"Hey honey, how was work today?" I asked, kissing Lucius on the cheek as he apparated inside the house.

"Great dear, how was your day?"

"Great, Goyle is being an ass again. Tried to feel me up, I gave the old one two. But the Department of Mysteries was okay." Lucius smirked, and said,

"That's my girl. How was Draco?"

"The maids said he was fine." At that moment a raven haired, dark skinned Draco walked into the room,

"Hey Pa, wanna play some Quittich?"

"Sure, son." With that they walked out of the room, and everything faded away.

I sat up in my bed quickly. I knew that that wasn't some stupid dream; it was what would happen if I chose to go back to Lucius at the end of the school year. At the point though I was too pissed off at Draco to even care. Rolling out of bed, I jumped up remembering what day it was. It had been five days since I had woken up, which meant it was finally time for invisible boy day. I grinned, excited to see how my idea would turn out.

After getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt I ran down into the common room to see my plan set into action. In the common room sat a group of guys staring at their girlfriends on the other side of the room, who were paying no attention to them. I waved to the girls as I exited the common room, and they returned it, before turning back to their group and talking.

As I walked down the halls I began to see the same scene replay itself again and again. Every way I turned there was a group of guys looking longingly at a group of girls, who in turn were talking, and generally ignoring the guys. Though it wasn't until later in the day, that this got really interesting.

See the one good thing about Invisible Boy day, is that pretty much every girl had signed up, including Roxanne. So when it was easy for girls to spot other girl talking to guys. Then they would obviously tell me, because it makes one last person who could win the Spa raffle. This is exactly what happened, right after lunch. A young Slytherin girl who I didn't know, came up to me, and in a low whisper said,

"Cassy I just saw Roxanne talking to a guy, Rick I think it was." This sparked my interest so I said,

"Where did you see them?" Pointing in a general direction she said,

"Behind the statue of the goblin, near our common room." I nodded, thanked her, and ran off toward the statue.

Luck was on my side, because when I got there they were still talking. I hid on the opposite side of the statue, and decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. It was nothing important until I heard this,

"So when are you going to dump her?" Rick paused and then said,

"On her birthday, she thinks I'm taking her out for dinner. That bitch, Wilson is going to be so broken. Then we can be together, right baby?" My eyes widened as he leaned down to kiss her.

That was the final straw. At that moment I knew that I couldn't let Rick dump me. Especially not as revenge for Roxanne. I needed to find a way to humiliate and dump him, before my birthday.