Deadly Immortals and Promise Rings

Dawn woke to see the Immortal standing over her and a few of his muscles beside him. She stretched her neck and heard a loud crack as she did. This couldn't be happening. After things were so perfect. It was like things just kept stopping them dead in their tracks. Right when things were getting good. Things had been perfect. Something had to happen. Because they didn't deserve this kind of happiness. They weren't wanted just the outcasts. Couldn't be happy. Couldn't be loved. But they certainly didn't deserve this. This destruction. Always. Because they weren't aloud to be happy.

"Good morning bonny." The Immortal smiled.

"My name is Dawn." She hissed.

He just laughed quietly and looked into her blue eyes. "So you've fallen for Spike have you?" He asked calmly.

"Is that any of your business?" Dawn asked annoyed.

"Just trying to make conversation." He said nonchalantly.

"Yes I am in love with him." She admitted. "Why does that matter?" She asked.

"Doesn't. It's just I've never seen a girl really in love with Spike. So much that they despise everyone else." He looked at her staring. Confused almost. How a women could hate the sight of him just because they were in love with Spike. It was irrational. No one stayed with Spike, it was so simple to take a women from him. Not this one. He could see it. In her eyes. The way she burned for him. Knew no one could ever take her away from Spike. And that was just annoying. Because he knew how much taking her would hurt Spike. And he couldn't do it. Because she wouldn't have him. And she was probably the only women in the world he couldn't have.

"Well I do." She inched away from him.

"I just hope you can live after he is dead. It would be waste of such beauty." The Immortal smiled wide. His eyes were glinting with passion. He was gorgeous. But Dawn saw nothing but evil. She despised him. For taking her away from Spike thinking he could kill him.

"I may not be a fantastic fighter. But if you touch him. I will kill you. I will find a way." Dawn promised darkness shinning through her blue eyes.

"Oh really darling. And what do you expect to do?" He asked curious.

"Somehow. I'm pretty skilled in magic." Dawn almost whispered. "I just happen to be the slayers sister, so I know just how to kill a demon." She hissed. "Or an Immortal...whatever the hell you are." She rolled her eyes.

"Hell hath no fury like a womens scorn." He chuckled. "I don't doubt you'll try. But I do know you will fail." He promised.

"I wouldn't temp me." She growled. She closed her eyes. She could do this. Something anything. To scare him. Suddenly a pitcher that was beside him exploded. The Immortal jumped and look at her in dismay. Dawn just smiled. "Think of that except, the pitcher is your head." She smirked.

"Powerful little witch." He offered.

Spike sat there in the dank hotel room not knowing what to do. Just waiting. Because that's all he could do. Couldn't try and find them. He had no clue where they were. Couldn't find Dawn. Had do wait until the Immortal told him where they were. And he surely would. Spike knew that. Just needed to save her. His girl. Anyway he possibly could. Suddenly the phone next to him rang. He picked up the handle and put it up to his face.

"Yeah." He answered.

"Spike?" A strange voice asked.

"Yeah." He said again.

"There will be a car waiting outside the hotel. It will bring you to him." The man hung up the phone.

Spike hung up as well. He ran his fingers through his hair stress filling him. He stood up and walked outside of the hotel. Sure enough there was a black car in the front of the hotel room a man standing there beside of it.

"Spike. Get in quickly." He demanded and got back inside the drivers seat.

Spike did as he said and got into the passenger side of the vehicle. Not that he truly wanted to. It was the last thing he wanted to do. But he had to. This was the only way he could get to her. Had to follow the rules until he saw her face. Until he knew he could save her. Until he could risk everything for her life because she meant more then anything to him. Meant the world. And he would die for her. If he had to. He could give up his life so that she could have hers. The ride was painful. Waiting to arrive where he hoped his Dawn was.

The car stopped in a jolt and the man got out of the car. Spike followed. They were in front of a mansion. An overly sized one. Spike decided not to follow the man any longer. It took one snap of his neck to end him. Not much. Something Spike was use to. Something that didn't bother him. Would bother most other people. But then again Spike wasn't people.

He walked inside the mansion as quietly as possible. There were two men in the front entrance standing there slightly shocked. Expecting to see Spike with the other man. But he arrived alone. Meaning something had happened to him. Not a good sign for their futures.

"Where is he?" He asked anger growing in his voice.

"Upstairs." One man said in a hurry. Nervousness erupting from his voice.

"Good job." The other man spoke annoyed at his partner. Giving away information he was obviously not supposed to. "We unfortunately can not allow you to go up there." The man directed this towards Spike.

"Unfortunately I am going whether you like it or not." Spike growled as he stepped closer. All it took was him knocking the two mens heads together to render them unconscious. In normal circumstances he would have killed them. Something about being with Dawn made him want to be better. Or at least try to be better. It was better then nothing.

"Yes. I am powerful." She nodded. "I'm sure you know Angelus." She tried to be smooth, not let him see the fear. "Well I kicked his ass. I can do the same to you." She warned.

"Mhm." He scoffed. "Honey I'm sure you think you could and you might put up a fair fight. But I would win. I always win." He shrugged so sure of himself.

"Not if I have any say in the matter." Spike was standing in the doorway unscathed. Dawn couldn't help but smile. She closed her eyes and made the ropes around her wrists fall off completely. He was there. Yet again Spike came to save the day. Always saving each other.

"Spike." The Immortal looked shocked. Spike wasn't supposed to be there yet. He was supposed to be downstairs tied up. His plan was falling through. Just as Dawn had hoped. This was bound to get ugly now. "Your early."

"Not much for planning things on time." Spike hissed. "Dawn." Spike looked at his girl standing behind the Immortal. "Come here." He demanded as she ran towards him. "Get outta here." He said golding onto her arm.

"I'm not leaving you." She refused.

"Aww." The Immortal teased. "How sweet, little Summer's wont leave her pet Vampire." He taunted trying to make Spike angrier.

"Back off." Spike hissed his eyes flashing yellow.

"Well Spike, nice to see you again." He lied.

"As much as I'd love to catch up. Can we get to the fighting?" Spike said stalking closer to him.

Spike lunged towards The Immortal punching him and sending him flying. The battling went on back and forth for what seemed like hours. They were a fair match. There would be no end to this fight. Unless something interfered. Because neither one of them was going to give up this fight. Neither one could. Spike knew he had to fight. Had to rescue Dawn. Wished she would have run. Gotten to safety. But she would never leave him alone. If he died she would too. She was just that kind of person. Couldn't let him fall, unless she had a chance to jump too.

Finally The Immortal had his hands wrapped around Spike's throat. He was strangling him his grip getting tighter and tighter. Spike tried to struggle out of his grip. Dawn knew it was her turn to save him. She did it last time with Angelus there was no reason she couldn't do it again. No reason she couldn't use the magic. And it would be even stronger now because she was a vampire. Had the extra strength. She closed her eyes and breathed in deep. She let the strength coarse through her veins and suddenly The Immortal went flying back from Spike. The Immortal looked up at Spike then to Dawn. Ready to lunge again. This time he was furious. Dawn breathed in again. She could do this. Because it wasn't enough. Couldn't just scare this guy. Had to do something. She closed her eyes. And began to get dizzy. She was forcing out the magic's and it was hurting her. Maybe she wasn't as strong as she thought. She opened her eyes and there he was. The Immortal, he was stone. A gray colored marble. He wasn't dead. No. She didn't have the strength for that yet. But he was trapped. There was no getting out of that. Spike rushed to her side quickly as she began to lose her balance.

"Dawn?" Spike held onto her limp body. "Are you okay?" He asked worried and Dawn nodded weakly. "How did you do that?" He asked. "I didn't know you were do powerful." He said astonished.

"I don't know." She sighed. "I just knew I had to. So I did it." She attempted a smile as he breathing got heavy.

"Come on let's get you outta here." He smiled carrying her limp body down the stairs and into the car that had driven him there.

Spike slid her into the passenger side and walked over to his seat in a hurry. He turned the key in the ignition and began driving off. He headed for the nearest hotel. He knew she needed sleep and blood. He knew of a place not far from them that was a vampire hotel. Humans were allowed to stay there. But it was more intended for vampires. A place where they could rest and be safe from hunters. They also supplied blood. And he knew she needed that. The drive wasn't long. They arrived soon enough and Spike helped Dawn out of the car and into the hotel. There was a young women at the front desk who had blond hair and a pleasant smile. It was always bright eyes blonde's who were the front desk clerks. Couldn't they get more creative. Spike walked up to her.

"Hi, can we get a room for the night?" Spike said holding onto a weak Dawn.

"Sure." She began typing in her computer. "Your in room 109 it's on the first floor seeings as she looked pretty tired." The women smiled handing Spike the room key.

"Thanks." He said grabbing the key and walking down the hallway. He arrived at the room and quickly unlocked the door. Spike rested Dawn on the bed and picked up the hotel phone. He dialed out the room service. "Hey, can I get some blood up in room 109 quickly?" Spike ordered. "Thanks." He said gently. He leaned towards Dawn who looked exhausted. "You okay pet?" He asked calmly.

"Yup." She answered. "Just tired." She sighed.

"All right. We'll have blood in no time. You'll feel better after you eat." Spike promised.

"Okay." She still weak. The magic has drained her of all her energy.

Dawn drifted off to sleep without her own consent. She woke to find no Spike and a glass of blood beside her bed. She knew he would be back but him being gone made her uncomfortable. Made her feel unsafe. She hated when they were apart. It made her feel like she was torn in half. Like she was empty. She sat up and grabbed the glass of blood. She began to guzzle it down. It was like liquid drugs. It refueled her and made her feel revived. Before she knew it most of the blood was gone. She set it back on the table and went into the bathroom. She looked in the mirror. The bags that were under her eyes before had vanished. It was funny what one glass of blood did for a vampire. She turned on the shower and undressed. She waited for the water to heat up then jumped inside. She let the hot water sooth her tired muscles. She grabbed the little bottle of hotel shampoo and lathered up her hair. It felt so great to take a shower after all she had been through. When she was finished she turned of the shower and grabbed a towel. She wrapped it around her body and then walked into the bedroom. She realized she didn't have her clothes. She didn't have any clothes. After the accident they had to take another car. And they never went back for their clothes. Dawn sat on the bed and turned on the television. She relaxed as she waited for Spike to get back. Not long after spike arrived carrying bags in his hands.

"Spike." Dawn exclaimed excitement in her shaky voice.

"Miss me pet?" Spike smirked that same deadly smirk as he observed Dawn. Wearing nothing but a towel.

"Very much." She uttered smiling from ear to ear. "What's with all the bags?" She asked confused.

"Just some clothes." He announced. "I suspected you would take a shower while I was gone, and then you would have no clean clothes." He said very proud of himself. "Though I think I like the towel better." He gleamed.

"Haha very funny." She giggled. "Give me those." She demanded grabbing a bag. She pulled out a some underwear, a pare of jeans and a plain white tee. She ran into the bathroom to change. She came out quickly looking at Spike who was sitting on the bed. A strangely nervous look on his face. "What's wrong?" She asked a satisfied look on her petite face.

"Oh nothing." He offered. "Just thinking."

"About what?" The brunette asked sitting beside Spike on the bed.

"This." He pulled out a small black velvet box.

Dawn suddenly had a look of shock on her face. And then it faded when she convinced her self that it wasn't what she thought. "What's that?" She asked as calmly as possible.

Spike opened the box slowly. It was a ring. A diamond. Beautiful just what she would have picked out if she had done it herself. It was a square cut diamond with two little sapphires on each side, and two little diamonds on the other side of those. "I thought, that maybe, well it's an engagement ring. We can't actually get married legally. Cause I don't have a pulse. But, I thought we could go to Vegas." Spike looked up at Dawn with a hopeful look in his beautiful blue eyes.

Dawn couldn't help but shriek as she wrapped her arms around Spike. "Oh my God!" She shouted. "Your so amazing." She couldn't control her smiling and giggles.

"So does that mean yes?" He asked looking at her smiling face.

"Of course!" She gleamed. "Do I have to put in on myself?" She asked sweetly.

Spike took her hand and slid the ring onto her finger, perfect fit. "So Nibblet, do you like it?" He asked hopeful.

"It's perfect." She tried to contain her excitement. "Your perfect." Dawn exclaimed. "I just can't believe you would do this. This is so amazing." Dawn rambled on unable to calm herself.

This was something she hadn't expected. She knew Spike loved her, but she never expected this. Because they couldn't actually have a marriage that was completely real because he was a vampire. And he had been supposedly dead for over a hundred years. But this was better then any normal marriage to some normal guy. This was Spike. The undead, leather coat wearing, vampire. And he was actually asking her to marry him. The ring was beautiful. Which only proved how well Spike really did know her. Knew exactly what she would like. Love. He knew her like no one else did. And this was exactly what she needed right now. After everything they had just gone through. This was better then anything she could have hoped for. He was always throwing her for a loop. Shocking her. Shattering all her doubts. Fighting all her battles for her. Making sure she was safe, and cherished. He was her savior. Pulled her away from that Sunnyhell and brought her here. With him. Where he made her feel like nothing else could hurt her. The only thing running through her head was that she actually got Spike to settle down. Sure they weren't actually settling down into a house with a white picket fence. That would never be them. But she had him binding himself to her. Forever. She was the one to catch him. Buffy couldn't even do that. And in the end the wolf had fallen for the lamb. Following in the traces of the pasts footsteps.

Authors Note: So here it is. The next chapter. And far from the last. I am so sorry it took so long to finish. I have had so much going on it's not even funny. If your really interested or need an excuse that madly go ahead and send me a private message and I can tell you all that happened. But for now here it is. The next chapter. I like it. I mean It's sorta something that popped into my head. And I enjoyed the twist. I thought it needed something. Like a lovely engagement ring. Haha. I hope you enjoy this. REVIEW!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX!