
"It seems kind of crazy that we're almost done with Junior year. I can't help thinking you'd be so psyched to be so close to getting out of High School and heading off to college right now, but you're not here anymore, and I know that no amount of wishing is going to change that.

I believe you're happy somewhere else now, especially since some kind of justice was done. I can't believe you never told me about Aaron, but I guess that doesn't matter now. You were like a sister to me, Lilly, even though we have the proof now that we weren't actually sisters at all.

I promise I'll take care of Duncan for you, even though the two of us aren't together that way anymore. I hope that wherever you are you're looking down on us and smiling. Me and Logan, we're so happy together, which I know would've sounded crazy not so long ago but, if you've been watching, like I think you have, then I know you'll have seen how great we work together, how much we love each other" Veronica smiled briefly at the man at her side who's hand gripped her own, before her eyes shifted back to the ornate gravestone to which she'd previously been speaking, "I'll never forget you, Lilly, I promise" she assured her friend, who's picture smiled back from the stone that marked her burial place.

"Hey, Lil" Logan began just as soon as his girlfriend was done, "I... I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to say. I'm not even certain I believe you can hear me, but if you can, I want you know that I loved you, and that no matter what a little part of me always will, but I love Veronica too, and she's my future. So you keep a watch on us, okay? Cos I think we might find ourselves getting into some trouble along the way, since so far hasn't exactly been sunshine and rainbows the whole time" he smirked, his grip tightening on Veronica's hand as they glanced at each other and agreed now was the time to walk away.

They'd both felt the need to come here, a place they'd rarely visited because it just hurt too much before. Now, two years on, the pain was easing, they'd both found a way to move on with their lives and things were actually looking up. The future was just a little brighter, and mostly because Veronica and Logan had each other. They both knew they'd made the right decision in getting together, even if it hadn't been obvious from the start that they belonged.

"So, where to, Miss Mars?" Logan asked as they reached his car just beyond the cemetery gates, and he opened the passenger side door to let her inside.

"I don't mind" she shrugged as she got into the car, "but wherever we go, could we maybe stop by the office on the way, I have a couple of calls to make" she asked, before he managed to close the door.

"Always on the case" Logan smirked, as he leaned into the car to kiss her.

"Always on yours" Veronica assured him with a smile before he ran round to climb into the drivers seat beside her, and drove off into the appropriately setting sun.

The End