Disclaimer: Somebody had to write this story so why not me.

Big Day

Why am I so nervous? This is my wedding day; I'm getting married to the man... demon... half-demon that I love so why am I so nervous? I have always been sure before but on the day that I have been dreaming of... Kagome is standing in front of the mirror in a beautiful ice white wedding dress trying to come up with a good reason as to why she was so nervous. Her mother told her that all women were nervous on there wedding days, but she didn't trust that.

So Kagome stood fixed in her position thinking of all the times she had told Inuyasha to sit and all the times they had argued and began to cry. Her mother rushed into the room from the bathroom. Her expression conveyed only motherly concern as she asked, " Kagome, darling, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I don't know," was all she could utter as a fresh stream of tears flooded from her eyes. Her wails rang through the church and everyone within one-hundred feet of the door heard the cries of the distressed bride. Inuyasha bounded down the isle. If he would have had his sword there it would have been drawn and poised for attack.

He burst through the door, "Kagome, what's wrong!?" His eyes vaulted around the room, checking every corner and crevice. He found nothing but his crying bride and her mother. He went to her, love and worry in his eyes. He knew what was wrong; she didn't want to marry him because of the way he proposed.