Disclaimer: All rights belong to Kubo Tite and I'm not making any money with this story...

It's set in the Arrancar Arc, but there are no real spoilers.

A/N: I love Hitsu & Matsu!

A big THANK YOU with cookies 'n stuff to my beta Anarore!!

The enemy's body

by Samusa

„Forget it."

„Awww, c'mon taichouuuuu! It's…"


„But it could…"


„Do it for me!"

„No freaking way!"

Matsumoto stopped talking. Her taichou could be so mean when he wanted to be. "Urahara said this thing could make you grow a little." She presented a kind of camera but Hitsugaya knew that so called "normal" objects could not be considered normal at all if they had been manipulated by Urahara Kisuke.

His eyebrow was twitching. "Is there something wrong with. my. height?"

"Uh, taichou, you only come up to my boobs. You cannot expect Hinaromi to see someone else in you than her little Shirou-chan, if..."

"MATSUMOTO!" Breathing, keep breathing. It was just Matsumoto who seemed to be in best mood to annoy him. Maybe he should wave some empty forms in front of her nose to keep her away. "Could you please stop getting on my nerves and start doing your job?" Bad enough he was stuck here in the real world without having an eye on his division, but that didn't mean he would ignore his work.

Rangiku sighed. Her taichou was in his best mood, obviously, but she really just wanted to help him. "Taichou..." Completely ignoring Hitsugayas last words she stole the pen he was writing with and threw it away. "At least let me finish what I was saying."

Hitsugaya sighed.

"...Urahara assured it's completely safe, no danger at all."

"I wouldn't even buy a pen from that insane person, though I really do need one right now."

"You're always thinking to negatively, taichou." Matsumoto shook her head. "So, what did he say? I look through it and take a picture and then some neutrons or electrons or something shoot out of.."

"As if I would let myself be shot by anything or anyo...Matsumoto? Put. it. down."

"Say cheeeese."


When Hitsugaya woke up, he didn't need one second to figure out that something was wrong. He felt strange. Why was he lying on the floor anyway? Just a moment ago he had been sitting on the couch, working on some papers, right? Feeling slightly dizzy he stood up and...


Or could it? He was taller! Much taller! Could it really have worked?

He felt strange, though. His look went over to the unconscious person on the couch, who he recognized as himself. When had he left his gigai? And where was Matsumoto? Hitsugaya crossed his arms, or rather, wanted to cross them, when he noticed something was in his way.

Almost in slow motion he looked down his body and screamed,


Orihime ran out of her kitchen and immediately sat next to Hitsugaya because his knees had decided to ignore their duty and sent him straight to the ground. "Rangiku-san, are you okay?"

Hitsugaya didn't care for Orihime at that very moment. "I...I have..." He gulped. "...breasts." And damn, what was the matter with his voice? He had hoped for a change in his voice, but this was definitely a step in the wrong direction.

Orihime was more than confused. Rangiku-san having brea...well, she couldn't have only noticed them just that moment ago? Furthermore, Orihime was convinced the fukutaichou of the tenth division found reasons to talk about her breasts more often than often . "Rangiku-san, is everything alright?"

Hitsugaya slowly turned his face to look at Orihime. Somehow, he came to a horrible conclusion, but he wanted to be sure. "Why...are you calling me Rangiku-san?"

"Eh?" Orihime's confusion grew larger. "I'm sorry, Matsumoto-san?" She had told her to not be all that formal, though.

Hitsugaya's eyebrow twitched. Without speaking one further word he stood up and walked to the bathroom. When his eyes met the mirror that hung incredibly low, he had to hold on to the sink as not to fall to the ground again.

Why, in hell, did he look like his lazy – and busty – fukutaichou?
