Leroy and Demon

By: StitchFreak626

Chapter 1


On Asteroid Prison K-13 a dark being laid in it's cell holder. He was prisoner 6229, but he was better known as Leroy. The red, evil twin of Stitch laid on his side staring at the concrete floor. He heard his brothers' (clones) snoring rather loudly, but his sister (I made an experiment named Calais that changes stuff and she changed one of the Leroys into a girl) was scratching the side of her cell with her nails.

"Will you stop that!" the original Leroy growled.

"Make me!" the female Leroy, renamed Lareina for "Queen" snapped.

"Seriously Lareina…shut up….5,998 of us want some sleep" Leroy400 yawned from his cell.

"Hey, I'm trying to make us escape!" Lareina growled.

"Will both of you shut up!" Leroy yelled making everyone wake up, his voice echoed around the cell room.

"Fine when I break out of here only Maemi, Junior, and Kern can escape with me!" Lareina growled hugging her baby brothers (clones that Babyfier turned to babies).

"Since when did you rename them?" Leroy655 asked.

"Since I forgot which one is which!" Lareina exclaimed making Leroy get aggravated.

"Will all of you SHUT UP! I have a plan, and it'll be crucial" Leroy2 said.

"Who cares about you Leroy 2!" Lareina said and the three Leroy babies stuck out their tongues.

"Now I OUTTA-" Leroy2 stopped as he saw an officer going up.

"What's he doing?" Leroy777 yelled to the other Leroys. The officer looked at the glowing yellow eyes of the others. Soon he stopped in the original Leroy's cell.

"Experiment number 626.2-" the officer was cut off by the red demon jumped on him, and started to rip him up to shreds. The officer shrieked as the demon ripped him limb from limb, and blood gushed everywhere onto the floor and glass below. The other Leroy's gasped and soon cheered as they knew their freedom would soon come.

"My brothers it's time to leave this stupid place and get our revenge from the experiments who made us get trapped here!" Leroy yelled and cheers could be heard.

"But what about me?" Hamsterveil asked and the Leroy grabbed the gun nearby and held it at the little hamster/gerbil's head.

"It's YOUR fault we're here as well, so along with our revenge I get the honors to kill YOU!" Leroy said chuckling.

"B-but I-" there was no hope and there was just a bloody hamster/gerbil on the floor now. Leroy heard officers coming and pressed the red button below. It set all his 5,998 clones out running to the nearest exit. Lareina held on to her three baby brothers as they growled at the guards who were chasing them. An officer shot at her with a tranquilizer, but missed and hit another Leroy.

"BROTHER!" Lareina yelled but continued to run. The officers took out copies of the song Aloha 'Oe, but this time they gone immune to it.

"Ha! You were right Leroy! Those chemicals sure paid off!" Lareina said to her older brother.

"Aha!" the babies chirped. They were close to getting out and Leroy got out, but soon heard the sound of a door slamming shut. He heard screams as he looked behind and saw his siblings were trapped inside.

"Get them to sleep men!" an officer yelled and quiet gun shots were heard (they were being tranquilized).

"Leroy!" he heard Lareina cry and the babies cry,

"I promise to come back for you!" he yelled and ran to get a police cruiser. He jumped in and flew out into space in a flash.

"Please select destination" the computer said and Leroy pressed a button.

"Earth…please engage hyper-drive" the computer said and he did so.