Disclaimer- This story is a fanfiction inspired by the Naruto series, created by Masashi Kishimoto. I hold no claim over anything besides this story.

1. a phantom; apparition; wraith; ghost
2. an ideal; deity

Chapter 1/6- whisper

Whispers of insanity creeped from the dark corners, seeming as if to jump out at any moment. I walked through the halls cautiously, as if expecting a madman to come out from those shadows any minute and attack me. I was being silly, but that feeling of anxiousness lingered no matter how hard I tried to stamp it down. Fortunately though, I finally arrived at the designated room. The patient that was inside was a figurative ghost; no connections and no family that was known of. The only name he gave us was what the doctors had come to address him by - Sasuke.

Sasuke had been found wandering around the outskirts of the village. The Anbu had discovered him, babbling something incoherently about a devil. Of course, they dropped him here where he was diagnosed as a schizophrenic.

He had no information on him - nothing that told us about his real identity. When asked about his family he would go once again into his talk about the impossible.

I entered his room quietly. He was sitting on the bed with his knees bent upwards, his head against the wall staring blankly at the opposite end of the room. He was dressed in the dark grey garments that the hospital provided for him.

"How are you feeling today, Sasuke-san?"

He said nothing. There were no gestures made for acknowledgement, much less welcome.

I took a seat at a wooden chair next to the bed. It was a bit uncomfortable settling myself down, but I comforted myself that it had more to do with the hard seat beneath me rather than the mysterious patient before me. After a long moment of silence, he raises his voice.

"And just how would you feel if you had a devil inside of you?"

He turned around, his glare unsettling me for a bit until I managed to regain my composure.

"Is this devil telling you to do things Sasuke-san?" My voice was calm, as if what I was asking was an everyday normal occurrence.

His eyes widened even more than it already had; and his tone became angrier. He began with his teeth clenched.

"No one is telling me what to do and I'm not hearing voices. I'm saying that he is in me; I am the devil!"

In some cases, patients would get physically violent, so part of my mind was always keeping track of where the door was. I was about ready to run for it and call for the security. I decided not to be hasty though, and tried my hand at calming him down.

"Don't you mean you have a dark side, Sasuke-san? It's in all of us so don't feel as if you're alone.…"

I tried hard to hide the distress in my voice, hoping it was soothing. He looked away and closed his eyes. He forcefully took a deep breath in frustration and started reciting a mantra. Don't ask me which, since I wouldn't know. But as he was doing this, he was rocking to and fro on-top of the bed.

After a few more minutes of listening to him repeat the same words over and over again, I started to get up and headed for the door. Our sessions usually ended early and this day wouldn't be any different. I was about to open the door when Sasuke called out from behind.

"What's your name?"

I looked back startled for a bit. I didn't think he was really going to talk anymore that day with me.

"Didn't you hear me say it before in our other meeting, Sasuke-san? I am Dr. Hyuuga."

He looked up at me with dark haunted eyes.

He gave a slight mirthless scoff. "I meant your actual name," he clarified. "What do your friends and family call you?"

I hesitated for a brief second then smiled, my eyes meeting his.

"Hinata. They call me Hinata." It was still difficult for me to become close to people due to my own past and childhood, but I tried to make an effort as soon as I became independent and started working at the hospital. Still though, despite my profession, I found it a bit awkward when patients wanted to find out personal details about myself.

The turn of my head caught his eye. He considered me, staring for a moment.

"You…remind me of my mother a bit." Then he shook his head as if to clear it. "Nevermind."

I walked back towards the chair and sat back down, clasping my hands.

"No, it's quite fine to say that! I'm very surprised to hear about that however, Sasuke-san. This is the first time you've talked about your family in our sessions. Please tell me more about her. Do you know where she is now?"

There was a pause.

"She's dead," he whispered this as he turned away from me again. "Listen, Doctor, I know you're only trying to help but it won't do any good. You can't help me. No one can. It would be better if you just left me alone."

He resumed looking at the opposite wall once more, showing his back to me.

"Just leave me alone."