Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts.

I would just like to say, this is my first story written for the public. I hope it turns out really well. This one in particular started out very different, so as I continue with the chapters, I'll provide you with a few behind the scenes (or behind-the-pages) facts.

That's all I want to say for now. Please enjoy the story!


Chapter 1: Unhealthy Admiration

Hands gripped tight around the precious keyblade. Eyes focused and ready to take on the fight set before him. He was in his fighting stance daring his enemies to take a foolish run forward. His companions had left to take care of another matter, but it didn't bother him at all. He could do this alone. Finallythey decided to attack. It was a mixture of different types of heartless working together to defeat this lone fighter. It didn't matter, the --- wouldn't have a chance; He was too strong. He had proven this many times before now. Nothing would stop him. Not even 1,000 heartless. They came at him. He slashed at some, he bashed at others, and he performed magic based attacks to keep them at bay. The heartless had their own types of attacks, so the boy used them to his advantage. He used their zaps, slashes, and strikes to take out a huge portion of their own kind. He knocked several of them into nothing as they snuck up behind him. He dodged rolled to the left, he jumped to the right and took out a bigger portion of heartless with that incredible weapon. Once again, he used their own attacks against them to finish them off. They were no more now, but there were more elsewhere.

There wasn't quite 1,000 heartless when he protected a dark haired woman at a colliseum. That time, he had his campanions helping him fight. He not only freed her from the heartless, but he also freed her from some hot-headed loser. He was and still is considered a hero over the hero of that world. The next time he fought, it wasn't to protect a damsel. He was now important enough to protect an emperor. The damsel in this story wasn't in distress, she was bringing distress to the heartless. He fought alongside her. Perphaps he still thought her to be the man she had disguised herself as or maybe, because he encouraged her to fight with him. In the end, they excepted the cheers from a grateful crowd.

Sora never backed down, not even when he encountered enemies he had never seen before. Dusk, the nobody, surrounded him and that time, he did fall, until he recieved help from a king. He bounced back quickly and decided he can take on nobodies as well. Just look at Organization 13. Each member fell to the keyblade, one after the other. Out of this new threat, he appeared to join up with one of them. Axel came to him and helped hi fight offf many nobody dusk. In the end, he was lost to them. Sora, however, continued to get stronger. That was very important if he was going to achieve his goal.

From berserk computer programs to singing seawitches, to Halloween town's gory goul to a giant genie, Sora conquered them all. He must be proud of all the villains he's fought, including Sephiroth.

Sephiroth stood on one side of the battlefield while Sora stood on the other. They faced each other, weapons at hand and ready to battle. No other helping hand for either of them in sight; Even though Sora did have his friends, he wanted to take this guy on his own. Eyes staring into the other's, they charged forward. This would be another battle in which Sora would overcome. They appeared to fly as their blades clashed together. But they just hung there, frozen in midair.

The giant t.v. monitor that was showing footage of Sora's recent fights, turned the battle into static. "What? Come on, not again!", said the voice of a young fair woman, wearing a dark tank top with long pants and had her jet black hair tied up in a ponytail with a red bow. On the left side of her top, she had an unusual star shaped badge with 12 points. A strange symbol was in the center. She was appearantly studying Sora in her large, laboratory.

The two smaller monitors on either side of the huge monitor before her also turned to static. She frantically attacked the computer keyboard. Nothing was working. She sighed. The small monitor had shown data on Sora's progress in each world and the amount of damage his foes had recieved. The one on the right showed an outline of his abilities and all the information she needed about him.

"Come on! Work! Work!". She began pounding her fists on the keys in a frenzy. She attacked the cords and the monitors themselves, until she got tired and plopped down against the keyboard to give up. That's when the monitor on the right clicked on. It brought back the figure of Sora and pointed out all of his attacks. It even had a list of the damage he had taken from his battles, both physical and mental. She scoffed at the figure.

"There you are." She sighed. "I wish you were on our side."
"Do you?"

She turned around at the sudden sound of the dark voice. A tall man in a long silver white robe, wearing that same 12 point star, but with a different symbol, walked up to her. He had long silver hair that fell into his vibrant red eyes.

"Aries. I didn't think you'd be back so soon."

"It's a good thing I was back in time. Who knows what might have happened." He looked at her as if waiting for her to admit the mistake she made.

"I haven't done anything. Just, researching like you told me."

He continued to watch her.

Okay, what more do you want? She thought to herself. "I couldn't find much." He started walking to the back of the computers. "This computer is, is." He hit the back of it so hard, it flashed. She knew it was in response to his powers. The large monitor brought back the image of Sora fighting Sephiroth.

"Fine," he answered.

"Oh, good, then I can keep going."

Just as she was sitting down and preparing herself to type, he placed his fingers on her hands to stop her. In a soft, yet threatening voice, he asked, "Just how much did you find?"

"I found out he's no one you'd want to mess with."

"I know that, but-" He stopped halfway and got so close to her face that their noses were a mere inch apart.

"I need you to find out his weaknesses. If I'm going to succeed where others have failed-"

"He has no weaknesses. I've been watching him all day," she answered defensively.

This guy won't accept anything from me.

"Then I suggest you watch closer. There is something."

She looked away from him to think. Aries straightened up and started to leave.

"Oh wait." He paused. "There's this idea I've had for quite some time now, and I think we should try it. I think-"

"Save it. I'm late for a meeting with Taurus."
She looked slightly disappointed.

"Oh, some other time then." She turned back to her work on researching Sora.

Aries glanced back at her.

"Virgo. Becareful."

She turned toward him as he made his way up the stairs that allowed him in the computer lab.

"Don't turn your work into an unhealthy admiration. I'd hate to have you turn on me."

With his chilling warning, he departed.


I know this was a short first chapter, but this is the intro.

More to come soon! Thanks for reading!