Hey there folks, Sycocat here and this is the first chapter in what I hope will be a great fic. (You may know me from my fic, "One without love, no more" that only has a few chapters left. Hey...you should check it out wink, wink. Although this has no affiliation with it.)

I came up with the main idea for this fic with and my sister (KimikaNarazu) and I started throwing around a few thoughts on it. In the end, we thought that it would be cool if we wrote it together.

So, this fic will be a joint effort and we hope you all enjoy it. Here we go...

Disclaimer: We don't own Loveless









Soubi took a deep breath and looked across the room at Ritsuka. Their eyes locked and hope shone in them, hope that the odds were in their favor.

Silence descended upon the packed courtroom when the judge banged his gavel and everyone looked up at him. He was a rather large man and, despite his gruff looks, he seemed rather compassionate.

Clearing his throat, he turned to the jury. "Have you reached a verdict?" He asked.

A female representative stood. "Yes we have, your honor. We find the defendant, Agatsuma Soubi..."







Don't worry, all of the chapters won't be this short.