DIscLAimER applied


She saw Itachi-kun staring from the window…and it scared her. She couldn't really show it but in truth, she really did care about Sasuke-kun a bit more then Itachi-kun. She just wanted to make both of them happy, though.

Little Sakura smiled. She knows she is doing the right thing- for Sasuke and Itachi.

"Hey, Sakura-chan!" She quickly turned around to see Sasuke grinning and pointing towards a tree.

She looked further to see what it was he was looking at. Her eyes widened a fraction when she noticed the bird nest.

"Oh wow Sasuke-kun! Is that really a bird's nest? I want to go up there!" She grinned at him.

He grinned back.

"Let's go, dummy!! Why did you think I even pointed it out if I didn't feel the same way?"

Slowly, Sasuke started to climb the tree and stood in the branch where the bird's nest was. Inside he saw two eggs, but no birds.

"What do you see?!" yelled Sakura from the bottom of the tree.

He looked down at her in disappointment.

"It's only eggs, no bird!" he screamed back.

Sakura sighed.

"Okay, then get down from there!"

He looked down at her as if unsure. She smiled reassuringly and he decided to get out of the tree when a bird came and started pecking him.

"Ouch!" Sakura's emerald green eyes turned huge as she slowly saw Sasuke fall off the branch.

Before he fell completely, he grabbed onto the branch with one hand.

"Sakura! I'm going to fall!" Sakura stared at the difference in height of the tree and knew that if he fell, he would get hurt really badly.

The bird sensing that the danger for the eggs was over took its leave and went to take care of her young.

Sakura, as if on instinct, grabbed onto the sides of the trunk and started climbing it. She was just right next to Sasuke, extending her hand when he let go of the branch and started to fall.

In a flash she caught his arm and stood with her two feet planted onto the tree and both hands holding Sasuke.

"Sakura-chan, how are you doing that? Your feet are glowing!" Sasuke's eyes turned to see the green shimmer from under her sandals.

"I don't know Sasuke-kun! I didn't think! I just grabbed you and concentrated on saving you…and this happened! It's so cool!"

"Yea! We really should get off of this tree though." Sasuke said, as he noticed that they still were in danger.

Sakura looked at her feet and the hands that held Sasuke…the only way to get out of this is if she can move her feet, without them falling or letting loose from the tree.

"Sasuke-kun, I'm going to try to walk down the tree! I know it sounds crazy, but I think it will work!" Sasuke nodded and gulped.

"Alright! Go for it!"

Slowly, Sakura started moving her feet down the tree.

"Look Sasuke-kun! It's working!" Suddenly she felt slightly unbalanced and her feet stopped glowing as she and Sasuke started to fall. "AAAAH!"

Luckily, they weren't far from the bottom and Sasuke fell safe, with Sakura on top of him.

"Ow!" Sakura touched her head as she opened her eyes and stared into deep onyx. "Huh? Sasuke-kun? Are you alright?"

Sasuke nodded.

"Get off! You're heavy Sakura-chan!"

Sakura yelped and got up as fast as she could, but suddenly felt weak and fell to the floor once more.

Sasuke looked at her and suddenly grew panicked.

"Sakura-chan, what's wrong?" She looked at him and shook her head.

"I feel very tired for some reason. Like I've been awake for days." Sasuke gave her a worried glance.

"Maybe it's better if you go inside and rest. I'll take you!" Sasuke said as he pounded his fist against his chest.

Sakura giggled.

"No, it's okay! I think I'll go home better. Talk to you later?" Slowly Sakura got up, while Sasuke held her arm.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! I wouldn't want to bother your mom. She's always working so hard!" Sasuke gave her a skeptical look and then sighed.

"Oh okay! I give up! Go home! I'm sure your mom will take care of you and know what to do!" Sakura smiled brightly at him.

"That's right!"


"Can I ask you a question?"

"Huh?" Sakura looked up from the comforter she was setting down on the floor in Naruto's apartment, to stare at his sapphire eyes.

"It's just that…it's so weird how you knew all of that stuff that was happening to me! I've never seen you! I mean…I know you said that you and me met, but I just try to remember so bad and I can't remember anything!" Naruto grabbed his head with both of his hands.

Sakura sighed. "Why does it bother you so much that you don't remember me? I don't mind."

The fox boy looked up to stare in her eyes.

"It's just that no one has ever been this nice to me and it bothers me that I don't remember you. I'm afraid that if you leave, I will forget you again. I really don't want that Sakura-chan! You are so cool!"

Sakura smiled.

"The problem Naruto-kun, is that when I met you for the first time you were a baby. Of course you can't remember me if your just a new born." Naruto jumped from the couch he was sitting in.

"Wait! So you've met my parents! Who were they? How were they like?! C'mon! You have to tell me!" Sakura looked away. She couldn't tell Naruto the truth yet…could she? The pink-haired woman looked back at the boy and sighed.

"I…have never known who your real parents are Naruto-kun, all I know is that they cared a lot about you." He sighed and slumped back on the couch.

"How do you know that if you've never met them?" He said glumly.

"Well, because then you wouldn't be such a great person! Naruto-kun! You are so kind and you always care about those people around you! If your parents were mean and scary people then you would probably have been that way too. Don't you think?"

Naruto's eyes brightened and smiled at the thought.

"Yea! You're right! They must've been pretty hot stuff!! Like me!!" He sent Sakura a foxy grin that made her reminisce about all the other times he sent one of those smiles her way. She sighed.

Naruto noticed the difference and got up to touch her shoulder with his little hand.

"Hey, Sakura-chan, what's wrong?" She smiled a sad smile at him and sat on her comforter.

"I hate memories. They always remind me of things I don't want to remember. Sometimes, they're really painful." Naruto took his hand off her and sat down next to her.

"I think it's better to have memories then not have them at all! I wish I could've had memories with my dad and mom! I want to be able to create memories in the future no matter what! I don't care if some of them are painful! I'll just have to take it in! Be strong! I can handle! I'm Uzumaku Naruto! Dattebayo!" He threw his fist in the air and laughed as he lay down completely in the comforter.

Sakura smiled.

"Maybe you're right, Naruto-kun!" He seems to be a lot wiser when he's a little kid then when he's a grown up. Sakura thought this and smiled as she looked back and found Naruto had fallen asleep.

She sighed as she picked him up and put him on his bed and tucked him in. "Goodnight, future Hokage." She kissed him on his forehead and left to go back to her comforter.

What she found there made her eyes open wide.

"Uchiha Itachi? What are you doing here? How did you get in here?" He nodded towards the open window. Sakura cursed under her breath and stared straight into his onyx orbs. "What do you want?"

"I've figured you out. You're not who you tell people you are. I've been searching for you to tell you that I know what you're up to and why you're here. I also know how you got here." Sakura's eyes widened.

"How did you- I mean- What exactly do you know?" Itachi smirked.

"Are you up for a drink?"


Don't kill me and please review xD