After classes finished up, Maddox used her free time before dinner to take a walk by the lake. She watched a squid meander back and forth, as if it was pacing, with great interest. Finding a soft patch of grass right near the edge of the water, Maddox sat and sighed, wishing the year was already over. A voice stirred her from her latest moment of self-pity.

"Maddox?" She turned to see a vibrant head of red hair. It was the boy Harry introduced as Ron Weasley, "It is Maddox right?"

"Yes," she nodded, "Ron?"

"Yeah, that's me. Mind if I take a seat?" He motioned to a spot next to her.

"It's not really my grass, so go ahead," Maddox barely whispered.

"Okay, I understand it's none of my business, and you definitely don't have to say anything, but are you okay? You don't seem like a happy person," Ron gazed out into the lake.

"I'm not," Maddox answered shortly.

"Can I ask why?"

"No, you cannot, it is none of your business. I'm not about to share my life story to a stranger."

Ron held his hands up in defense, "I apologize; I was trying to make conversation."

Maddox sighed again, "No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped like that," she looked at Ron, "I just don't really want to be here," Ron began to open his mouth, but she cut him off, "and I am not about to share why. But why don't you tell me about you?"

Ron smiled a little, "Okay, I have a mum and dad, five brothers and only one sister. Three of my brothers are out of Hogwarts, two are ahead of me, and my sister is a year behind me. We all somehow manage to fit in a small home we call The Burrow. I enjoy Quidditch and Wizard's Chess," he took a deep breath, "can you tell me a little about yourself?"

Maddox gave him a little grin, "Well, I have a dad, and I am an only child. I like Quidditch as well and especially love playing the position as Keeper or Beater. I live in a large, empty home with my dad and his help, Robert."

"Can I ask what happened to your mother?"

Maddox bit her lip softly and whispered, "She died, a little while before I came here," she trailed off and looked up to the sky, trying desperately to get the tears to go away.

Ron awkwardly cleared his throat, "I am so sorry Maddox, I shouldn't have asked."

"You wouldn't have known, so it doesn't matter," Maddox wiped his eyes.

"I assume you would like to be left alone now?" Ron prepared to get up.

Maddox pulled him back down, "Don't assume, it makes an ass out of you and me. I would enjoy company right now, so please stay."
Ron obeyed and remained to look out into the lake. Maddox fell back into the grass, and Ron followed suit.

"Have you ever just wanted to do something so insane and not even worry about what people thought or how much trouble you would get in?" Maddox asked him, appreciating the clear sky.

"Always," Ron said, absentmindedly.

"Yes, me too," Maddox suddenly sat up straight, "Come on," she forced him to stand with her.

"What?" Ron asked, brushing off his pants.

"Let's do it," Maddox eyes flashed.

Ron looked alarmed, "Um….by it….please don't tell me you mean….se-," Ron stuttered.

Maddox cut him off, laughing, "Heavens no, I mean, let's do something crazy. If we get in trouble, at least we'll get in trouble together."

Ron seemed to enjoy this idea, "What shall we do?"
Maddox thought for a moment, "Let's see," she pondered deeply, "I got it!"