Title: DC High
Plot Summary: What if the DC Universe, particularly Batman's world, took place in High School? A new student, Selina Kyle, is about to find out.
Disclaimer: the cat, the bat, and everyone else are property of DC Comics and are used without permission.

"Principle Gordon?"


"We have a new student here. Just enrolled."

Principle Gordon stepped out of his office. He looked over at the girl wearing all black, "Let me welcome you to DC High School, young lady."

"This is Selina Kyle and her mother, Mrs. Kyle." Sarah, the secretary, spoke without looking up from her computer.

"Well, Selina, I think you're going to like our school very much." Gordon looked at Selina, then at Mrs. Kyle, "We're glad to have her here."

Sarah handed Gordon a sheet of paper. He looked it over and gave it to Selina, "Here's your class schedule. Give it to all your teachers, have them sign it, and bring it back at the end of the day." Gordon looked around the office, "Who do I need to talk to this morning, Sarah? Not you again, Edward."

"No, sir," Sarah spoke before Edward Nigma had an opportunity to reply, "He's here to show Selina around school today."

"Good. Stay out of trouble."

Edward felt his neck getting hot, "Of course Principle Gordon." He had been looking at Selina the entire time. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. She was taller than him, but he loved her green eyes. Her huge rack didn't hurt, either.

"I'll see you when you get home, sweetie," Mrs. Kyle gave Selina a quick kiss on the cheek and left.

"Sarah, send in whatever student I need to have a talk with," Gordon yelled out disappearing into his office.

"Oswald, the principle will see you now." Sarah called out and Edward pointed at him and laughed.

"I didn't, quak, do anything." Oswald Cobblepot argued, wishing he could give Eddie the finger.

"Tell him that." Sarah shook her head closing the door once Oswald had gone in. "Alright Selina, Edward will show you around campus and to your classes today."

"You ready?" asked Edward.

Selina looked at him. He was wearing a green t-shirt with a question mark on it. He wore green cargo pants and green sneakers. Must like green.

He walked out of the office and held the door for Selina to walk through. Selina shook her head and motioned for him to go first. He was hoping to get a look at her ass, but his plan had failed. He figured he'd try something else. He'd attempt to be nice.

"What'd you get for first?"

"English," Selina answered, "With Mr...Pennyworth?"

"Yeah, he's adequate enough. Some British dude who 'trained' with the Shakespeare Company in England. He's a substitute teacher. The last English teacher quit."

"Why?" Selina asked not really caring.

"He got tired of reading my papers. Drove him crazy...he couldn't figure 'em out." Edward grinned, "Anyway, that's my first period, too, so we'll go there and I can show you around later."

"Fine," Selina shrugged. She didn't want to be here. She never liked school, saw no point to it, but it was a means to an end.

Edward led her down the hall of another building they had entered and up a flight of stairs. He stopped at room 200. Edward opened the door and walked in first.

"New student Pennyworth." Edward pointed at Selina, who was standing in the doorway.

There were a few whistles and one "Hey, kitty, come sit by us".

Selina turned to see a boy with the faces of tragedy and comedy on his black and white shirt, but wondered why "kitty." Then she remembered she had been wearing her favorite long sleeve shirt with two purple cats on it. Guy's so creative.

A red-headed boy ran up to Selina, "Hi, you can sit next to me. Or...on me."

"Mr. West! Please take your seat! You too, Mr. Nigma!" Mr. Pennyworth tried in the most civilized tone he could muster given the situation. He had been able to keep them calm for the past two weeks and now a pretty girl walks in and its chaos.

"Oh, alright," Wally said sadly returning to his desk. Edward grumbled and sat down.

"And your name, miss?"

Selina walked over and handed her class schedule to the teacher.

"Miss Kyle. Very well, please take the empty seat next to Mas--, I mean, Mister Wayne."

Selina looked around. All eyes were on her. All the girls rolled their eyes and all the boys had eerily similar smiles plastered on their faces. All the boys, except one, sitting at the back of the room next to a window. He had broad shoulders and was looking outside.

Mr. Pennyworth tried again, "Mas--, I mean, Mister Wayne," Alfred was still not used to calling him anything but Master Bruce, "please raise your hand so Miss Kyle can find her seat."

Bruce turned to look towards the front of the room. He saw a beautiful girl with long raven hair and brilliant emerald eyes standing next to Alfred looking at him. Actually, everyone in class was looking at him. The female half of the class remained staring at Bruce and let out a collective sigh. The male half returned their gaze to Selina.

Bruce shifted uneasily in his chair. He didn't like everyone looking at him, well, he didn't mind those green eyes up front. He had never seen those before.

Selina thought he must have been the cutest guy she'd ever seen. His jet black hair and dark eyebrows made his sapphire eyes seem to glow. Those glowing eyes were looking at her. She felt her ears getting warm, but she didn't want to look away. No one else, save the two of them, seemed to be in the room.

"Mister Wayne!"

"What Alf--, uh...I mean...yes, Mr. Pennyworth?" Bruce stammered finally looking away from Selina towards Alfred.

"Alf? Hahahaha, Brucie called him Alf! Like that old alien puppet right, Brucie? Do you like cats, too, Alf?" The entire class turned to look at Selina's shirt and a few giggles were heard. Alfred looked at Selina as well and noticed the two purple cats across her chest. He blushed slightly and the entire class erupted into laughter. Everyone except Bruce, who felt uncomfortable for both Alfred and the girl next to him.

Selina wanted to cross her arms over her chest, but she wasn't going to be intimidated by the guy with green hair and a pasty complexion who made that stupid joke. She brought a hand up to her waist and stared down the class. The laughter ceased almost instantly.

"Mister Napier, please refrain from speaking until directly addressed."

"Yes...Alf." Jack said quietly and the blond next to him giggled.

"Mister Dent, please raise your hand, as it would seem Mister Wayne is intent on not paying attention today."

Harvey raised his hand, "Over here, kitty. You get to sit next to us. Isn't that right, Bruce?"

Selina took the empty desk between the cute guy looking out the window and the one flipping a coin who stared at the purple cats.

"Where'd you come from, Kitty?" Harvey asked.

"Stopped calling me Kitty." Selina replied.

"What would you like me to call you then?"

"Don't call me anything. Actually, don't talk to me at all."

Selina noticed Bruce jerked a little in his chair but he continued looking out the window.

"You are a feisty cat, aren't you?" Harvey's voice a little irritated.

Selina ignored him and looked up at Mr. Pennyworth for the remainder of class. Finally the bell rang and class was dismissed. Edward came over to Selina.

"What's you next class?" he asked.

Selina shrugged, "Pennyworth has my schedule." She walked over to the front where the teacher was talking to Bruce, "I understand, sir, but how are you going to learn anything if you do not pay attention."

"I was paying attention, Alfred. You know I don't have to look at you to understand everything you're saying---" Bruce noticed Selina approach, "Yes, Mr. Pennyworth, I will try harder."

"That is all I ask, sir."

Bruce nodded, turned around, and walked out.

"You have my schedule," Selina motioned to the paper on top.

"Oh, Quite true. Here you are, Miss Kyle. I hope you enjoy DC."

Selina smiled at the gentle-faced man and left.

Edward was waiting outside. Before he could ask, Selina replied, "I have P.E. next."

"Oh." Edward sounded disappointed. "I have history." He knew that if he could only get a chance to talk to her, he would impress her with his vast and superior intellect. Meeting girls was the main reason he signed up for showing new students around, that way he got the first shot at them, "I'll show you to the locker rooms. Meet me outside when the period is over and I'll show you everything else during the break."

"Thanx, Eddie." Selina winked. He seemed harmless and unlike all the other boys, he wasn't looking at her purple cats, even if they were at his eye level.

Eddie smiled. He knew that given the opportunity, Selina wouldn't be able to resist him. He walked to his class with a disturbing smile on his face.