The Unattainable

Written by: red-rose-priestess

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket or any of the characters. The wonderful Furuba story belongs to Natsuki Takaya-San. I am in no way wishing to alter her story, and I am not making any money off this fiction. I am merely borrowing her wonderful characters. I pray to Kami-Sama, that she never reads this. THAT would be embarrassing to the max.

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Chapter One –

This wasn't going to work.

Kyo knew the moment he stepped into the dorm room. It just wasn't going to work.

The 'room' was more like a small apartment. There were four rooms in all, a kitchenette, a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom. Not at all standard of a college dorm, but Kyo's roommate got special treatment.

Yes, that's right. Kyo's roommate was a Sohma, greatly loved by the family. Take a guess to whom it could be? Haru? No. So close, but wrong. Kyo would actually give his right arm to be rooming with the ox at this point. Too bad Haru was still in high school.

Kyo's roommate was none other than the Ice Princess himself. Yuki Sohma. Kyo was already hating every second of it.

"Put that in the bedroom please, thank you." The rat's girlish voice was nails on a chalk board. Kyo feels Yuki walk to stand next to the cat. "I really wish Akito hadn't gone through all this special treatment frenzy. I wanted to move in quietly and discreetly, but well you know what I mean. Even if you are the stupid cat." Yuki's eyes were cold as he brushes past the cat on his way to the bedroom, a suitcase in his hands.

Oh yes, this would be a fun time. Kyo couldn't wait for the school year to end and it hadn't even started yet.

At least if he got his computer set up, he would be bale to talk with Haru tonight. The cat and ox had been having a secret affair of sorts. Kyo had desperately tried to fight the attraction to Haru's body back last year, to no avail. He had finally caved when he had been stuck in an elevator with the ox. Kyo could no longer call himself straight, by any stretch of the imagination, after that event.

Taking a deep breath, Kyo picks up his suitcase and heads to the bedroom. Yuki stood fluffing pillows, as one of the movers put up curtains. Most of the furniture and basic needs, food included, were already in the apartment, but Akito insisted that Yuki be cared for and that all amenities were to his liking.

At that moment, Kyo's cell phone rings. When Haru had given it to him as a graduation gift, it hadn't seem very practical, but when Kyo hears Haru's voice, everything falls into place.

"Hey baby. How's the moving going?" The ox's sex drenched voice filters into the cat's ear, and shivers run up his spine.

Kyo smirks. "It's hell. I had to carry my suitcase up a flight of stairs. It was awful."

Haru chuckles. "I've never heard you like this kitten-baby. Something the matter?"

Kyo suddenly remembers Yuki was still in the room. "Ever heard of privacy rat?" He shouts. Yuki, whose eyes had been wide in curiosity, quickly narrow. "Your the one who starting talking in the room I was already in. You're so stupid cat."

Kyo growls in frustration, then stomps out into the living room.

"I think that answered your question." The cat barks into the phone. "Hmmm I see. Don't let him get to you too much baby. Are we still on for tonight? Two-thirty right?"

"Yeah, that princess should be in bed by then. I wish I could really hold you and touch you, instead of just using a webcam." He hears Haru sigh. "I know kitten-baby. Kami-Sama do I know. I've wanted you all day. Oh Gods I'm getting hard just thinking about that perfect body. The way your lips feel on mine. How you lick and nip at my bottom lip, and how I love to suck on your soft earlobes…Oh hey Momiji. Um no I haven't seen Mutsumi. Yeah check the science block. Hey Kyo, I have to go. Lunch is over and Momiji wants me to look for someone. I'll talk to you tonight okay?"

Kyo listens to Haru and nods, even though the ox couldn't see him. The words Haru had been speaking moments before, had left him reeling and extremely excited. His now hardened manhood was proof.

Kami-Sama help him. A few words could do this? Kyo tosses his phone on the side table and sinks down on the couch. Glancing at his watch, he finds it's only 11:45am.

It was a long time till 2:30 that night.

I apologize that it's not as long as I wish. But here it is. Yet another Fruits Basket fan fiction from Rose. Now let me point out that the reason Kyo is living with Yuki at college will be reveled in the next chapter. I hate when people point out my mistakes on details. It will be said, I promise! Now review please and thank you.