..::Chibi Chase::..

A mistake on the Elemental Dragons part results in Chase's transformation into a baby.
Jack, refusing to let the good-guys take care of Baby!Chase, he takes the chibi in to take care of him.
But seriously, how chaotic can one chibi be? Future Yaoi!

Genre: Humour/Romance

Rating: T

A/N: There not enough baby-fics… This is overrated for mentioning of yaoi. Don't read if you don't like…

1: Change

After yet another 'humiliating defeat', as Omi had so kindly put it, the evil boy genius had stewed in annoyance as the four elemental dragons discussed this new Wu. It worked out that Grand Master Dashi had created the Wu on a whim and hadn't bothered elaborating to Dojo, who was as curious as to what the Wu did than any of the others. Plus the Wu-scroll thing hadn't had the magical device recorded… Go figure.

Jack sighed; he was sitting cross-legged, listening to the teenage-warriors squabble over who would get to try out the Wu first. Surely there was something better to occupy his time? Glancing over his shoulder at crumpled metal and sparking wires Jack chose to ignore the obvious.

As the fighting got more violent, Jack wished silently for some popcorn and a soda, sadly none presented themselves and Jack had to suffice by laughing when Raimundo pushed Omi. Now the fun would start.

"Enjoying yourself Spicer?"

Jack's head shot up towards Chase and he grinned,
"Of course. How often do you get to see the Dragons turn on each other?"

Chase looked over at the fighting teens and let a corner of his lips turn upwards in a smirk,
"Ah… I see"

Jack rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to the fighting warriors. He watched as Clay separated Raimundo and Omi while Kimiko clutched the Wu, looking a bit devious. Jack narrowed his eyes,
"I don't like that look" he muttered moving to stand up.

"Orb of Yu-Su!"

Shivered when the girl pointed the Wu in Jack's direction. The Wu rose from her hands and flew towards the redhead, who was preparing to run. Surprisingly Chase stepped in front of Jack calmly, watching the Wu approach with curious gold eyes.

Jack backed away, he didn't know what this thing did but he didn't like it. The Orb of Yu-Su seemed to be made of some black shiny material, streaks of silver were imprinted on the magical object, and evenly spaced on its surface were little diamonds. Obviously anything that looked that weird had to do something nasty.

The Orb started to circle Chase; the reptilian warlord didn't seem fazed and watched the Wu carefully. The four elemental warriors, Dojo and Jack all watched in fascination as the Wu started to speed up. Soon, Jack noticed the Wu was starting to block Chase from sight and he felt his stomach hollow in fear. Something was wrong.

Standing, letting the fear drive him into action, he threw a fist forward to try and break through the new barrier but a large shock hit him and he yelped, cradling his arms. He turned to Kimiko looking furious,
"What did you do?!" he yelled over the screaming sounds of the Wu.

She looked at him with wide eyes and Jack knew while looking into the girl's eyes that she had no idea and was already regretting her actions.

Suddenly the screams died into a low whistle and the Wu fell lifelessly to the ground, and for a moment no one moved. The elemental dragons moved closer and stared down at Chase's armour scattered across the grass, smeared with dirt, and at first glance quite empty.

"Kim-Kimiko… You killed Chase Young!" shrieked Omi, hands flying to his mouth in horror.

"Wow" laughed Clay "That was cooler than a lizard drinking from a damn on-"

Jack blocked out the cowboy. He stood stock still, his red eyes wide with horror. Chase; Dead? Impossible. Those two words never went together… except concerning Chase's hobbies but that wasn't what was important! Jack calmed himself and moved closer to armour and narrowed his eyes, the inner silk of the suit shifted discreetly.

Kneeling down swiftly Jack untangled the material before his jaw fell open. The Elemental Dragons all stood and stared as Jack plucked a small baby from the armour. Large golden eyes blinked as the sunlight hit the child's face and small hands instinctively clutched the front of Jack's black trench coat when it was brought to rest against the teen's front, a tail stained green curled out and around Jack's waist fastening itself to the boy holding him.

Kimiko shot to Jack's side and cooed at the sight of the baby, her hand snaked out to touch its face but Jack snarled and pushed her away violently.
"Don't you dare touch him," he growled.

The warrior of Fire narrowed her eyes,
"He's not a pet you can keep Jack!"

Jack's eyes flashed dangerously,
"No, but I'm not handing him over to the idiot who made him this way" with a sharp look Kimiko had the decency to look embarrassed. Jack let his glare hit the other warriors warning them that he'd make sure they wouldn't see another day if they tried to take the child in his arms.

Clay swallowed at the glare and took a step forward.
"Listen Spicer, we have the information to change him b-"

Jack was having none of it from the cowboy,
"It's simple, you send me the information" he snapped cradling the baby closer, Chase blinked several times before snuggling deeper into Jack's arms, staring at the scene playing out with a look of slight boredom while one hand still grasped Jack's coat possessively. Glancing down at the baby Jack's face softened; it wasn't everyday you got to hold an evil-warlord-turned-chibi.

Omi seemed oblivious to Jack's words and shook his head,
"No! We must have Chase Young! We can raise him to be good. We can not trust Jack Spicer!"

The other warriors winced when Omi's comment rattled Jack further; the redhead's eyes flashed nastily and he curled his arms tight around the chibi. Noticing Jack's subconscious movement, baby-Chase peered over at the dragons and glared coldly. Dojo, who had been sitting on Raimundo's shoulder, stared at Chase and shivered,
"Man, even as a kid Chase gives me the willies"

Jack straightened and looked down on Omi, his red eyes dark,
"You better start trusting me Cue-Ball cause I'm not letting you touch him"

If Omi understood Jack's words or was ready to fight for the tiny warlord, Jack would never know. Clay had stepped forward and wrapped a hand over Omi's mouth and lifted the yellow boy off the ground.

Raimundo moved forward, stepping in front of his friends,
"We'll keep in contact"

And for a moment, the tiredness and slight ache of losing the forgotten showdown and the fear for Chase ebbed slightly and made Jack smile weakly at the Brazilian and he nodded. Insanity obviously prompted the small,

Without further words Jack turned on the warriors, nodded to an almost fully functional Jack-Bot, quietly commanding it to scoop up Chase's armour. Without a thought Jack activated his Heli-Pack and he flew upwards, thinking wildly about what he was going to do.

He could head back to Spicer Manor, but Jack refused to let Chase near his lab, knowing clearly the abilities of the 'chibi'. Jack sighed when he could only turn towards Chase's mountainside manor.

Looking down at the mini-lord he smiled weakly when he found Chase sleeping soundly in his arms, his reptilian tail still curled around his waist.

"What have I got myself into?"


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