Once more, thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for your baffling reviews! Gosh, you really like the last chapter, didn't you? (HUGE hugs) It still takes my breath away you guys like something I've scrabbled up so much!
(Aw, it broke to shatter Kai's legs. (sniffs) In this chapter, you'll see if I was cruel enough to take away his capability to walk completely.
Yay, I'm so happy you liked the Wyatt-part! I figured he'd have to show up; he was the only one who could release Kai from his guilt.
You know, as much as I despise Seiji, I also can't help feeling a bit sorry for him. (sighs) No kid should have a father like Boris. (shivers with disgust)
A work of art? Wow… (stunned breathless) I'm so glad you liked those scenes; I also had fun making the Kenny and Zeo –moment. As for the childbirth… Damn, this is gonna sound gross… (shutters) Um… As Tyson was… well, operated, his… lower parts were… fixed up like woman's. Meaning that as the contractions came, he… well, opened up, just like women. (sweatdrops) Eh… I hope that didn't sound too confusing – or stomach-turning; I'm hopeless at explaining stuff like this.))
You know what's funny? When I started out with this fic, I thought this'd be less than ten chapters long. And what do we have here? Eighteen chapters, and almost a hundred and ninety pages! (faints with shock) So much for a short little fic… (sweatdrops)
Okay, okay, perhaps it's time to wrap this thing up. 'Hope you'll enjoy the final chapter!
(Btw, please take a look at the ending AN's. There – as this is my last longer fic (SNIFF) – I'm saying byes. (wipes tears) And there's also a bit info about the kids, such as their parents and – if you're interested – the meanings of their names.)
Chapter eighteen: Epilogue
Fourteen years later.
Nine years old Lei's deep-blue, stormy eyes were filled with concentration as he watched his silvery blade spinning on a small bey-dish, every single muscle in his body tense. " C'mon…", he muttered, gritting his teeth as the blade started to wobble dangerously. " Dragoon, help me out here… Only one more minute, and I'll beat my record."
Suddenly, all his senses were activated at something approaching. Glancing swiftly to side, he found a black blade that held some ice-blue flying towards his. Preparing himself in a breathtaking time, he was fully prepared as the familiar blade crushed against his. Loud screeches of protest filled the small room.
Deep laughter could be heard. " No one catches a Granger off guard, huh?" Both he and his opponent called their blades back. " Your parents and Andrei's training are obviously starting to pay off."
Grinning widely, he found a boy at his age with spiked, fire-red hair and fierce, ruby-coloured eyes leaning against a wall. " Hi Yuki. What are you doing here?"
Yuki snorted. " For your information, you've been luring in this damn room for six hours straight. We were all getting worried."
He grinned sheepishly, scratching his shortcut, dark-blue hair. " Eh… 'Suppose I lost the track of time."
Yuki rolled his eyes, amusement flickering in their depths. " What else is new…" Thoughtful look appearing to his face, the boy looked at the scratches on his blue blade and the impressive battle marks on the dish, them back at him with flaming eyes. " But I've gotta admit it… That training hasn't gone to waste. I watched you for a while; you and Dragoon are impressive together."
Lei's grin grew even wider. " Thanks, partner."
They both jumped a bit when running steps approached, and the door was thrown open. In came a eight years old girl with dark-brown (almost black) eyes, and shoulder-length black hair that had frost-blue stripes. She was panting heavily.
Lei blinked. " Sera, what's up?"
She was still panting so badly she barely managed to speak. " You guys… gotta come… outside…" Her voice reaching its normal tone, she went on. " Andrei and Tanjia… They're going to battle."
Lei gasped loudly, eyes widening, and was on a run faster than the other two could blink. The duo quickly followed him.
Outside the small orphanage Kai and Tyson had opened (and where all their friends except for Zeo plus Max and Emily also lived) every single one of the kids had huddled together around a huge dish, on opposite sides of which stood Andrei and Tanjia, blades prepared and stone-hard looks upon their faces. A chorus of whispers went through the spectators as everyone tried to guess which one would win.
But the couple (their hearts beating in perfect sync) didn't even notice anyone else. Hearts were working on their limits and adrenaline rushed madly through both their veins as they watched their blades – Andrei's midnight-blue, and Tanjia's vine-red that also had some purple – strike together time after time, sparks flying in breathtaking showers.
Andrei smirked when Tanjia made a sudden change of movement. Her blade rapidly withdrew from his, then bounced into the air, falling towards his. " Tiger making its jump, huh?" He narrowed his auburn eyes, then grinned again when his blade made it out of the way, instead delivering the girl's red one a hit that almost sent it off the dish. " Too slow, kitten."
Tanjia's rich-purple eyes flashed like ones of tiger's, smirk revealed a flawless row of teeth. " There'd be nothing left of your pathetic little blade if I'd set Driger free, Granger. So I'd keep it nice and quiet."
Andrei arched an eyebrow. " She wants to play tough, I see."
Her former smirk widened. " I wouldn't have it any other way; especially with you."
Firestorm lit into his eyes of scarlet. His long-grown, almost black hair (gathered to a careless ponytail) floated in the wind the blades caused. " As you please."
A huge set of gasps came from the audience as their blades again searched for contact. Almost deafening shriek erupted, and the heat forming was just about enough to set both blades – along with the dish – on fire. Tangling together, the blades – still hissing and steaming – started to rise towards skies.
Watching his older brother's moves – the way his blade worked like flame or storm on the dish – Lei found himself holding his breath, eyes widened. He'd always admired Andrei's skills, followed closely during every single practise-lesson his brother gave him. But now…
Damn, he wanted to become as good. Whatever it'd take, he'd battle like that one day; like his brother, like he'd in few occasions managed to see his parents battle.
Determination burned in his eyes " When I battle like that, Ivanov, I'll face off with you again", he announced to the boy standing right next to him.
Yuki nodded with a smirk, flaming ruby eyes meeting his. " That day, I'm expecting you to give me your best shot. After all, I want challenge."
Lei also nodded, whole body bubbling with determination. " I'll definitely beat you."
Snorting, Sera – who was also with them – shook her head. " Yeah, right… Like that's ever gonna happen."
His eyes squinting dangerously, Lei glared daggers at the obviously amused girl. " Exactly what are you saying?" He then huffed. " So okay, I lost against him once. But it could've been a draw!"
" He cut your blade half, dobe", Sera reminded dryly. " Thrice."
As the two kept on their 'discussion', Yuki shook his head and gave an exasperated sigh, refocusing on the battle. He blinked a bit in surprise when finding it was actually over.
What none of the kids knew, was from the orphanage-building nearby, two pairs of observant eyes followed the battle.
Watching his older son's moves, Kai couldn't resist the flash of pride only a parent could feel when seeing their child shine. But in the furthest corners of his heart… He couldn't help feeling worry seep in.
" He's doing great." Tala's voice brought him out of those thoughts. Glancing to side, he found piercing-blue eyes gazing at him thoughtfully. " And that's what makes you worried, no?"
Sighing, he gave a nod, fierce eyes growing dark. " Sometimes… I wish Tyson hadn't managed to convince me it was safe to hand Andrei a beyblade." As he watched, the two blades that'd rose into the air started falling back down, giving each other nasty hits all the way. " I'm not sure if he could've been kept away from beyblading forever – after all, it's in his blood. But…" By then, the blades were down, another one wobbling dangerously. " He grows stronger every day; I can feel it."
Looking at the blading boy, Tala gave a small smile. " He's just like you."
Watching both blades rising once more – rushing towards each other – Kai's eyes turned dark red. " That's exactly why I worry." As both blades became pushed off the dish – ending the battle into a breathtaking tie – he sunk into his thoughts. I know I shouldn't worry; I broke that cursed prophecy ages ago; Andrei isn't in danger anymore. But still… Without noticing it, he brought a hand to his chest, sensing this strangest burning. This feeling… won't go away. Like… it's still out there.
And for a first time, he found himself regretting he and Tyson's decision not to tell the boy about the prophecy.
Noticing that Kai had once again sunken into his own, dark little world, Tala decided that it was time to distract him. He glanced at the looks Andrei and Tanjia exchanged. " How long do you think it takes before those two will figure themselves out?"
Kai winced a bit. " I afraid that whenever it happens, it'll be all too soon."
Looking at his friend, he blinked. " Why so?" He then clicked. " You worried about what Ray will do?"
A smile came to Kai's face as the man shook his head. " Oh no, that kitten – no matter how shocked – wouldn't be a threat." He then sweatdropped. " But Oliver, on the other hand… He'd scratch eyes out of anyone lurking that close to his little girl; no matter who the poor boy's parents are." The Russian then smiled again, noticing something else. " Déjà vu…"
Once more, Tala blinked, mystified. " Huh?" As Kai nodded his head, he looked into the direction – and couldn't help laughing. " Well doesn't this seem familiar…"
As they watched, Lei and Yuki (standing right next to each other, hands an inch from making contact) exchanged determined, stone-hard nods – without a doubt a promise of upcoming battle of the century, partnership.
The similarity between what Kai and Tyson had been… couldn't have been clearer.
Tala found himself arching an eyebrow. " Now this may turn out to be interesting…"
The smirk he knew so very well came to Kai's face. " Definitely."
He didn't know if he should've been annoyed, amused or worried when he saw Kai stifling a yawn. The past couple of days had been quite a hassle.
As soon as Kai had been discharged from the hospital after long months of recovery, he and Tyson had put Hiwatari-fortune into good use and bought this huge mansion from Japanese countryside, far away from praying eyes of press and memories. Either out of will to protect Kai or desire to be close to their truest family, Tala and Hilary had moved along almost straight after. And soon enough, Ray and Oliver – still escaping from the village-elders – had also settled in with Tanjia. It didn't take long before Kenny and Akira followed, having finished their studies.
Now almost seven years earlier – after Andrei and Lei had been in a serious need of new playmates, and Bryan had also moved in with Irina (having travelled around world and finding no place felt like home without the crazy gang around) – Kai and Tyson had started to feel their massive home needed even more voice underneath its roof. After finding and adopting a boy who'd been beaten to half-dead named Cyrus (who reminded Kai chillingly of his own past), the couple had decided orphanage was the perfect solution. Money was no problem; the fortune inherited from Voltaire carried far, and with most of them working, they did very well.
That day, the orphanage was having a huge celebration for its fifth birthday. And needless to say, arranging a party for all thirty people living under its roof was no small task. Tala felt exhausted, and he could only imagine how Kai was feeling. (After all, the Russian was still, even after countless of hours of excruciating physical therapy, forced to use a wheelchair most of the time – or at least when there was a chance of Tyson spotting him.) Especially when the Russian (amusing them all) had turned out to be the mother goose –type, wanting to both keep close eye on the kids at all times and be involved in arranging everything.
Tala gave Kai a stern, evaluating look. " You really should go and get some rest, you know?" he noted, lash of worry in the tone. " I don't want to see you collapsing at the party."
Kai rolled his eyes, corners of his mouth twitching. " Gosh, Ivanov. You sound just like Tyson."
Both jumped a bit when hearing a familiar voice. " Someone called me?"
A wide smile of utter happiness rose to Kai's features when he turned his head to see Tyson approaching. Murmuring something Tala couldn't make out, the two exchanged a sweet, small kiss, Kai running a tender hand down Tyson's cheek.
Tala couldn't help smiling as he watched the way Tyson slid one arm behind Kai's back and the other under his legs with such gentleness he couldn't have imagined existed, then effortlessly lifted the feather-light Russian from the wheelchair into his arms. His heart (despite a minor stab of something he couldn't explain) warmed even more as the bluenette cradled Kai protectively against his chest, and the Russian – trusting his all on the other – rested his forehead against Tyson's chest, arms winding tenderly around the rapidly blushing bluenette's neck.
His eyes were suddenly aching a bit. Those two… They'd made it through so much; heck, Kai had almost died before they'd been allowed to be together. But their love – their bond no one could explain – had defeated all else, defied death and fate.
And to think there'd been a time when he'd been ready to kill Tyson to keep him from hurting Kai…
He snapped out of those thoughts when Hilary walked in, holding her back with an agonized look upon her face. Giving a smile of sympathy, he pulled her into a tender hug and kissed her forehead. " Hard day?"
Sighing, she rubbed her huge belly, leaning closer to his warmth. " These two are just giving mommy hard time." She gave a soft smile – one that could only come from a mother. " Just like with Yuki, the last month is when it stops being fun."
Tala gave his trademark grin, kissing her again. " Well, it's a good thing you have me to pamper you, then." Reluctantly, he withdrew from her, realizing it was time to stop lazing around. " I suppose it's best if you go and get some rest; I'll help Kenny." His eyebrows then furrowed. " Where is he, anyway?"
Hilary cringed. " In kitchen, preparing pizza. I couldn't find anyone else and he insisted to help. You'll better get there before he manages to cause an all-out disaster."
The other three immediately paled considerably. " Oh crap…", came from Tyson.
The last time Kenny had been cooking (and that time, it hadn't been anything more complicated than rice), he'd caused a fire that'd almost destroyed the kitchen. They didn't even dare to think what would happen now.
Kai frowned, moving a bit in Tyson's arms. " Weren't Ray and Oliver supposed to take care of cooking?"
" They went to pick Max and Emily from the airport", Hilary explained, then narrowed her eyes dangerously. " But you'll better go to bed before I and Tala will help Tyson carry you there; you've been working your butt out all day, and you know what the doctor said about your blood-pressure."
Successfully interrupting Kai's upcoming protest with a kiss, Tyson smirked haughtily. " Oh, don't you worry. I have my ways to keep this wild little thing in bed." He then looked at Tala, cringing a bit. " You go and stop the incoming disaster; I'll be there in a… while."
Watching the couple go (Tyson tightening his protective hold on Kai, and the Russian nuzzling himself against the other in a gesture that was meant for just the two of them), Tala and Hilary both smiled. " Cute, don't you think?" Hilary sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder.
A small, soft smile came to Tala's lips. " Yeah." His hand gently graphing Hilary's, he shook his head. " One crazy family we have." But I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Outside the room, Tyson pulled Kai as close to him as possible, cradling the Russian against his chest almost possessively.
Still, after all these years, it was almost impossible to believe that Kai was really there; warm, alive and breathing. And especially during surreally blissful moments like this, he couldn't help fearing the one he loved with all his heart would be ripped away from him.
Almost like reading his mind, Kai shifted just a little, hold on him tightening. The man's long, dual-coloured plait (that fell halfway down his back) made a floating motion as he lifted his head. " Granger, you'll better wipe those thoughts off at this instant", the Russian commanded gently, looking at him with demanding eyes.
He grinned sheepishly. " Sorry… I just… After everything that's happened…" His eyes flashed. " I can't help worrying."
Granting him one of those rare, warm smiles that always made his heart fly, Kai leaned his head against his chest. " Well, there's no reason to worry. I'm okay, and I have no intention to go anywhere anytime soon." The Russian's eyes glint with mischief. " And stop that frowning, or you'll be all wrinkled before you turn thirty."
Somewhat relieved, but definitely not fully convinced, Tyson rolled his eyes. " Ha ha, very funny. You're a real comedian these days." Caught in a spur of moment – and Kai's scent of fresh apples – he kissed his husbands soft hair. " But I still love you."
Eyes falling closed, Kai smiled softly. " 'Love you too, frownie-face", he murmured.
After a second, Tyson opened his mouth to say something, but decided not to when seeing Kai fallen asleep against his chest, utterly content look upon his face.
Smiling softly, he planted a small, tender kiss onto the Russian's forehead, deciding that what he'd been about to suggest could wait. Kai looked just too cute to be woken up.
In one of the mansion's several rooms, Irina emitted moans of deep satisfaction as Bryan (who'd laid her to a bed), trailed several kisses down her neck, making her feel shivers of pleasure all over. " We… shouldn't…", she managed to murmur, her husband's touch driving her insane. " The party…"
She was interrupted by a pair of hungry, challenging lips on hers. " … will wait", the man whispered huskily into her ear.
Giving a huge gasp, she wrapped her arms around the man, and couldn't find another word to resist – even with the thought of her… well, overprotective brother downstairs. (It'd taken long before any of the three had recovered from shock after Kai had walk in on the two of them thirteen years back – thus finding out about their 'bondage'. Afterwards, Bryan hadn't dared to show up anywhere near Kai for over a month.)
Without Irina even noticing it, Bryan's warm, soft hands had already found their way underneath her shirt – when the door was suddenly opened without a trace of knock. The two immediately jumped apart, blushing madly like two kids spotted from a cookie-jar. Both (especially Bryan) had to fight against sighs of relief when they saw a cute, five years old boy with ash-coloured hair and huge, exited lilac eyes stood by the doorway.
Irina sighed. " Jaden Kuznetsov, what have we talked about knocking?"
The kid grinned shamefacedly. " Sorry…" But excitement quickly washed away embarrassment. " You should've seen! Anvei and Taja…! They…!" Too excited for words, the boy flapped arms, the lily in his eyes getting a hint of the silverish bronze from Irina's side. " WHOM!"
Bryan chuckled, then walked up to kid and took him into his safe arms. " Someone watched an exciting bey-battle, huh?" He shook his head in amusement when hearing the child's stomach churning. " And forgot to eat breakfast."
Jaden scratched his head, grinning. " Da, papa."
Smiling widely, Irina pushed herself out of the bed, then walked up and gave the two men she loved beyond anything kisses (ignoring Jaden's protest). " You go and get him something to eat. I'll be there soon."
Bryan nodded. " 'K." Jaden snuggled closer to Bryan as the man started to walk. " So… What would you like to have?"
" Pancakes!"
Smile still upon her lips, Irina watched the two go. She woke from her trance at the sharp dial-tone of her cell-phone. " Yeah?"
" Irina Kuznetsov? This is Dr. Ilia Rejonev", came a smooth male-voice. " I phoned to inform you about the test results…"
Back outside, both Andrei and Tanjia had wide smirks upon their faces as they looked at each other, panting heavily, oblivious to the cheering all around them. " Who would've known?" he stated, teasing glint in his eyes. " That turned out to be one heck of a battle after all."
She arched an eyebrow, seeming amused, and folded her arms – mimicking his usual pose. " And you expected something less?"
His look melting into a soft, almost tender one, he shook his head. " The thought wouldn't have crossed my mind, tiger."
For a long moment they stood there, both sensing thickly in the air that something more should've been said or done. But before Andrei could come up with what it was, a voice broke the moment, as well as the hassle around them. " If you two have decided to quit playing around, we could use some help inside. In case you've forgotten, the party starts in less than three hours." Turning around, they saw Akira stood there, amusement – along with some annoyance – written all over her face. " You'll have plenty of time to show off later." Her eyes squinting just a bit, she looked at Sera, who was still in the middle of a 'conversation' with Lei. " And you, young lady, stop tormenting Lei and come inside. I and dad need help with decorations."
The girl pouted. " I'm not the only guilty one here!" she protested. Seeing the look upon her mother's face, she gave a heavy sigh. " Okay, mom. Sorry."
As the others disappeared inside – waste majority of especially the younger ones excited to get to help with the party – Andrei and Tanjia lingered behind. Meeting the girl's expectant eyes – that were obviously still desperately waiting for him to say something particular – Andrei desperately opened his mouth for a couple of times, but closed it again, realizing that nothing would come out.
C'mon, Granger, he mentally snarled, furious with his own helplessness. Do something, damnit! What the hell's the matter with you?!
But before he could utter anything coherent, the girl had turned around and walked away, leaving him staring helplessly at her retreating back.
Meanwhile, Ray parked he and Max's car to the huge parking-lot of the airport, then gave his husband an evaluating look, deep frown upon his face. He wasn't surprised by what he found; Oliver was still gazing out the window, glazed look in his eyes. " Okay", he stated, deciding that the silence that'd lasted for the entire drive had to come to an end. " You've been acting all spaced out for two days already, and it's creeping me out. So what's wrong?"
Something flashed upon Oliver's face, and for a long moment, he was sure the man wouldn't speak. But soon, words dropped out, so quietly he could barely hear. " Do… Do you ever wish… that we'd have another child?" The French gulped, casting his gaze downwards. " I mean… Tanjia… She's already big, and…" He trailed off.
A smile came to Ray's lips. " So that's what's been bothering you?" Gently, he cupped Oliver's chin into his hand, forcing the other to meet his eyes. " Honey, we've talked about this for dozens of times. The first pregnancy… It almost killed you. And… I don't want to go through the possibility of losing you, not ever again. I'm completely, utterly happy with just the three of us, alright?" His smile widened. " Besides, with the orphanage, we'll always have life around us. When Tanjia grows up – which I hope she'll never do – we won't be suffering from empty nest –syndrome." He kissed Oliver's cheek. " I love you, and with you and Tanjia, there's nothing more I need. So stop worrying. We have a party tonight; I want you to wipe that sad look from your face."
Slowly, a faint smile came to Oliver's lips as well. " I love you too."
As Ray got out of the car, Oliver's smile faded. Biting his lip, he took a deep breath, blinking his glimmering eyes. Words he'd heard two days earlier came back to haunt him.
" The results were correct. You indeed are pregnant."
Giving a shivering sigh, he placed a hand onto his still flat abdomen.
The last time he'd told Ray… the Chinese had left him for three months. And now – having seen all complications, felt all the pain and fear…
Of course he realized they weren't scared teenagers anymore; he knew Ray wouldn't run away ever again. But still…
How the hell could he ever tell Ray? Force the one he loved through it all again?
Biting back all emotions, he got out of the car, praying for strength.
It took a long time before they finally spotted familiar mobs of blonde and ginger hair from the crowd. Waving his hand a bit, Ray called out. " Max, Em, over here!"
Even though they hadn't seen each other for over two years, the couple hadn't changed pretty much at all (what now Emily's hair was now long-grown and on plait, and Max's hair cut tidily) – except for one, little thing.
Both Ray and Oliver's eyes widened when they saw the tiny, adorable baby sleeping calmly in Emily's arms. " Holy damn…", Ray gasped.
Oliver blinked, dumbfounded. " When did this happen?"
Both parents grinned proudly. " A month ago", Max revealed, heart-warming paternal pride in his tone. " I swear, I've never been through anything so amazing. I almost fainted during the childbirth."
Emily smirked coyly. " You did faint, sweetie. It took the doctor fifteen minutes to get you back up again."
Feeling a warm wave go through him, Oliver reached out a hand, stroking the little one's cheek. The baby made a sleepy sound, but didn't even stir. " What's the baby's name?"
Emily's eyes filled with softness. " Amara. It was my mom's name, so…"
Also welcoming the newcomer, Ray looked at the parents. " You guys should've told us there were three of you coming; we would've arranged a proper welcome-reception for her."
Max laughed. " As much as the little angel here loves attention, the type of 'welcome' you guys throw might've been a bit overwhelming for her. Besides, there's been so much… hassle going on that we thought it'd be best this way."
Only Ray noticed something weird in Oliver's eyes as the French looked at the baby, who was once more sound asleep, blissfully unaware of what was to come. " The kids are all gonna love her, I'm sure." He then looked up, blinking a bit. " But we really should get going. We left Kenny in charge of cooking; we've gotta get back before he'll manage to torch the entire orphanage."
Three hour's drive away, a young, green-haired priest had a slightly saddened, tender look in his green eyes as he softly placed a single fire-red rose before a tombstone; repeating the morning ritual he'd been loyally following for fourteen years.
Once again – no matter how many times he'd done this – he had to blink as he read the name on the cold stone, followed by two dates that were far too close to each other. " Hi Aimi", he whispered, like afraid of disturbing someone. " Happy birthday."
Closing his eyes, he could feel wind tenderly caressing his face; almost like it'd been Aimi touching him. A smile spread to Zeo's features. This was the biggest reason to why he loved this little church so much; whenever he walked through the cemetery, he felt like Aimi had been right there beside him, guiding him.
He didn't open his eyes as he went on, the smile vanishing. " Aimi, I love you, and… I… I miss you so much, you know? I'll never, ever forget you; I won't even try." He gulped thickly, feeling his eyes sting. " But… It's been fourteen years, and… I still sometimes feel like I can't breath; even priest Hanou says this is getting unhealthy." A tear he quickly wiped away found its way to his cheek. " The… the best birthday-present I can give you… is to let go. For both our sakes." Despite the slash of pain that was almost more than he could take, a part of him felt like he'd been set free. A flash of Aimi's smiling face filled his vision, and through tears, he smiled. " After all we had, all you gave me… You've deserved your freedom. Thank you, hummingbird." The smile quivered a bit. " And… Who knows… Maybe I'll see you again one day."
In the air, he could've sworn he heard a smallest whisper.
' Thank you.'
Suddenly feeling that he was being watched, he snapped his eyes open – and smiled when he saw about seven-years-old boy with short, unruly auburn hair and huge, golden eyes gazing at him. " Well hi, Kioshi." Seeing the boy looking at his face with deep worry, he smiled again, wiping away the last reminders of tears. " Oh, these? Don't worry, I'm alright. Just… got a little caught up by memories."
Seeming relieved, the boy nodded and smiled as well.
In wordless agreement, the two of them started to walk towards the church in comfortable silence, both focused on their own thoughts. While walking, Zeo took a glance at the child.
He'd found Kioshi collapsed to the church's stairs two years earlier, severely underweight, close to filthy and – though it was the coldest winter – only wearing thin, blood-caked clothes. Ever since he'd been taking care of the small child as his own, and the boy had quickly learned to return those feelings with at least the same intensity. But even so, they hadn't managed to convince him into saying a single word, not even his name. That's why they simply called him 'Kioshi', meaning 'quiet'. The child seemed happy with the name.
Once almost at the church, Zeo spoke out. " Look… There's… a place I need to go to for a while." Seeing the boy's terrified look, he quickly went on. " I'll be back tomorrow, don't worry. But until then…" Kioshi's eyes widened as he took off his beautiful, golden cross, tenderly placing it around the child's neck. " … I'd be very, very honoured if you'd take care of this for me."
Gosh, he'd never seen such a look of happiness before. He was taken by surprise when the usually resigned boy threw his arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug. Laughing, he soon returned the gesture.
After a while, he gently pushed the child away. " Now, I've gotta go packing." He smiled to the child once more. " I'll see you tomorrow, alright? Until then, remember to be good, and listen to father Hanou." Receiving a nod, he walked on, waving goodbye.
Watching Zeo's retreating back, Kioshi smiled widely, his hand squeezed around the cross.
And then – first time in two years – he spoke. " Thank you."
Some hours later, with the party successfully starting, the orphanage was filled with voices and action.
Most of the familiar gang stood at a side of a huge room, watching with smiles upon their faces as the kids goofed around.
" Five years, huh?" Max (holding Amara, who was miraculously sleeping despite all noise) broke the long, comfortable silence.
" Feels almost unreal", Tyson admitted, eyes following Lei and Yuki, who were sitting together, comparing their beyblades. " Sometimes… I still fear that I'll wake up and this all turns out to be just an illusion."
Eyes gaining a shade of silver, Kai slipped his cool hand into Tyson's, giving a small, yet meaning-filled squeeze. " Trust me, Dragon", he murmured, so quietly that it was heard just by the two of them. " This…" He kissed the hand, making the bluenette shiver lightly with pleasure. " … is as real as it gets."
Just then, there was a soft knock on the door, barely carrying to where they were.
Reluctantly releasing his hold of Kai's hand, Tyson sighed. " I'll better go and get that."
" And I'm going to see how my own little computer-genius is doing", Akira stated, stretching. " He said he has some work to do, but I refuse to let him lock himself into our room for all night."
Tala arched an sceptical eyebrow. " Exactly how are you going to persuade him away from his laptop?"
Almost out of the room, Akira peered over her shoulder, eyes glinting. " I have my ways."
And that was pretty much all the others wanted to know.
Already at the front-door, Tyson frowned, wondering who was missing from the group. Once opening, he gave a huge grin. " Well how about this… I thought you wouldn't be able to show up!"
Returning Tyson's brief hug, Zeo smiled widely. " I got my work done faster than I expected." Looking around, he gave a gasp, once more smiling when seeing all the kids. " Gosh, Tyson… This place is amazing!"
The other smiled a bit smugly. " Oh, we're doing the best we can." He then graphed Zeo by the hand, leading him towards the kitchen. " Now let's cut the crap and get you some food! Then, you'll tell us exactly what you've been so damn busy with all year!"
Opening the door of she and Kenny's room, Akira couldn't help but smile at what she saw.
There – face bathing in the light of computer screen – Kenny sat before his laptop. Although the man seemed just about ready to fall asleep any given second (his eyes were already drooping dangerously), he typed on valiantly, frowning and pouting cutely every now and then.
It was almost too adorable to be interrupted, but she chose to give no mercy – for his sake. Still smiling, she stepped in. " Hi, sweetie", she greeted, then walked up to her husband and ran a hand through his now shortcut, silky hair. " I came to see how you're doing."
The man emitted a sigh. " I would be doing much better if this damn thing wouldn't throw tantrums at me every five seconds." Momentarily ripping the gaze of his black coffee –coloured eyes off the screen, he looked up at her. " How's the party going?"
" Would be much better with you along", she replied in a meaningful tone, somewhat accusing look in her eyes. She could feel him tremble as she ran a hand down from his neck to back, then bent closer and whispered into his ear. " If you agree to leave that little thing for tonight… you'll be very, very well rewarded."
She could almost feel Kenny tense up. The man's eyebrow arched. " And…" His voice sounded unnaturally hoarse. " What would that… reward be?"
She smirked smugly. This battle was won.
Two minutes later, they both walked into the party, Kenny still blushing madly.
Feeling severe nervousness rising in the pit of his stomach, Bryan frowned as Irina led him away from the others. " Foxie… What is it? Are you alright?"
Some of the worry turned into curiosity and relief when the woman nodded, smiling. " Yeah. Or… Depends on how you look at it." Seeming very nervous all of a sudden, she ran a trembling hand through her hair. " You know I went to a doctor, after that nausea and… stuff, right?"
He nodded stiffly, the former discomfort returning. What the heck was this about?! " Are you… sick?" The last word brought a sore taste into his mouth.
She laughed, shaking her head. " No, not even close." Uneasiness then returned into her eyes. " The thing is… I'm pregnant."
At first, Bryan simply gawked at her, not understanding. Then – so rapidly it startled her – he picked her up and pulled her forcefully against his chest. " Oh my God…", was all he could muster. Then, caught into a storm of racing emotions, he kissed her with all his passion. " Foxie, I love you! I love you so much!"
Laughing again, Irina tenderly returned his hug. " I love you too, birdie. But you'll better let me down before you'll crush us both."
As a response, Bryan kissed her again, unable to do anything but laugh.
Outside the building, Tanjia sat on a porch with a mug of strongest tea in her hand, gaze of her darkened eyes fixed to the bey-dish she and Andrei had formally been occupying.
Through her mind, flashed all the looks, touches and battles with Andrei; times when she'd felt like she wasn't completely in this world anymore. And then… the feeling of something inside of her dying with him keeping that damn wall of silence and distance between them.
She found herself gritting her teeth with frustration.
No matter how much she loved him, she wasn't sure of for how long she'd be able to go on like this. Because if this would go any further… there'd be nothing left of her.
Suddenly sensing movement by her side, she spoke out quietly. " Remember how we used to battle out there, as kids?"
The boy (who was at about her age) stood beside her gave a small smile, his jade-coloured eyes flashing a bit. Wind hugged his messy, shortcut brown hair. " Yeah." He gazed down at her, mischievous look upon his face. " I always had fun with trashing your blade."
Despite the weight on her chest, she laughed. " Thank God I've developed since!" But her face soon returned solemn, eyes gaining sadness. " Cyrus… Do you ever miss those days? Wish that we'd never grown up?"
The boy's eyes darkened as he gave a small nod. " Yeah… Everything… was so much easier back then."
As silence fell upon them, Cyrus gave a the girl a look, feeling his heart shatter at the unshed tears in her eyes. Gosh, how tempting it would've been to wrap his arms around her and take away all that pain. But he knew that no matter how desperately he would've wanted to, he wasn't the one who could do that. Besides, he knew destiny's work when he saw such; there was no way he could ever mess up the happiness of his two best friends.
And that's why he settled with the second best thing. " You shouldn't give up on him just yet, you know?" It hurt, but he had no other choice. " He really loves you, Taji. And whatever the heck it is he's looking for… he'll find it eventually. And that's when you'll have the all of him."
No matter how badly he'd been hurting, it all eased a bit when he saw the thin smile that came to Tanjia's face. " Thanks, Cyrus." Her eyes darkened a shade as she looked away. I really hope you're right, she mused. Because I wouldn't want to wait for the rest of my life.
Later that night – when the party was practically over, smallest kids asleep and adults talking quietly about issues that were strictly closed to the younger inhabitants – Lei walked across the yard, hands showed into his pockets. There was a deep, disappointed frown upon his face. Where the heck is he?
And just then, he grinned when hearing a familiar sound. A blade spinning on a dish.
Andrei's eyes were slightly narrowed, directed to his blade though they didn't really see much.
Why the heck was it so hard for him to just let Tanjia completely into his heart? He'd been crazy about her for as long as he cared to remember. So why was he keeping her in distance?
Could it be… because he was waiting for something; something he knew could never include her? Did it have a connection with why his papa always looked like he'd seen a ghost whenever he mentioned bit-beasts?
He loved his family above everything. But still… He couldn't help wondering what secrets his parents were keeping from him.
" Here you are!" his little brother's cheery voice (coming from behind him) snapped him off of those thoughts. " I've been looking all over for you!" He could almost picture the child trying to see exactly what he was doing. " Are you practising new moves?"
Smiling, he called back his blade, then peered over his shoulder to see Lei stood by the practice-room's doorway, excitement in his stormy eyes. " No, not tonight. I was just thinking a bit." Taking a glance at the clock hanging on a wall, he arched an eyebrow. " You do realize that papa wouldn't be too thrilled if he knew you're up this late, right?"
The child pouted. " I'm already nine! Besides, it's a party-night; why should I have to go to bed like some… kid?"
A grin came to his features. " Because you're big enough to know that sleep is good for you." Getting up to his feet, he found them slightly weakened and sore for long sitting. " Now… You'll better go to your room before any of the adults catches you awake."
Lei frowned, seeming deeply disappointed. " But I wanted to train with you!"
Smiling softly, he ruffled the child's hair – something only he was allowed to do. " We'll practise tomorrow, I promise you." Earning a delighted laughter, he lifted the light kid to his shoulders. " But now, let's get you to bed."
After successfully tucking his brother to bed (and staying over for a while to make sure he stayed there), Andrei found his legs taking him across the yard, towards destination he didn't have a slightest clue of.
Shivers – cold and ominous, unlike anything he'd felt before – went through his spine as he realized he was heading towards dark nearby woods, place where he'd never gone before, following a rather small path. Branches of thick trees slashed his face, and the darkness barely allowed him to see a thing before him, but he couldn't stop, not when every fibre of his being screamed out for him to walk on, towards something he'd been waiting for all his life.
Andrei wasn't quite sure of for how long he'd been walking, when he suddenly stopped on a small opening. Eyes slowly getting used to the darkness, the could see trees all around him (forming a thick wall, leaving practically no room for escape), stones – and a small, obviously much used bey-dish, right before him.
He was a bit dumbfounded at first, but his eyes soon widened as he realized what this place was. For as long as he could remember, his papa had disappeared off somewhere almost every night – to practise blading, he'd always known, though it was never said out loud. Afterwards, the man would sit before a fireplace for a long time, staring at the flames caressing wood. Those nights, the man's fiery eyes always held a slightly lost, nearly sad look – almost like he'd been mourning over the loss of something. Something those flames brought closer.
Feeling something close to a call inside of him, he pulled out his blade with a trembling hand, realizing he'd never been this nervous in his entire life. Electric tingling filled the air as he launched the blade and stood there, trembling, waiting…
After a couple of minute's wait with absolutely nothing happening, he declared to himself that at least now, he was officially out of his mind. Shaking his head with a snort, he prepared himself to call his blade back – when a majestic, deafening cry suddenly filled the air.
Heart racing madly, he barely dared to lift his gaze to meet what he somehow knew to be his fate. Eventually – trembling even more violently than before – he cast the gaze of his auburn eyes towards the sky – and all breath was stuck into his throat. " Oh my God…"
There, their huge, magnificent wings spread and eyes flaming with fire (one flame just like the one in his eyes, the other dark and cold), two breathtakingly beautiful birds – phoenixes, he knew for sure – circled above him, both giving triumphant cries that were almost enough to explode his ears. They were like two sides of yin-yang –symbol; one, fiery-red, seeming to glow in this strangest bathe of unearthly white light, the other's feathers and aura darker and colder than the night-sky spreading above it, its eyes like two pale, unforgiving stars.
He knew he should've turned around and ran away, be filled with terror. But his head was buzzing with whispers – words that sounded like a chant – and unable to stop himself, he took a couple of steps forward and picked up his blade, lifting it towards the phoenixes.
… prophecy …
Seeing what he was doing, both birds' eyes flashed. And one of them took a dive towards his awaiting blade.
After a while, a loud scream ran through the woods, swallowed by the trees.
Inside the orphanage, Kai gave a huge gasp, his hand flying against his chest that was suddenly burning hellishly.
It only took him a brief second to realize what was happening. His heart started to race far faster than should've been possible.
This burning… He'd felt it before, almost a lifetime ago…
" Dranzer…"
If… If she really was back… she hadn't came alone.
A tear rolled down his cheek. He should've known phoenixes couldn't be destroyed that easily…
" No…"
But he already knew it was much too late.
In a small Russian mental institution, a pair of blood-coloured snapped open, a victorious flame waking inside their depths.
A voice that hadn't been used for fourteen years croaked out. " It's beginning again…"
For so many years, he'd spent in this hellhole – locked inside his mind – waiting for this day to finally come.
A smirk revealed Seiji's teeth, that shone in the silvery moonlight.
The new bearer was finally ready. The phoenixes were reborn.
The prophecy… He'd make sure that this time, it'd be fulfilled. That his father hadn't died for nothing – that his whole life hadn't gone to waste.
He lifted his gaze when the door was opened. In peered a female psychiatrist, who's name he faintly realized being Sasha. " Well hello there. How are you today? Feeling ready to talk?"
Seiji's eyes gained a chilling shade of dried blood when meeting hers.
The next morning, news reported that psychiatrist Sasha Yentlev – along with three guards – had been found dead, brutally murdered.
A patient whose name no one knew was discovered missing.
And so the never-ending war continued. That dark night, yet another generation started out its struggle against the horrifying prophecy.
A/N: (slumps down, breathless with shock) I… can't believe this is it. It's actually over. (faints) Damn, I always get emotional when ending these long fics… (sniffs)
I'm sorry I made the ending a bit open one (hopefully not too much of so). It's just that as phoenixes always rise from the ashes, there story can never really end (at least as long as there's even one Hiwatari left). And so, the ball of world's destiny now lies on the shoulders of the next generation.
(takes a deep breath)
You guys… From the depths of my soul, thank you for sticking around for all this time! (sobs and glomps each and every single one of you) I've had writer's blocks, doubts, and heck, I even considered simply declaring this story dead at one point. But you guys always managed to pull me back on track, boosted up my self-confidence and kept me going. There's seriously no way to thank you enough for it! You've been true miracle-workers, and I mean it!
As I've mentioned, I'm now retiring. (My farewell fic – which, unfortunately, wanted to come out as a death-fic – is already posted.) (cries) As much as it stinks to not get to write to you guys again, I'm not saying goodbyes here. I'll stick around, checking up on what's going on around my fics (which – hint, hint – means that I'll keep reading reviews…), reading your breathtaking fics and perhaps (if my manage to kick my lazy arse into action) even reviewing.
Please, keep reviewing; it always saves my day. And feel free to send PM's if there's something on your hearts!
Be good, folks! Kisses and love to you all!
I'll be watching over you!
So, just to make sure I didn't manage to confuse you too much, here are the parents of each kid. (And, in case you're curious, meanings of their names.)
Lei: Kai and Tyson. (Couldn't resist giving them a second child. Heh, a real mini-Tyson with daddy's eyes and hair. His name means 'thunder'; thought it'd fit nicely.)
Yuki: Tala and Hilary. (The name means 'snow' or 'happiness'.)
Sera: Kenny and Akira. (Her name means 'burning one'.)
Amara: Max and Emily. (The name means 'unfading'.)
Jaden: Bryan and Irina. (His name means 'jade'.)
(Cyrus: 'like the sun'
Kioshi: as mentioned, 'quiet'.)
And as a reminder…
Andrei: Kai and Tyson, naturally. (I gave him the darker blue hair-colour of Kai's)
Tanjia: Ray and Max, of course. (Just in case you've forgotten, her name means 'angel'.)