Leroy and Demon

By: Stitchfreak626

Chapter 17

Happy Life

Well, finally the time has come to END this story. My readers I thank you for your time to read this story. I have to point out that this is a long ending so cherish the moment! You inspire me to type stories too! Oh, just read on:

It was a year after the whole Leonardo and 2nd Leroy battle incident. Everything was calm and quiet like it was before. Around the streets were kids, experiment kids, and people running around or doing their daily routine. It was your average Hawaiian day. We keep our eyes on one specific experiment running through the streets.

"I'm late, I'm so late, I got to run! RUN! RUN!" Leroy though in his head.

"Hey Le-" Leroy shot right pass Stitch.

"I'm late! I'm late! There is no time for hello, goodbye! I'm late! I'm LATE, LATE, LATE!" Leroy repeated. Stitch was left with a dumbfounded look.

"Late for what?" he asked.

Leroy made his way through the dark forest. He kept running and running until he felt an arm grab him by his neck.

"Hey, Leroy. You're late" Waffles chimed.

"Sorry Waffles. Demon was complaining about her head hurting. So you know. My lady first" Leroy said breaking free from his grasp.

"Ladies first, haven't seen her around here for a while" Waffles said stretching his arm.

"She has her reasons" Leroy said standing next to him.

"Whatever those reasons are, I'm sure it was for her safety" Waffles said.

"Has anyone arrived yet?" Leroy asked the tall experiment.

"Not that I've caught yet. It's a good thing ya got here before anyone did" Waffles said.

"Well, no one does arrive till like in the afternoon right?" Leroy added.

"Hey, ya never know when someone tries to sneak in" his partner pointed out. There was silence till they heard rumbling in the bushes.

"That's probably Vittles" Waffles said. Indeed it was Vittles, he had his cold-hearted look as usual.

"Hey Vittles, why the long face?" Waffles asked. Vittles only raised an eyebrow and huffed.

"He probably just woke up now. Don't start another problem like last time" Waffles told his red friend.

"Hey, he started it first! All I said was 'hey how's life-' and when I see he's tackling me to the ground!" Leroy yelled.

"You did not say 'how's life' you said 'why the long face? Has life been treating ya the same crappy way it has before?' That's what ticked him off" Waffles said with a chuckle. Leroy snickered and looked at Vittles who had his ears perked up straight.

"I've only been here for a year and I still haven't found out why he's like that" Leroy said. Waffles looked at his brother and back at Leroy.

"Experiences," he said, "harsh ones that not even you and me have been through. He's lost quite a lot you know. Come to think of it. He used to be more nicer and joyful. He never used to be like this. His life was perfect. I was there when he had it all." Leroy looked up at him.

"Yep, he used to have parents, a home, a loyal mate, and a family. Yes, believe it or not, this poisonous snake had a family that he cared about," Waffles said, "He was younger when he lost his parents. He says that they were killed by some thugs. He can't quite remember he said but he knows that they were killed. My parents, I don't really care. I never knew. He grew older and thought life was crap since he had no one to care about him. Some girl changed his mind, and yeah they loved each other. Had 3 little runts, but guess what….he lost them too. Some idiotic gangs had some shooting riot in their street and shot them. He got some wounds but he lived. Yep, that's the whole story of Vittles-"

"Do you seriously remember all of that?" Vittles interrupted. Waffles and Leroy looked at their friend. His snake eyes stared at them with much interest.

"Yeah man. I remember everything ya told me. Well, the most important things anyways" Waffles said. Vittles flicked his fork-like tongue out and formed a slight smile.

"Yeah well it's a miracle ya remember anything" he spat out. Waffles took that as a complement and gave him a big grin.

"Brotherly love…that's what you guys got in between" Leroy said and Waffles hugged his little friend, "Aw, you're in this brother hood too you know."

"Vittles join the hug!" Leroy said and Vittles hissed.

"No thanks" he hissed.

That night

The bar was packed with experiments and as usual havoc was at work. Waffles and Leroy had kicked out 4 drunk males who were harassing the waitresses.

"Seriously (hiccup), that wasn't harassing! It was chatting" one of them chirped.

"Yeah, yeah save it buddy" Leroy said throwing him out the gate. Waffles threw the other 3 out without saying a word.

"Seriously, I hate these guys getting all stupid around the girls. The girls shouldn't even be working' here" Waffles said.

"It's the only job that we'll take" Bonnie soon said coming out, "soda guys?"

"Bring them here" Waffles said accepting her offer. To their surprise they did not believe who came.

"S-Stitch…what are you doing here?" Vittles asked raising an eyebrow.

"Not much…off for some excitement" Stitch responded.

"You better not play Poker again. Buddy one day you gonna get busted so badly your head will be busted as well" Waffles said.

"Hey, I'm just that good" Stitch said chuckling.

"Surely, Angel knows your job by now" Leroy said.

"Angel? Nah, she just thinks I'm working hard on the jobs that I told her I have. Construction worker, police officer-"

"Hustler" Waffles said laughing.

"Very funny" Stitch said looking at Leroy, "I really came to tell Leroy that Angel wants you and Demon over for dinner. If it's ok"

"I dunno…I got to ask boss-"

"Ask me what?" a deep voice asked.

"Hey Richter," Stitch greeted his purple cousin, "long time no see."

"Hey, ya know how it is. Nani's old boss got a new shake maker, and I made this here bar" Richter said.

"It's working fine and smoothly" Stitch said soon flinching after a bottle was thrown out the window.

"Oh great…another riot" Richter said snapping his fingers.

"I got them bossss" Vittles hissed entering the bar.

"Now what did you want to ask me Leroy?" Richter asked the red Stitch.

"Well, if I can get out early-"

"Of course. Everything's alright by now" Richter said looking back inside the building. Vittles was thrown out the window.

"Waffles….back up. It's one of the 700s" Vittles spat out.

"Oh snap…" Waffles said running in.

"700 series?" Leroy asked. Richter and Stitch shot him a glance.

"The higher the numbers go the more dangerous they get. Dr. Chansey is a great scientist that even Jumba looks for her advice. Even her ancestors made experiments. It's in their blood for some reason" Richter said.

"You bet'cha! The experiments we saw back at Triveni Valley a year ago was only half of what she's made. Well, her father made them but she's updating their flaws. So far she's gotten up to the 800s finishing her father's work" Stitch added.

"Wow…" Leroy said, "so I can go now right?"

"Take a break boy. You've done great job so far. You deserve it, go on now" Richter said.

"Thanks" Leroy said following Stitch away from the neon lights.

"You know, I just though of an idea. How about you guys come visit me and Demon instead?" Leroy asked.

"Sure….uh…where do you live exactly?" Stitch asked.

"Just take me to your house and I'll drive" Leroy said.

"Alright" Stitch said hopping up the stairs to his home. He opened the door and dodged a thrown ball.

"ANGEL! I'm home!" Stitch called out. Ember skateboarded right past him and then turned back at him.

"Hey, Leroy! Hi dad" Ember said going back to skating.

"Where's your mother?" he asked.

"Mom and the runts are in the kitchen" Ember spat out.

"Runts?" Leroy asked.

"Oh yeah, Angel's awaiting another litter" Stitch said going into the kitchen. Leroy followed him in and saw the big bellied female washing dishes.

"wow…more? Hi Angel," Leroy said and she turned around smiling, "I see you're going to be a mother again."

"You bet, how ya been?" she asked tenderly.

"Alright, I just told Stitch that you can save yourself from cooking dinner. How about you come over our house?" Leroy asked. Angel smiled sweetly.

"We would be delighted to. Kids get yourselves ready we're-" before she could finish they were all lined up from oldest to youngest.

"Are we going to Wacky Mac Caws?" Angie asked.

"No we're going to uncle Leroy's house" Stitch answered.

Leroy drove his way to his beach home in Stitch's old red car. Angel and the kids were in the back seat.

"So you live near the coastline. That's nice" Angel said.

"Do you surf in the sea?" Angie asked.

"No way Angie! He surfs on the sand" Clawlo spat out.

"He does?" Angie asked confused. Clawlo sighed at his sister's stupidity.

"We're here!" Leroy said making a turn that caused the kids to scream in excitement. Stitch held on to his seat and Angel grabbed the door handle.

"We got a pregnant lady in here man!" Stitch yelled and Leroy pressed the breaks. He turned it off and jumped out the car.

"Who taught you how to drive like that?" Clawlo asked jumping up and down.

"Kid when you are in need of escape you learn on your own" Leroy said referring to his old criminal life. Clawlo only ooohed. Stitch helped Angel out and the girls were all throwing each other in the sand.

"Ok come in guys and make yourself at home" Leroy said opening the door. The house was your average beach house and more expanded. The living room had it's average accessories such as couches, lamp, coffee table, but what Stitch found unbelievable was the big screen television.

"Ya got so much money that you got all this stuff. Why didn't you just buy a mansion?" Stitch asked. Leroy only chuckled. Then their ears heard the most tranquil type of music ever, Mozart.

"Oh right! Demon! We have company!" Leroy yelled. No response.

"Maybe she's sleeping" Angel said.

"I'll check" Leroy said heading for one of the rooms. He opened the room and the Mozart got slightly louder. Leroy looked back at his guests.

"You must be psychic Angie, 'cause she is sleeping" Leroy said opening the door wider so they could see Demon sleeping soundly. Her back was facing them. Leroy approached her silently.

"Maybe you can just leave her. We'll come back another day" Angel suggested.

"Oh no problem," Leroy said slowly shaking his mate, "hey, baby wake up." Demon groaned and opened her eyelid slowly.

"You're home early" she yawned getting up.

"We have guests here" Leroy said and she turned her head around and smiled.

"Hi guys" she said turning fully around. Stitch and Angel gasped.

"I see you're going to be a mother again Angel" Demon said getting up.

"I see you're going to be" Angel said seeing her friend having a bigger belly than she did. Leroy turned the Mozart down.

"Hey, put it back on!" Demon said and he did.

"But Demon…I don't like it-"

"Well, the baby does" Demon said sitting down on the couch. She turned to face her friends. "I heard that hearing Mozart during pregnancy makes a baby smarter."

"Angel you should that" Stitch said smiling. Angel punched his arm softly.

"So when is it due?" Angel asked.

"Somewhere in this month" Demon said rubbing where her womb would be.

"I still got like…3 more months to go" Angel said.

"We got two pregnant ladies now…that's great" Stitch muttered.

"Hey, it was YOUR idea" Angel growled and he chuckled.

"Oh! You guys came for dinner right? I didn't make anything…I'll just-"

"It's alright! Truthfully, we just came to see you" Angel said making her friend sit back down.

"Well, if that's the case. How about some cookies and coffee-"

"I LOVE COFFEE!" Stitch yelled. Angel shook her head.

"It's ok. Just some cookies for the kids would be fine" Angel said seeing Clawlo poking Ember.

"Ok, excuse me girls" Demon said making her way through Angie and Fashiony playing Patty Cake. She came back with a plate full of chocolate chip cookies.

"What do you say kids?" Angel asked.

"Thank you auntie Demon" the kids chirped. They began to devour the cookies as if they had not eaten in years. Angel sighed.

"So how's life been treating you?" Stitch asked.

"Life's been fine. Thank God" Demon said smiling.

"That's wonderful. Same with us though the kids here need a little lesson in respect" Angel said seeing Clawlo about the throw a cookie at the lamp. He put it down and ate it whole.

"They're kids…what do you expect?" Demon said smiling at their presence. Leroy hugged his mate lovingly and she giggled.

A week after their visit, it was time for Demon to deliver her baby. Leroy had to leave work super early after he received the news from Flo who had dropped by a visit as well. It was exciting for Leroy and he waited patiently outside until he heard Flo calling him in. To his surprise he was now the father of 4 babies. Demon was hugging all four of them and smiled at her mate.

"We did it Leroy" Demon said kissing his cheek.

"Yeah" he said looking at the 4 infants crying.

The infants turned out to be 3 males and 1 female. They named their first son Kieran, meaning Dark One, since he was the darkest out of all of them. Devin for their second child and Keahi for their third son. And like Demon had told Leroy to save the name, their daughter was named Damali. They were one happy family now. Leroy had never though his life would be like that, and it was all because of his beloved Demon.

The End

(cries) Isn't that a beautiful ending?! Oh how I feel so happy for them!! Thanks for reading guys. Now I want to ask you guys, as the readers, a favor. Can you go to my profile and pick a new story for me to type? I'm having one of those story blocks and I don't know which one to start next. Thanks! Review please!