-1Disclaimer: I do not own The Power Rangers.

Z Delgado fingered her "Z" necklace. It's been five months since Jack left and she still couldn't get over the fact that he found someone. Someone he loves. Someone who is not her. When Jack met Ally, he began spending more time with her than with Z. Since that time, Z began to feel jealousy seep over her but she tried her best to hide it from the rest of her teammates. Even though Sky and Bridge didn't seem to notice, Syd saw beyond that. She knew Z is in love with Jack. She tried to cheer her friend up with a CD of her friend's favorite band that wasn't in store yet and it worked- until the last song ended.

Then, news about Jack and Ally's wedding spread like wildfire throughout the academy. When this news reached Z, it cut her heart like a knife and she immediately ran to Syd for comfort and Syd didn't even mind that her uniform got soaked up with Z's tears.


Syd's voice broke Z's thoughts and she put on a fake smile.

"Yes Syd?"

"Are you okay? You've been distracted a lot lately."

"I'm fine."

"Jack and Ally's wedding is in two months."

"I know. But if Jack's happy, then I'm happy."

"You took that line from a Japanese Anime. What was it? Cardcaptors?" (Cardcaptors fans, I hope you all remembered that Tomoyo would say this when it comes with Sakura.)

"But it's true. I want Jack to be happy."

"But you're making yourself miserable."

"I can't force Jack to love me if he doesn't."

Syd did not respond. Z is right. You can't force someone to love you if they don't.

That Night

Z walked towards the balcony. She needed some air. When she arrived, she saw a familiar figure, already there.


Jack turned around and when he saw who it is, smiled.

"Hey Z."

"What are you doing here?" she asked, coming closer.

"I asked the Commander for a job. I am now the D-Squad's new martial arts teacher."

"But why would you need a job? And your wedding-"

"There won't be a wedding."

"What? Why?"

She walked beside him.

"I broke things off with Ally. I have my reasons why."

He turned back to look at the scenery.

"Tell me."

Jack took a deep breath. "I finally realized that I was lying to myself. I like Ally but not as much as I love someone."

"Do I know her?"


"Who is she? Tell me all about her."

Jack smiled. "She's an amazing girl. I love her soo much. But I'm too chicken to tell her that."

"Who is she?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"I'm dying to know."

Jack opened his mouth to answer but stopped. He thought for a minute and said, "Tell you what. Instead of telling you who she is, I'll show you by kissing her."

"Even better." When she said this, she felt her heart break.

"Okay then. Close your eyes."

"If I close them I won't see you kiss her."

"Don't worry. You will."

Z closed her eyes. With them closed, she can't see Jack smile and stroke her cheek with his thumb and gently pressed his lips unto hers. Z opened her eyes wide and shut some quickly, not wanting the moment to end. But unfortunately, it did.

"I love you Z. I always did. I made a mistake for leaving S.P.D. Leaving you. You're the one I want Z. You will always and forever will be the only one for me."

"I love you to Jack."

"Guess this means we're together now?" Jack said, smirking.

"You got that right."


"Who ever knew Jack liked Z," Bridge said, watching the couple with Sky and Syd. "And Z liked Jack. Wait! That still means the same thing right? It sounds different but it means the same right? Right?"

Sky rolled his eyes. "It did seem predictable that they'd end up together."

"Come on you two," Syd interrupted, grabbing her teammates' arms. "Let's give them some privacy."

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