A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoy this newest story my mind comes up with while I sleep.

Warning: All the fun stuff is up here. Boy on Boy. Smexy stuff. Angst.

Disclaimer: -Takes out notebook- SAI does not in, any way shape or form, own King Hearts and blah…

Summary: Sora's mother is a prostitute. When she dies, Sora finds out that she owned money to her employers. What's Sora to do? And how does a young undercover cop, Riku, fit in?




Emphasis on words.

Time skip



Chapter One

There was a pain. It seared her in half. Her screams filled the hall dark halls. Blood was gushing everywhere. There seemed to be a buzzing. A rushing around her. They told her to push as hard as she could. It hurt… It hurt so very much. But she could go through it for him. "My baby boy…" her lips whispered when the bundle was finally in her arms.

Some time later

"Are you alright?" the voice on the phone asked. He sounded so worried. The woman just laughed. "I told you I'm fine." She answered, cradling her little boy. He cooed and bubbled up at his mother. "But why are you making me his god father then? You just all of a sudden called." The voice drifted off somberly.

The woman sighed as she stroked the baby's fine chestnut hair. "I'm sorry… I know it's been a long time." The woman held the phone on her shoulder as she lifted the baby's head a little higher. The voice sighed and the woman could practically see him rake a hand through his hair.

"Please tell me what is wrong. I know you. Something… happened, didn't it?" the boy on the other end asked. The woman took a deep breath. "I… I'm sick. I'm going to die." She told her brother softly. There was a still across the line. There seemed to be a choke as his voice wafted through to her ears. "When…"

The woman smiled. "I don't know," was her reply. There was a quiet between the siblings, only disturbed as the baby squirmed. Finally there was a slight static and the male on the other line harshly demanded, "You're moving in." The young woman could only image him running around and cleaning his house.

"No. We're not." She said. There was a protest on the opposite side of the conversation. The woman quickly squashed it. "I know you're upset. But I'll be fine. I got out of the bad crowd. I'm a waitress now. I'm renting this small place right beside a day care." She explained. The woman stood and crossed the kitchen to the stove.

She fingered the milk for a moment. It was the right temperature now. As she was empting it into a bottle she continued talking, "You don't have to worry. We'll be fine." She told her younger brother. There was a rush of air as he most likely sighed. "But…" he couldn't help but say.

"It's been a long time, little brother. Forget everything in the past. I'm a better person now." She replied. She took the bottle and put the rubber tip to her baby's mouth. He made a happy sound and suckled at it greedily. Finally the voice on the phone gave up. "What is his name?" the new godfather questioned. The woman kissed her baby's head.

"Sora… I named him Sora."

Almost 16 years later

A boy of tender age, still a teen, was pushing past his school mates. He jumped down from the steps and waved goodbye to what few acquaintances he had. His chestnut hair whipped about his face when he took off down the street. The teen practically ran through back alleys and through rotten brown yards.

One could suppose he didn't live in the cleanest neighborhood, let alone the safest. But growing up, it was the only place he ever lived. Bright blue eyes scanned the roads as he dashed across. Cars lurched by, barely missing him. Like a child, he stuck out his tongue before going back to his trek toward home.

He slipped in the gutter when he tried to leap over the curb to get inside faster. With a yelp, the boy face planted to the ground. "Ewe…" he whined. Gingerly picking himself up, he brushed away some leaves and mud. Once he deemed himself clean the teen speed up the sidewalk. His feet pivoted sharply as he rushed past his gate.

"Mom!" he shouted when he entered the door. The boy didn't really watch as he threw his back pack somewhere to the left. He heard a small sneeze from down the hall. "Welcome home Sora!" his mother called out. Sora brightened and sprinted down the narrow hall. Throwing open her door he burst in to see her.

Her tiny frame was propped up with pillows and against the wall. Her thin, blonde hair hung limply. Sora's brows scrunched in concern. He sat down beside her and pressed his palm against her forehead. He pulled back as if scolded. "You're burning up!" the teen exclaimed. Then he popped up and ran to the bathroom.

The brown haired lad grabbed a washcloth and rinsed it under the faucet. He rung it out and wrapped a Popsicle inside it. Sora went back and made his mother lie down on her back. Carefully he laid it on her forehead. "We only had popsicles." He said sheepishly. The woman chuckled a little, but it caused her to have a coughing fit.

Sora squeezed his eye tight so he didn't have to watch. The coughs subsided after a moment our two. The boy peeked his eyes open slowly. His mother lay groaning a little. Quietly, he took the handkerchief from her hand and left to wash out the blood on it. After he had rung it out, he brought it back to his mother.

She had passed out when he entered the door way. He sighed and placed it by her pillow. Sora went back to the den to pick up his book bag. The teen dragged it to his mother's room. He paused for a moment as he watched his mom breathe slow and shallow. She didn't have a real bed. Instead, she gave what little money she had for Sora's bed.

No, she had a crummy mattress on the floor while he got all the luxuries they could afford. Those pretty blue eyes twinkled with unshed tears. He swiped at them angrily. All he had to do was believe his mom would survive! She could get through this! She had had lived this long. Despite what everyone says, she will live longer. All the boy had to do was believe it. That was all.

But it seemed that even those beliefs couldn't help his poor mother anymore. Sora sighed to himself and slumped on the floor. With out a noise he pulled out his school books and began his homework. He checked his mother once more. Her pallor was worse than normal. For some reason though, she was smiling.

About Midnight

The handkerchief had been washed four times in the last hour. Sora was clutching on to it tightly. Water leaked out between his fingers. A slight swirl of magenta fell out with it. The woman blinked owlishly at her son. Her bony digits lifted and wiped away the wetness Sora didn't know left his eyes. "Don't cry." Her voice rasped out.

It didn't help; it only caused Sora to bite back his sobs. "Mom…" he tired to tell her he loved her. Tried to tell her how much he would miss her. That he needed her for just a little bit longer. He tried to tell her so much in that one little word. She heard it, like all good mothers do. "Hmm… My Sora… Your eyes should never shed tears for a mother like me." Her voice was lower now.

The cerulean eyes of her clouded ever so painfully slow. He quickly wiped at his eyes. "Mom…" he whispered. There was no reply. Sora's breath caught quickly. His hand shook as he brushed back wisps of hair. "Mom," his tone a little more panicked. The air was cold. You could feel the stillness, the stale smell of something.


"No!" the boy cried. He grabbed her by the shoulders. "Mom!" he was shaking her desperately. Sora bent his head to her chest. He was searching for even the faints of beats. But all was silent inside of her. All had gone to rest. Never to awaken again. "Mommy…"he sobbed, hands clutching fast to her blankets.

It had been a while by now. Sora wasn't sure how long, but it was long enough. He rose with no hurry. His eyes were hurting, and probably puffy. A small cloth dropped from his hands as his feet drifted toward the kitchen. He reached it with out memory of making his trip. It seemed the teen was on automatic as he picked up the telephone.

He was punching in the first number that came to mind when a noise came from the back. His hand paused and the dull eyes looked up for a moment. Sora blinked as a shadow crossed over his home. It caused him to hang up the phone. His steps were soft in his socks, so he treaded down the hallway. As he reached his mother's room, his eyes went wide.

There was a figure standing over his mother's body. He bit a scream on his lip. Quickly he turned, and rushed back to the kitchen to grab the phone once more. Sora looked over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't heard. It was foolish because he ended up crashing into something. That something wrapped something huge around his torso.

He shrieked when he discovered they were arms. The boy twisted about and clawed at the person in panic. A soft rumbled went up his spine. It took a moment to realize that the rumble was the man laughing. This made him frantic and Sora began kicking and crying out for help. It was muffled when a small piece of cloth covered his mouth. Something disgusting had landed on his tongue, and a horrid, bitter smell filled him. And then, blackness…

Some time later

He groaned as his head throbbed. Sora sat up shakily and held his head. It felt like there was some kind of caged animal trying to slash its way out of his skull. Slowly, Sora's eyes had adjusted to the dark. He realized he must have been in some kind of locked room. It was tiny and had a small bed, which he was occupying.

His head snapped up as a tinkling of keys was heard. Sora quickly pretended to be asleep. He lay down and closed his eyes just the door swung open. Footsteps echoed across the room, and came closer to him. The boy had to stop his frightened shaking so it looked like he was still snoozing.

And then in a sudden minute, ice cold liquid splashed his face. Sora jumped up immediately spluttering and coughing. His tiny hands went about rubbing his sky blue eyes. "Good you're awake." A venomous voice rang out in his cell. His hands stopped the rubbing and slowly dropped. Sora could just make out a blurry pair of yellow eyes in the dark.

"W-Who are you?" the boy asked defiantly as he could. There seemed to be a grip of red hot fear in his stomach that held him though. The man in the shadows smiled, showing what could have been fangs. "Your new boss." He answered. There it was again, that fear deep inside his belly.

"New boss?" Sora echoed. The evil man just nodded. Sora couldn't really find any words for himself. That was alright though; the evil man could smell his fear. "Your mother owed us some money. Sadly, she is now gone." The man didn't sound so sad. No, his teeth seemed to gleam as he smiled once more at the helpless boy.

"That only leaves one other option, little one," the man's hand had reached out and seized Sora's chin. The skin was rough and hurt the boy's soft flesh. He would have recoiled but this evil man kept his grip taut. "You have to pay her debts." His tone was dark and heady. His breath was ghosting just over Sora's virgin lips. Blue eyes grew wide as those golden ones narrowed.

But, nothing happened. Sora's new employer simply stepped away. With a twisted smile, the man had crossed the room, steps loud as he left. Sora's body shook, and his skin tingled in a frightening way. The door was slammed, and the keys had jingled, leaving the poor teen locked in his new home. Escape seemed impossible.

And blue eyes turned toward the ceiling, brine collecting at the edges. All I have to do is believe…


A/N: Poor Sora. I'm such an evil bitch. Anyone figure out the evil man yet? It's kind of a give away. I think… I believe he had yellow eyes. Damn… Oh well, I'll check later.

What about Sora's godfather? Know who he is yet?

I'm kind of sad, this is short. I hoped it would be longer. Oh well.

Okay, that's all. Love to reviewers! –Kiss- See you next time!