they laughed and joked.

Everyone went silent, the doors opened and first years were emitted escorted by none other than Professor McGonagall. Going through the usual boring process, Hermione snuck glances at Draco every couple of minutes and every time their eyes meet and Hermione would turn away blushing only to be look back again to get caught. Why was she so drawn to him, she had never been drawn to a man before.

In first year when she realized she had a little crush on him she kept it secret, and tell him but when he had started calling her names she kept it hidden with in. It had crushed her to find out that he hated her because of who here parents were, it was times like that, and she wished she were different.

Hermione brought out her wand and started twirling it around her fingers, everyone stared but she didn't care she did it when she was bored; she always did it when she was bored.

What would her friends say if they knew what she had been doing that summer with Moody? Glancing at her friends smiling and talking so decided against it, that she could tell them later.

As the first years were done, Dumbeldore got up and everyone went silent.

"This year I am happy to introduce our new DADA professor Damian Grey," he stated as people applauded mostly girls as the handsome man got up. Hermione just rolled her eyes at her friends clapping furiously for the man, she didn't find him that all attractive. However, some how when he looked out on the students she felt his eyes fall on her and sent a shiver up her spine, she ignored it as Dumbeldore went on.

"And also this year aurors are stationed around the school so pay them no head, if you treat them with respect they will treat you with respect, now eat up."

Food appeared and they dug in, the smells excited her as she dug in this was indeed the best food she had ever had and she was going to have it for the next 10 months.


People reviewed telling me something about this story and I realized they were right Hermione and Draco was excessively much alike. probably because when I first wrote this story I had used Sirius Black Jr. daughter of Sirius Black I know it sounds gay but it was a character I came up with and getting bad reviews from stories I have done with her I quickly went through this and changed names. I hope you like the new version of this story.

In addition, a loyal reviewer said that Hermione seemed to skinny, well thanks for that and I changed it little adding a sentence or two thanks for letting me see the error of it. Keep reviewing.

