Sorry about the long wait! Well, at least I came back at all and
that's the main thing, right? Uh oh – what's that?! AAAA!!!
Please don't shoot me!!! I can't update if you shoot me!!!
Disclaimer: I no own. You no sue.
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"Hotaru!" Pluto ran over to the cage in which was slumped the unconscious girl. "How do we open the cage?" Uranus and Neptune had no answer so Pluto resorted to do the only thing possible: she sent a very weak dead scream at the lock.
Then, tired from all her effort, she slipped into the depths of unconsciousness.
When Setsuna awoke she was surprised to find that she didn't feel tired at all. Contrary to that, she was absolutely bursting with energy, so she lept out of bed, got dressed and went downstairs. She was rather surprised to find Michiru, Haruka and Hotaru sighing with relief.
"Okay, no need to tell me," she said. "I was out for five days, seventeen hours, twenty-four minutes and forty-eight seconds."
"Whoa, how the hell did you work that one out?" demanded Haruka.
"Dude, I'm the Time Guardian, remember?"
"Oh yeah!" replied Haruka. "And what's with 'dude'?"
"Dunno, I'm feeling hyper for some reason," said Setsuna. It's true that the Time Guardian was acting maybe just a wee bit out of character (and that was a SERIOUS understatement).
"What the hell has gotten into you?" muttered Haruka.
"Setsuna?" said Hotaru.
"Yes, Hotaru?" replied Setsuna, trying to act as normally as possible (without success).
"What's up with you?"
It was official. Setsuna was SICK of being asked that question.
"Whoa," mumbled Haruka, while Michiru looked startled by Setsuna's explosion.
"Uhrm…" mumbled Haruka. Michiru blushed and looked away while Hotaru sighed with annoyance.
"We'd better just tell her," Hotaru mumbled.
"Yes," agreed Michiru in a soft voice. "Don't worry, Setsuna, there's no need to worry. While you were unconscious your injuries were so bad that Saturn had to heal them with her senshi powers. But she was greatly weakened from what had happened so we used a drug to help…"
"YOU DRUGGED ME!" yelled Setsuna.
"You could say that hyperness was one of the side effects," said Haruka.
"At least attempt to calm down a little bit," said Michiru.
"Setsuna's gone crazy," muttered Hotaru.
Haruka and Michiru nodded their heads in agreement.
"Useless twits…stupid weaklings…no results…"
The mumbling continued like that for a while, for Queen Silver was very, very angry. Both Jasper and Opal were dead and the stupid Time Guardian still hadn't been destroyed. Once Silver had run out of things to mumble about she collapsed onto her throne and sighed.
"What am I going to do?" she wondered. "I know!" she suddenly said to herself. " I'll do it myself. At least then I don't have to waste weakling after weakling on the annoying Sailor Brats."
She cackled evilly.
It was a horrible, gloomy day. The wind slapped across the girls' faces and rain beat down on them, drenching them to their skin. The only one who did not appear to be affected was Michiru, but she was the senshi of the seas so it didn't matter anyway. They walked into a café and Setsuna ordered drinks while Michiru, Haruka and Hotaru sat down. A minute later Setsuna joined them and they waited for their drinks to arrive.
After a while the place seemed to get too quiet for Haruka's liking, and one could see that she was starting to twitch with discomfort. They waited in utter silence, no word being said for the whole time they were there. Soon it became deathly silent, and even the quiet Setsuna noticed that something was not quite right. Hotaru was even beginning to look a little scared.
Setsuna stood up, tired of the silence, and made to go to the bathroom. But when she touched the door she felt an energy so dark that it threw her back against the opposite wall.
"Setsuna!" gasped Michiru.
"I'm fine," said Setsuna, picking herself up. "Don't go into the bathroom," she warned the others. "Something very weird is going on around here."
"Something very weird indeed."
This came from neither Michiru, Haruka or Hotaru. Setsuna whirled round and there, standing at the entrance to the coffee shop, was a woman with silver-white hair and white eyes with no shine in them.
Queen Silver.
Setsuna gasped.
"Yes, it is I," said Silver. "I think you've probably already figured out why I'm here."
"To kill me to get through the Time Gate to destroy Crystal Tokyo," jabbered Setsuna.
"Why though?" demanded Setsuna. "What good comes of it?"
"Once Crystal Tokyo is destroyed I get to capture the universe." Silver grinned wickedly.
"That's rubbish!" yelled Haruka. "You could never rule the entire universe!"
"Oh, yes I could," said Silver. "I could rule the whole of Time and Space. All I need is to destroy Crystal Tokyo, and hence destroy your last defence."
"No!" gasped Michiru. "I'll never let you take over Crystal Tokyo! Neptune planet power!"
"Uranus planet power!"
"Pluto planet power!"
"Saturn planet power!"
They all transformed and prepared to fight their greatest enemy.
"You really think you silly scouts can overcome my greatness?" smirked Silver. "Silver daggers!"
Lots of sharp shards of silver came out of her wrists and aimed themselves at Sailor Pluto, who somehow managed to dodge but ended up on the floor.
"I'll get you for that," growled Neptune. "Deep submerge!" Queen Silver put up a barrier and easily deflected the attack.
"Death strike!" cried Silver, sending a pure black beam at Neptune, who threw herself out of the way in the nick of time – the beam barely missed her right shoulder.
"Kuso!" Neptune cursed.
"World shaking!" yelled Uranus, sending her attack at Queen Silver, but once again she put up a barrier.
"Dark Freeze!" hissed Silver, sending a semi-transparent dark blue ball of energy at Uranus, whose left leg ended up badly wounded as a result.
"My leg!" Uranus cried. Oh lord, someone help us!
"Silver daggers!"
"Silent wall!" cried Saturn, putting up a barrier to protect both herself and Uranus.
"Dead scream!" cried Pluto, catching Silver off-guard, but her attack, being weak, had little effect.
"Pesky scouts," muttered Silver.
Please someone help us, thought Neptune.
Give us the strength to defeat Silver, thought Uranus.
Lend us energy, thought Pluto.
Save Crystal Tokyo…and Chibiusa, thought Saturn.
"Neptune planet power!"
"Uranus planet power!"
"Pluto planet power!"
"Saturn planet power!"
With Saturn's added energy the attack was much more powerful. Four beams of light, yellow, green, blue and red, combined to make one massive white light.
"Death strike!" Silver cried in desperation, but the blazing white light was too overpowering: it swallowed up the dark beam of energy and purified the dirty air. It rocketed towards Silver, overcoming her with purity and goodness, until her hard heart was shattered and her body was destroyed.
The outer scouts dropped onto their knees, exhausted from the attack.
"We did it," said Neptune weakly.
"We did," agreed Uranus.
"No more dark energy," said Pluto.
"Goodness and happiness," said Saturn.
"Is this the end?" asked Neptune.
"Probably not," said Uranus. "There's always one more enemy to take over from the last."
"Oh well," said Pluto. "What's life without a few monsters?"
A/N: THE END!!! NOOOOO! It's over! But do not fear, I am writing a sequel called Everybody Hates Jupiter, not to mention there will be a zillion more Everybody Hates stories, based on each scout. Look out for them, Jupiter's up next! Thank you to all my wonderful reviewers, you've been tremendously encouraging and supportive, thank you!!!