Just a drabble to prove my existence. Hehe…


What exactly was the year and date and time when my brother ceased to be a boy and transformed to a man?

It seemed to me that I simply woke up one morning and "bam!" there was this adult standing before me. I blinked, I rubbed my eyes, I tried to figure out who this man was in front of me. When did this happen? How? Had I really missed such a profound change in my one and only dearest brother?

I gaze at him wondrously from the bed, still clinging to the warmth in the sheets. "What the heck are you looking at Al?" he asks me, perplexed by my starring.

"Um… well…" I pause and answer honestly, "When did you get to be so old Brother?"

He frowns and scoffs, muttering something about me being daft and wanders into the adjoining room.

So, when was it?

Was it when he became the famed and revered Fullmetal Alchemist, puppet of the military, hero of the people, hated and loved and so on? Or before that, when he took his first life, his innocent and naïve hands stained with blood? Or even before that, when our beloved mother drew her last breath?


Was it when he defied all norms and rules that seemed to govern this universe and brought me back whole to this body? When he continued to exist, broken, desolate, in a foreign world so strange to him? With no idea if I was even alive?

Maybe… but also…

Was it that quiet, sweet and sinful night when he held me in his arms, kissed me, my name flitting off of his breath? Carefully placing me down into his covers and pillows, claiming my body and my being, that he had so masterfully crafted, as his own? When we made love for the very first time…?

It's possible…

Had I gotten so far behind?

I continue to stare as he exits from the room, yawning, stretching, the scars and muscles framing his bare chest. I grin slyly at this image and sneak a little further into the mattress.

"You're still starring…" he growled. I laugh childishly and throw the covers over my head. He, apparently, takes this as an invitation. He dives right in without thought and soon I feel his weight on top of me. He assaults my sides with chilly, morning fingers, and kisses my mouth through the tangle.

Maybe it's all in my head. Maybe he's never going to really grow up, and neither will I. Yes… that makes sense…


This child, this boy, this man, whatever he may be, is mine. Mine. And no one else's. He is mine to own completely, and in return I am his. He is mine to love, to discard, to do whatever I please. We will exist in this strange world, our souls sewn and threaded perfectly together…

The heart of my wild brother can only be tamed by me.