The rain pounded against the house, Troy and Ryan stood facing each in Troy's bedroom. Ryan took Troy's face into his hands and kissed him deeply, their wet clothes still on; Troy and Ryan's tongues were exploring each others mouths. Troy broke the kiss and stepped back a little from Ryan, "What's wrong" said Ryan worried that he had done something wrong. But all Troy did was stand there looking at Ryan in his soaking wet clothes, the rain had cause the pink shirt to look almost transparent against his tan skin; stepping forward he started to unbutton Ryan's shirt with each button that he undid he kissed Ryan's chest. Ryan moaned softly, slowly Troy reached to were the shirt ended and pants began, looking up into Ryan's beautiful eyes Troy kissed Ryan's abs and started lower and lower as he pulled off Ryan's belt and then proceed to have Ryan step out of his pants. Ryan's wet camouflage bikini briefs clung to him revealing his massive growth; Troy looked up at Ryan and smiled, lowering his wet briefs Troy took Ryan's whole growth into his mouth. Moving it slowly in and out of his Troy closed his eyes and placed both hands firmly on Ryan's ass cheeks. Ryan moaned loudly and put his right hand on the back on Troy's head. He began to thrust in rhythm with Troy's motion, he was nearly about to cum when he felt Troy stop, he looked down at Troy was now standing to his feet and said, "Don't want this party to end too soon now do we?" Ryan grinned and started to undress Troy, he was a little bit faster than Troy was he couldn't help it he wanted to taste Troy again. Troy's growth stood straight out of his boxers opening, Ryan licked the tip playfully making Troy groaned a little, he took all of Troy into his mouth and vigorously began pumping it in and out of his mouth, "Oh God yes!" Troy said as he put both hands on the back of Ryan's head. It didn't take long before Ryan felt Troy beginning to swell, he stopped and stood, "Well now we're both worked up what else to do?" he said playfully Troy grabbed Ryan and pushed him onto the bed, "Fuck me Troy, I want you inside me" he said as he spread his legs apart; Troy had this lustful look in his eye as grabbed the bottle of lotion and pumped two squirts into his right hand, smearing some on his own cock, he put some on Ryan's ass. He put Ryan's legs over his shoulders, and entered him slowly making Ryan moan. Troy started to thrust deep into Ryan, "Harder Troy fuck me harder" Ryan said gripping the bed sheets. Troy forcefully pounded into Ryan making them both moan, Troy leaned his head back as he thrusted inside Ryan; Ryan arched his back and releasing the sheets with his right hand he began to pump his own growth. Finally Troy felt himself about to cum, he gave two last powerful thrusts before removing himself from Ryan and came all over Ryan's toned chest which cause Ryan to cum. Troy completely spent rolled off of Ryan and took him his arms, both of them laying there together naked and sweating, "I want to thank you for being there for my mom and I today it really meant a lot to me" Troy said as he held Ryan tighter, "That was the perfect way to say thank you, trust me" Troy smiled and kissed him on the lips and leaning his head back down on the pillows he fell asleep. Ryan just looked up into the ceiling and sighed contently and hoped that this was the end of the drama, he rested his head next to Troy's and within seconds he was fast asleep.

The rays of the morning sun poked through the blinds of Troy's bedroom window, he slowly opened his eyes. Sat up and rubbed them gently, he blinked rapidly taking in the scene of the room, the wet clothes strewn on the floor and then his gazed turned toward the naked form of Ryan facing him. The morning rays hitting him; causing his messy blonde hair to almost glow. Letting out a content sigh he wanted to stay in this realm of bliss forever but then the creeping feeling of reality made its way back into his mind, "Your dad's dead, he's never coming back" his stomach started to hurt and he eyes began to water, he hated his dad but then he loved him. Leaning back on the bed he just stared up into the ceiling. A small tear fell from his right eye; he turned onto his side and looked at the slumbering blonde, his chest lightly rising and falling with each breathe. This site made him smile and place his right hand on the blonde chest and closed his eyes letting the rhythm of Ryan's breathe sooth him to sleep. Suddenly before Troy knew it he was fast asleep; it felt that he had been asleep for only a few minutes when he felt someone shaking him gently, "Babe come on wake up, babe we have things to do today" came the sweet voice of Ryan, "Stuff to do what the hell could we have to do today?" Troy thought to himself as he raised his head from the pillow blinking rapidly.

Ryan was leaning over him, wearing a t-shirt with a pair of black of boxer briefs on. This sight brought Troy to almost full attention, he grinned and pulled Ryan down to where he was almost on top of Troy, he brought him in for a full on passionate kiss. Ryan broke it and sat there looking bewildered, "What's got into you?" he asked.

"Nothing just wanted to rekindle the fire from last night" Troy said walking his right middle and index fingers up Ryan's left arm.

"Well maybe later come on, get up and showered Sharpay called me this morning and said that she and Zeke want to take us to lunch. So get up and so we can go have fun" Ryan said standing up off the bed leaving Troy all primed and ready to go. He bent over and got out a pair of black slacks, a crimson button down dress shirt, a matching crimson hat and a pair of black dress shoes.

Troy got out of the bed still completely naked, he pouted at Ryan who just rolled his eyes and walked out of the room saying, "I'll get you some coffee, hurry up though!" Troy walked out of the room and into the bathroom. Turning on the water he stepped in front of the mirror and looked at himself. The perfect image of physical health, he sighed and stepped into the hot water letting it cascade down him. He washed himself and stepped out of the shower, drying off he wrapped his towel around his waist, opening up the door to let out some of the steam. Turning back the mirror he picked up his tooth brush, applied some toothpaste he brushed his teeth quickly even though he was going to drink a cup of coffee in just a few minutes. After styling his hair the way Ryan liked it, he walked out the bath room and into the bedroom. He put on a pair of designer jeans that Ryan had bought him for his birthday and then a pink polo from Abercrombie. After putting on a pair of white pumas he left the bedroom and walked down the hall and into the kitchen to see Ryan sitting at the kitchen table reading a piece of paper and sipping a cup of coffee.

"What's that?" He inquired as he sat down across from Troy taking a sip from his coffee cup.

"It's a letter from your mom she says that she had to go into work today and that she would be home late" Ryan said not looking up from the paper

"Oh okay, so where is Sharpay taking us to lunch?" Troy said looking out of the large bay window in the kitchen.

"Some where here in town I can't remember" Ryan replied finally putting the paper down and looking at Troy, "You okay hun?" he asked

"Yea I'm fine I got a lot of it out of my system yesterday, I just can't believe that he's never coming back" Troy said looking some what relieved and saddened at the same time.

"Well today you can take your mind off it and just spend the day with your boy and his sister" Ryan said standing and putting his coffee cup in the sink.

"No better way to spend the day I suppose" Troy said as he stood up from the table.

Grabbing his keys from the kitchen counter, Troy and Ryan headed out of the house and both got in the truck. Ryan only lived about two streets over so getting there, took no time at all. As they pulled up into, Troy put the truck in park and turned off the ignition. Ryan got out and was almost sprinting to the house, Troy got out and locked the doors and followed suit up to the house. Ryan rang the door bell, and the front door flew open and a high pitched squeal issued from the entry way, "Oh my god! Ryan!" and Sharpay grabbed her twin in a bone crushing hug, "How have you been? You look fabulous! Are these actually muscles I see!" she said not stopping too even take a breath between sentences. Ryan just answered her with the same speed and clarity, "I've been great! And yes these are muscles; Troy and I have been going to this local gym near our apartment". Troy just stood back from the twins, Sharpay looked over her brothers shoulder and said, "Troy Bolton don't you try to hide from me! Come here!" she said as Troy walked over to her and she gave him the same bone crushing hug, "So have you been?" she said looking into his eyes, "I've been surviving you could say, but I don't think I'd be holding up this well if it hadn't been for Ryan" Troy replied as Sharpay released him and took a step back.

"Well Ryan's always been the solid rock in my life, I'm just glad he found someone who loves him as much as I do" She said smiling broadly.

"Trust me he does" Ryan said wrapping his arms around Troy's waist and kissing him on the left cheek. Troy smiled and kissed him back.

"Oh good lord get inside before you two start going at it like a pair of dogs" Sharpay said ushering them inside.

Troy followed Ryan into the house; he had forgotten how large the place was, they both walked into the living room where Zeke was sitting on the large leather couch watching television. He jumped up as soon as the two entered the room, "Hey Troy, man how's it going?" he said shaking Troy's hand, "Good Zeke how about you?" Troy replied, "Good just living life you know, how about you Ryan?" he said turning his attention to the blonde, "I've been doing great Zeke thanks".

After all the pleasantries where given, the three sat down on the couch and started watching television. Troy and Ryan sat next to each other, Ryan's right hand wrapped around Troy's left, and Sharpay came in talking on the cell phone. She hung up and turned to the boys. "Ok! I just got us a table at Ricardo's so let's go, and don't worry Troy I'm driving" said as she disappeared into the kitchen.

They all walked outside to Sharpay's red jeep grand Cherokee. Troy and Ryan both got in the back seat, Ryan looked at Troy who seemed sullen and almost vacant, "Hey you doing alright" he said as he placed his left hand on Troy's right shoulder, "Yea I'm just tired is all don't worry I'll be fine" Troy said winking at Ryan. Sharpay started up the vehicle and immediately "As Long As Your Mine" from WICKED started playing over the speakers. Sharpay let rolled down the windows and backed out of the drive way, pulling onto the street they left the neighborhood and made it onto the main street. They drove out of the city and headed onto the highway, "Hey Shar, where are you taking us?" asked Ryan shouting over the music and the wind rushing inside the car. "We're going to this cute little restaurant about thirty minutes away, its were Zeke took me on our first secret date" She said as she rolled up the windows, "Yea she was embarrassed to be seen with me and now we have to go out all the time" Zeke chimed in looking back at the two.

Troy was staring out the window, Zeke looked over at him, "Hey you doing okay?". Troy blinked as though he had been in a deep sleep and looked at Zeke. He simply nodded yes and He then leaned his head onto Ryan's shoulder. The Blonde looked over at his boy and kissed him on the forehead. The Jeep Grand Cherokee pulled into the restaurants parking lot, the actual building was this cute little diner with a larger signed that read in bold neon red lettering, Jim's Place. As they all got out of the vehicle Ryan looked at the establishment and said, "Oh this looks…quaint" Troy laughed and so did Zeke. Sharpay seemed to be the only one nonplused, "Trust me its adorable come on lets go inside"

They emerged from the restaurant two hours later. "You were right Shar that was a good place" Ryan said walking hand in hand with Troy, "Told you so" she said as they got into the car left the parking lot. They made it back into town in about twenty minutes partially because Ryan had to pee and he was making Sharpay speed. As they parked in the Evan's drive way, Ryan almost literally leaped out of the car and ran to the house, unlocking the door with one move he disappeared into the house. The others got out of the car and followed behind Ryan. Ryan finally came out of the bath room only to find Sharpay and Zeke making out on the big leather couch in the living room, with Troy sitting in a straight backed chair looking at the television, "Oh my god, Shar get a room!" Ryan said as he stood next to Troy, "We got a room get out" she laughed as straddled Zeke's hips. Ryan sighed and took Troy's hand, "Hey come on let's go to my room and lay down". They entered Ryan's room and laid down on his bed, closing his Troy laid his head down Ryan's chest. The blonde stroked Troy's brown hair and just up at the ceiling, letting the comfortable silence engulf them. Eventually they both fell into sleep where the anger and sadness of this conscious world was enveloped by the realm of fantasy and happiness. They must have been asleep for some time; Ryan woke with a start not feeling Troy's weight against him. He looked around his room and there was no sign of Troy to be found. Figuring he just went to the bathroom, he walked to his en suite bathroom and knocked on the closed door, "Troy, baby you in there?" no sound came, "Troy?" still no sound came.

"TROY!" he shouted


"TROY! ARE YOU IN THERE!" he screamed pounding on the door.

This time he threw his whole weight to the door, the small chain lock popped. Ryan fell to the floor and there he found Troy lying on the floor with a deep cut horizontally on both wrists. Screaming Ryan leaned against the wall nearest too him. His bedroom door slammed open and he heard Zeke yell, "Ryan! Ryan whats wr…oh my god! Sharpay call an ambulance quick, Troy's cut his wrists". That was the last thing that Ryan heard before he blacked out.

He woke up lying on his back looking up at a plain white ceiling with harsh florescent lights glaring down at him. He heard someone speaking near the door way, raising his head a little, he saw Sharpay and Zeke speaking quietly. Sharpay turned and looked at him, he could tell that she'd been crying.

"Oh good your awake" she said as she sat by his side.

"Where's Troy? How is he?" Ryan asked as he raised the bed up to a sitting position.

"He's in the room to your right, he's stable that's what the doctor told us" Zeke said coming and standing by the other side of the bed.

"Why am I in a hospital bed?" He questioned looking at his surroundings

"Well you fainted and the paramedics took you with Troy, but the doctor said that you can leave when you feel like it" Sharpay said her force heavy with emotion.

"I want to see Troy" Ryan said as he swung his legs off the bed. He stood and wobbled for a moment but the regained his composure. He left the room followed by Sharpay and Zeke.

Troy's room was wide open; his mom sat in a chair by his bed, holding his right hand in hers. Ryan gasped when he saw Troy's bandaged wrists; she looked up and stood to hug Ryan. They both stood their weeping and hugging each other. "Here sit beside him" she said as she offered him her seat. Ryan took it without question; she left to go speak with the doctor who was over seeing Troy's care. Ryan took Troy's right hand into his and kisses it gently. Sharpay and Zeke stood there in the door way holding each other, while the silence enveloped them silent tears where shed.

Troy stirred slightly and opened his eyes, "Hey babe" he said as he looked at Ryan who had his lying on the bed. "Troy your awake! Oh baby you scared the hell out of us. Never do this again!" Ryan said as tears streamed down his face. He leaned in and kissed Troy, who was crying as well.

"What made you do this to yourself?" Ryan asked choked with emotion

"I don't know the pain of dad's death was so unbearable that I was just went into your bath room, and took a razor blade from your shaving kit and…."he couldn't finish as emotion overtook him. The two sat there weeping and holding each other, and weeping.

"I love you so much Troy Bolton you are my everything" Ryan said as he held Troy in his arms.

"I love you too Ryan Evans, you complete my world" Troy said as tears streamed down his face.

Sharpay and Zeke who had been watching this encounter were touched by this moment and then Sharpay leaned and whispered to Zeke, "Come on lets give these two some time alone" And they left them their holding each other and crying.