Thank you everyone who has reviewed grins i know. i feel almost bad for naming the poor cat that but i really couldn't think of anything snookums it shall stay. MUAHHAHA and Mikinyet you shall soond find out what's in the kitchen...cause i'm nice that way.. anyway. this is going to be HORRIBLY short. school is pissing me off. work is like...everyday and my cat had kittens. and i got a new lizard. and i'm a procrastinator by nature. so i'm very busy. i guess my new years resolution was a complete and total failure. i'm sorry. anyway. here is my intollerably short chapter. and HOPEFULLY once the kittens move into their new homes in a few weeks. so yeah. here you guys go.
Duo pulled up into a dark alley heading around to the side door he opened it witha deep bow "here we are sir. and sir"he stated gallently. Quatre rolled his eyes smiling in amusement as Trow and he slipped out of the car, Wufei quickly pushing his own door open before Duo could try anything. Grumbling under his breath good naturedly about spoil sports duo headed off towards the only door along the way, not bothering to lock his car since no one around these parts would touch it. no matter how run down the place looked. This was vampire country. and everyone knew to stay away from Shinigami's car. Heading inside was just asdark and run down as the inside, Quatre hugged on tightly to Sally as soon as they walked in. starting off towards the inner chamber, leaving the three other boys to follow after.
The inner council chamber was much different than the outside. crimson and black candles were placed on every surface. lighting up the interior wit a soft glow. A large black table, gilded along the edges with gold sat in the middle with seven ornant seats settled around it proportionally. Treize in a dark gold robe was settled in the furthest seat, Zechs right beside him in a satin silver, Sally settled a deep blue cloak around her shoulders and took the seat beside him. Wufei moved forward. pitch colored hair shining in the light as he settled a crimson mantle around his own shoulders. settling down beside his mate in blue. Quatre took up a pure white cloak from his chair beside wufei and wrapped it around himself settleing gracefully into his seat, even as Trowa took up an emrald green, Finally Duo strode forward, long braid dancing around him with each smooth stride and pulled on the black amathyst lined robe settling beside Trowa and Treize.
"now that has arrived to enjoy the meeting."Duo started with a smile, a grim quality under the jaunty words. The others nodded silently. Each taking the pledge to protect, to not lie, to help others when needed, and to die for the world around them.
Heero letout a deep breath cursing under it as he crouched down to pick up his meal. "stupid cat. Mr.Landez said she'd keep you out of my apartment"he huffed moving forward to grab the light grey permission up from his cats chair. removing him from the food dish that Snookums, or Mr.S when he was forced to introduce him to people and wanted to save some of the cat's, and his own, pride. He turned a glare to the litttle girl in his arms."You have to get over this crush"he told her forcefully walking over to the counter with her he poured some food into another bowl and sat her on the chair beside Mr.S. "now no flirting"he stated firmly, frowning when he realized he was talking to cats. Shaking his head he decided a sandwhich was enough for lunch, no matter what Cat said. when he was finished he settled into the last of the seats in the small kitchen and glanced at his to lunch companions with a smile. There really was nothing like having cats for companions and a good story dancing in your brain, he decided taking a bite of his ham and cheese sandwhich.