Kyo and Tug a War
It was a regular school day, Kyo was walking back home from Shishou's dojo. He was almost back, when he heard a huge noise. After that he heard "KYO-KUN, WHERE ARE YOU!!?" Kyo knew it was Kagura. He started running for his life, but it was too late. Kagura saw him and ran to him, hugging him just enough to break his bones. She dragged him back to the Shingure's house. Tohru saw what happened, she ran out of the house and grabbed his shirt. Kagura, who was already grabbing him, kept pulling his shirt. So they both tugged on it, while Kyo yells "LET GO OF ME!!!" Well Kagura, who was stronger than Tohru, pulled so hard the shirt got tugged out of Tohru's hands and the shirt ripped. Kagura came and hugged Kyo too hard, he fainted. Until she noticed he wasn't breathing. Yuki, who finally noticed, stood up, went to his room, and laughed his little heart out. Shingure woke up, saw it, and laughed, while pointing his finger at them. Kagura saw him do this and kicked him through the roof, flying to who knows where.