Candeh: Okay! Okay! I give! I'll update this. Aha, actually thanks guys. I forgot about updating and must have thought you guys knew what happened already. Ops, sorry. Anyways, I promise, this will be updated the day its written and all that jazz.. anyways, one thing to say and than, you can read, review and yada yad yada. Though, I must admit I am highly disapointed in thelack of reviews on my "Detath Has A Color", and yet I presume it has something to do wih my little friend, LEHCandeh (my number one impersonator- oh my darlings, there's been so many). Anyway, please read it. I gureente you'll like it. But, honestly, 23 reviews with like five or so chapters up... ouch. Hah. Well, I'll get on with it than...

LEHCandeh I'm so flattered that your so in to me. It's like- another internet pshyco looking at my myspace page and hinting up with pickuplines. Except your pick up line involves, becoming the other person... :coughcrossdressermuchcough: Ah well, anyways, I hope Sally the Sex Dolly has been doing you right. You've got absolutely no humor. Anways, update your "I Farted" fiction. I'm so anxious to see how it ends. O, I'm on pins and needles.

Oh, and I'm so marvled by how much time you put in creating another pennanme just to rip me off. So... dramatic. O, I can just hear the music, can't you? Drama, drama, drama. I find this so entertaining. Totally, your biggest fan, sweetheart. Muwahs. Call me later, kay?

Chapter 6

Buck Dawkens, however, sat at the back of his seat with a grin. His french secretary had been "laid off" last week, and he smiled when his new more "compitent" secretary entered the room, her dark skin glowing and a hint of shine in her green eyes. And Buck had liked her so far; she wore her hair down most of the time, and her heels were as long as her skirts were short. "Buck Dawkens," he said to himself as he eyed the beautiful woman up and down, "You are on lucky man."

"And gettin' luckier!" She tossed him a pearly white smile and turned on her perky heels towards the completely black television. "I don't know if it's off or on, Mr. Dawkens," she replied blankly, "But you are going to be swimming in cash!"

Buck beamed. He'd really liked his new secretary for now. He'd made a good choice hiring her. "Perfect." There was a sudden knock on the open door and a leggy raven haired stood in it's place, casting a dark shadow on the other woman's along time with Mr. Money. Make that two good choices.

"Buuckkky?" She called to him like a cow in the doorframe. "O there you are!" She huffed unnoticably at the taller woman in teh room. "I made you cookies."

Buck brightened. "I love a woman that can cook." And the raven haired woman beamed. She kicked up her strappy heel and smirked, "There's chocolate chip."

The dark skinned girl grimanced, smirking towards her boss and muttering, "Bitch," under her breath towards her competition. The raven haired woman blinked, pulling a pink tray of perfeclty baked cookies from behind her back. Kiki Aberline tosseled her dark hair and smirked, thrusting her baked cookies forwards. "My speciality."

"You dummy," muttered the darker woman, "now I've gotta find myself a bakery." Baking was never her speciality.

"I hope you enjoy them, Mr. Dawkens." She brimmed, thrusting out her silicone chest and twirling her dakr hair around a long finger, "I made them special for you, Mr--" Kiki had just about jumped down her throat, he flashed them the sharp business man smile that screamed one thing to every woman he'd ever come in contact with- money.

"Ladies, ladies, ladies," He held his hands out, letting them graps the plate of cookies and wavering them about his nostril. He decided they smelt good enough, and setteled them down on his desk, ready to be eaten. The two ladies stoped dead in their bickering and turned to their boss.

"Yes, Mr. Dawkens?" The two of the girls turned, striking their famous poses. Kiki's skirt became suddedly shorter and her coworker's shirt lowered almost on command. Yes, the two had thought they had Mr. Dawkens pined down like a child. But they had only thought. The man lifted his legs and laned backwards in his chair with a long smirk.

"Call me Buck." And the two hustled their way out his office door, bitching about cookies and clothing, and the while as Buck let his smile drop and he opened his tray of cookies, peeling the wrapper off them like a greedy child. His eyes lit up and he bit his cookie just as he snatched the remote off his desk ad flickered on the live cmaeras from his latest hit show. He was completely astounded at what he saw.

Behind the tallest podum and ducking low so the cameras could not spot him, Daniel Fenton sat crouched on the floor, completely wild. He felt his stomache clench and the tight grip his had loosen suddendly. Besides the fact of the sudden fading he had begun to feel, he knew that his presence outside of the room with the others was drawing to a close. Around him, the room grew dark and he could either sence himself blacking out, or the sun fading away into the night. Which ever the casue, the bright and cheery room he was in dimmed, leaving him feeling sick and weary in the blackout. Danny blinked once the room had gone completely dark; nothingness, blackness. The shape of his hand was not clealy visible infront of his face. And the second he'd heard a raher girliy squeel from teh upstairs room, there was a bustling pain in his side, and he lost his balance. Danny Fenton stood, fading away before his very own eyes.

Buck saw nothing but darkness, and he felt a long chilliness running up his spine. He froze completely, and switched channels to the room that the other teenagers sat in. Once he saw they're faces, not completely swallowed by darkness, he relax, crossing his feet again and watching with a smirk. "You are a genius, Buck Dawkens," he said to himself, watching the oldest girl in pink cross her legs in her pink pajamas. "How do you do it?"

And he watched from his desk as the goth girl in black and purple gased at the green light purdruding from the glowing game board. He himself, rose a little on his seat to find the white gloves hand of a certain phantom emerge from the shadows. He pulled himself forwards, gaping at the television set. It was Paulina, who had noticed the bright ehite glow from behind the deserted boxes behind her. "Oh my!" She called from her spot on teh ground, staring at the limp body of her favorite ghost. "I knew it! Oh, Danny, you've come to see me!"

Buck couldn't help but notice Samantha Manson and Tucker Foley's sudden fear like a sharp kinve. He raised a brow, considering them slightly, and then turned back towards the camera, which had zoomed in up close to the mumbling and half consious ghost boy. He looked up, caught sight of the camera and blinked, ducking behind the empty boxes, sure the cameras we unable to capture him. And he was right, Buck mumbled, cursing at the cameras infront of him.

Sam Manson, carefully not to get caught by the cameras, ducked behind the box so no one noticed her, neither Buck Dawkens nor the others around her. "Danny," she whipered from behidn the carboard, "This is an Ouija Board." She watched Danny's weak glace and sighed. "You can't make yourself invisible!" Her voice cacked at her last word.

"How'd I get here?" His voice was half asleep and he blinked up at her confused.

"Do you not get it?" Sam seized him by the shoulders and shook him slowly. She met his glance for a split second and let her grip loosen. He was miffed, conpletely dased over and tired. But there was somthign in his eyes that ket her know that he was not completely there. "Danny?" she shook his shoulder slightly.

"Whah?" He respoinded like a tired boy that had lost his sleep.

"Danny?" And then it hit her. She had played these games before and she sighed as she stared at him with widening eyes. SHe opened her mouth, but she was soon inturrepted by the distraught face of Paulina, who had dropped her jaw at seeing Sam and her ghost boy behidn the boxes.

"Danny Phantom!" She said with a smile, trying to ignore Sam's presence. "Come over here with us." And, just like that, the white glow around Danny's body brightened and he pulled himself up on command and floated over to the middle of the circle of teenagers. His eyes widened once he got there and he stood floating in the middle, gaping at Sam who sat down helpless.

Buck Dawkens sat gaping at the television screen drooling. He watched, frozen at his spot like a statue. Paulina squeeled, sitting down corss legged as she blinked up at the ghost boy. "I knew it," she gleamed. "I friggen' knew it!"

Dash smiled up at the ghost as well. He winked at the ghsot a beamed, "Hey man," there was a bit of nervousness in his voice, as if he were unsure about his words. "Uh, thanks man. Fenturn actually passed that fitness test." Paulina rasied an eyeborw and Dash smirked, "long story."

Danny lifted his hand, paying no attentnion to the teenagers below him. Something in his hand went completely stiff an he felt it hard to keep it moving. He stared crossed-eyed as he moved his fingers up and down like a bending board. "What's going on?" He wavered, sending his glace only towards Sam, who lowered her head and slyly pointed to Paulina. Danny blinked.

From the darkness, Valerie Grey opened her eyes. "Well, whoopdie doo, Paulina." The teenagers turned their heads to look at the dark teenager, expect for the ghost, who found his legs had become just as stiff.

"What the hell are you blabbing about?" Paulina shot back, turning away from her ghost idol adn glaring at Valerie with blasing eyes.

"Hmm," Valerie blinked, "you don't want to know I won't tell you." But there was something in her eyes that told the kids around her otherwise. She blinked up at the ghost, tossing him a sarcastic smile before smirking glamorously. "You have complete control over our little friend. You found the box, you opened it. You're the only one he canc listen to..."

Paulina's face brightened, Buck Dawkens toppled off his chair, and Sam burried her head low in her lifted knees. Dany stood, flating above the gorund and gaping. He atched as Sam's face disapeared from veiw. He'd felt weak and bare infront of all his audience and the blinking lihts on the camera sent his nervs rising.

"Completely control?" Paulina set her eyes upon the ghost boy briming. "My own Danny Phantom dolly!" There was a large squeel about her and she clapped her hands excitedly. "Oh, this is going to be fun."

Candeh: Ah, finally, eh. But anyways, please check out my other fiction as well ("The Color of Death") I gurentee you'll like it. Ahah. Thanks.

Oh, and by the way, for all you confused little ones. LE CANDEH is not me. He's an impersonator, but its pretty humorous. Check out his page (LEHCandeh) it's toally humours. Alright so... check out my other fiction. Thanks. :)