Sasuke was happy, truly, honestly happy…

That is until his and Hinata's little make out session was interrupted by the sound of someone tripping and cursing loudly on the other side of the slightly opened door. Jumping apart with their mad ninja skills, Sasuke and Hinata made an attempt to not look like they'd just made out for kami knows how long.

The door opened and an annoyed looking Sai was revealed, pointing at the unconscious Nin's that were foaming at the mouth and twitching every once in a while outside.

"What happened to them?" He asked before raising an eyebrow at the two in the room, "Oh. You know if you two are gonna make out at least make sure the doors so that people don't go into…" he glanced at Naruto and Sakura for reference as to what he was trying to phrase, "…shock?"

Hinata was a shade of red that made Sasuke wonder if she was gonna blow… still, he couldn't help the smug smile that almost made it's way to his lips when he realized he had caused her to go much darker shades.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed Sai was still present, eyebrow raised and all. Glaring at Sai, he hoped he could get the 'get out' point across.

Yeah… if things were that easy people would just plain be happier.

Sai sighed and looked at his fainted teammates, let's see… if they were just making out they wouldn't have fainted strait out without even making much noise. Hmmm, perhaps a love confession? That might have gotten Naruto, as much as he'd like to believe it wasn't that easy to take out the Kyuubi vessal, but Sakura had a solid head on her shoulders and if Naruto fainted she'd try harder to be conscious so they didn't end up… the way they were now.

He turned to Sasuke, "You proposed?" it wasn't really a question, but more of stating a fact.

…Sasuke was not a happy-camper, and for some reason he got the feeling Sai was going to be easy to deal with compared to everyone else…

Oh this was the just the end of one part of the story, he just knew it… what'd he ever done to deserv- oh… stupid karma…

(A/N: OMG!! I have never gotten so many reviews!! EVER!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! I'm writing a sequel!! I'm really sorry for the late update!! Finals and Spanish class… I think I'm gonna die! I probably would have been able to come up with the chapter sooner despite that but my mom signed me up to help with a Christmas show xx I had to sing on stage!! And I have to do it tomorrow and Sunday too!! XX I've hardly had time to read fanfics, much less write them!! But I'm gonna write a few X-mas fics soon and hopefully some X-mas fanart!! Fishheadthe3rdandco / deviantart . com no spaces. I post all my SasuHina fanart there!! Check it out:D Oh yeah, I'm sorry about Sai, I actually haven't met him in the manga yet… I don't know much about his actual personality, but I thought I'd make him serious, perceptive and slightly teasing, I hope I did it okay…)

Sequel: Konoha's Reaction. See you then!!