A/N: Final chapter dedicated to all of the amazing people who supported 'Iris' throughout the entire writing process. Of course, I have to say special thanks to SweetSacrifice and Silverlovedragoness for numerous reasons (many in regards to how I handled the story - your opinions mean so much to me you guys!). There were so many of you who always reviewed and always found sweet, and some critical (I appreciate that), things to say. You know who you are and I thank you with all my heart. This last chapter is for you!
Iris - The Final Chapter
War Hero Attacked!
A report by Rita Skeeter
What was expected to be a happy day in the wizarding world as The-Boy-Who-Lived married war hero Ginevra Weasley (also known as Ginny by close friends and family) turned into a chaotic mess when Fenrir Greyback, underground dark leader and ally to the former Dark Lord He-Who-Must-Still-Not-Be-Named, attacked war hero and one of Harry Potter's best mates, Hermione Granger, former wife of newly-discovered death eater Alan Jameson.
The wedding ceremony between the wizarding world's most famous of couples was actually pushed forward unbeknownst to this reverent reporter as to why, but one can only assume the couple was eager to be wed for perhaps a baby Potter is on the way. The ceremony was held on the Potter estate at sundown before a lovely reception took place on the grounds as well. Hermione Granger was by the side of both groom and bride throughout the entire night.
This reporter has learned through several sources that Ms. Granger actually ventured outside to "get some air" after an explosive argument with several guests of the wedding. One source mentioned, "The attention was not on her so I thinks she stepped outside in hopes of somebody following her." The woman stepped outside before chaos broke out and Greyback attacked the witch performing one of the three Unforgivable Curses.
Ms. Granger was, at the time the curse was performed, eight and a half months pregnant with her first child. The father is alleged to be boyfriend and former death eater Draco Malfoy, son of current Azkaban residents Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Shortly after the attack, this reporter attempted to reach Mr. Malfoy and unfortunately all this concerned and compassionate reporter received from the supposedly reformed man was an offensive hand gesture.
After several days in the care of the finest, most-expensive healers St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries has to offer, Ms. Granger was said to have given birth to a handsome baby girl whose name has yet to be revealed to the wizarding society. How secretive is the girl's name? As learned by this ambitious reporter, only Ms. Granger and her beau currently know their daughter's name.
This investigatory reporter has learned through an exclusive interview with a source, who would prefer to remain nameless, that Ms. Granger and her suitor will be continuing to live in sin. Though the wizarding world is grateful for the efforts made by Hermione Granger throughout the long and painful war years, one must wonder what kind of example she is sending by not only bearing a child not under wedlock, but continuing to raise one in the same manner. Why has beau Malfoy not popped the question? The source claims, "He isn't ready to commit."
For further information on the Potter wedding chaos, see page three.
For further information on their daughter's name possibilities, see page five.
"You cow," mumbled Draco under his breath.
Draco had woken up at around four in the morning by the sounds of his crying baby girl. After an hour or so of gentle rocking and fatherly shushing, he laid her back down in her gold and silver bassinet before venturing downstairs to prepare an early morning breakfast for Hermione who was still fast asleep. After all she had been through in the past month, the least he could do was take care of his little screaming banshee in the middle of the night. It never ceased to amaze him in that something so small could scream so loud.
Well, look at her mother. A mischievous grin spread across his face on the thought.
He had finished making breakfast, bewitching it so it did not get cold, when he heard a tap on the window alerting him the post had arrived. After quickly paying the tawny owl and feeding it a bit of crisp bacon, the bird left and Draco was free to glance over the Daily Prophet while he waited for Hermione to join him. Not knowing how long she'd be given it was so early in the morning, he let his eyes read over the article and succumb to the detestation he felt for the author.
"Ruddy cow," he continued mumbling to himself, the thoughts of Rita Skeeter annoying him to no end. The woman not only fabricated parts of the article for the sake of entertainment, but she portrayed Hermione in a light he did not like. It was one thing for her to bash him, but never his Angel.
Not to mention the editorial was not even accurate. The bitch Skeeter actually had the nerve to insinuate Ginny was pregnant, something she most definitely was not as far as Draco knew. The bitch had suggested Hermione left because the attention was not on her—honestly, where did she get the nerve to say such a thing? She brought up his daughter's name and while her name had not been released to the press, close friends and family did know what they had named their little girl. Not to mention, the countless times she referred to a source which was really a code for somebody who was not at the wedding nor knew anything other than hearsay.
Though the woman did bring up the point of their current marital status which was actually no status at all, Skeeter's conclusions as to why he had not put a ring on her finger were more than wrong. Ever since his first attempt to propose before Hermione passed out, he had not even brought it up to her. He decided he would ask her when the time was right. Skeeter saying so candidly that he was "not ready to commit" just irritated him.
Basically, Draco concluded, though he already knew this, Rita Skeeter would forever be a grating bitch.
"Ugly, stupid cow–"
"I hope you're not referring to me."
Draco looked up to see Hermione smiling at him, curly hair absolutely all over the place and clad in a pink sleeping gown, leaning against the entrance wall. Draco shook his head as he looked back down at the paper.
"The Daily Prophet is getting extremely sloppy with the reporting or should I say with the reporters they choose to rehire. The cow Rita Skeeter reported on the wedding and our little girl."
"Ah," said Hermione, walking over to the table, "and let me guess, she did not report us in the finest of lights?"
She placed a gentle kiss on his lips before taking a seat next to him.
"No, the bitch didn't. Oh well, I think her reputation exceeds her so everyone knows there will be very little truth to the article."
"Let us hope," she sighed, shaking her head before looking back up at him. "You made breakfast?"
"No, I had the brat do it, but she decided to retire afterward," remarked Draco with a grin.
"Ha, ha."
Draco laughed as she surveyed the paper herself noting how she rolled her dark eyes several times. When she looked back up, he found her smiling in spite of the article.
"It doesn't matter. The ones whose opinions matter to us know the truth."
"As always, you're right. So why don't you sit back and have some breakfast while I go get the brat. It's time for her bottle."
"I don't recall waking up. Did she sleep through the whole night?" asked Hermione hopefully. It had been only their fifth day home and already her late night tantrums were tiring the couple. Draco hated to dash away her hopes.
"Sorry love, but I'm afraid not. I woke up and took care of her." She placed her hand on his cheek affectionately.
"You should have woken me. I would have put her back to bed."
"I am her father and quite capable of taking care of her in the morning. You don't have to worry about her constantly."
Truth be told, he worried about her just as much. Unless she was under his care or Hermione's, he was never very comfortable. Even when it was Ginny or even Hermione's parents holding her, he just...he just didn't like it. Can you blame the man? He nearly lost her as well as his Angel before the brat was even born.
"Well, I should at least nurse her."
"I'll bring her down. You start having breakfast."
Hermione smiled as Draco rose from his seat and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before walking out of the kitchen. His steps quickened as he neared his little girl's room, the need to hold her in his arms taking over him.
She, of course, was sleeping peacefully when he found her. He was not keen on waking her up, but keeping her on a solid schedule was important so he gently cooed her into waking.
"Morning sweetness," he gently murmured, picking her up. He loved how well she seemed to fit in his arms like a puzzle piece, the perfect part of him. Oh, how he loved her.
Draco joined Hermione in the kitchen where she reached out for her sleepy baby. Draco handed her over, taking his seat next to her again. Draco watched in amazement as Hermione whispered soothing nothings to her daughter before she began to nurse, the experience between mother and child so intimate it shocked Draco to no end.
"She is hungry this morning. My guess is she really tired herself out crying, right?"
"I'm surprised she didn't wake you up with her screams. I swear she is louder than you."
Hermione arched her eyebrows making Draco laugh fully. If anyone witnessed the couple, knew of their story and background, then it most likely would have knocked them for six to see such a famous couple living such a mundane, simple life; light banter at the kitchen table and the daughter positively running the house even before coherent sounds could come out of her mouth.
The verity of the situation was Draco and Hermione absolutely loved their life together. Most of their lives had been spent fighting, struggling to survive, and bleeding with heartache so being able to live together with a daughter and a humdrum lifestyle was nice.
Really nice.
"Oh Draco, can I hold my grandchild?" asked a very loving Mrs. Granger. Draco was reluctant as always, but eventually handed over his little girl. Her grandmother immediately spoiled her with wet kisses and parental affections. It was then when Mr. Granger walked over to Draco, stuck out his hand which Draco took into his own. After the brief shake, Mr. Granger brushed past him with catlike speed to swoon over his grandchild, Draco shaking his head at the man, smile tugging on his lips.
"I see you handed over the baby," quipped Hermione as she wrapped her arms around Draco from behind. He rubbed his large hands over her petite ones, interlacing their fingers as he brushed against her supple skin, sighing at how lovely her body felt against his.
"I think your parents are really starting to like the kid." He heard Hermione giggle upon his words before she muffled her laughs against his neck, her breath sending shivers throughout his frame.
"Have you two decided on her middle name yet?" asked Mrs. Granger, bringing Draco and Hermione back from their private intimate world. Hermione unlocked herself from Draco and allowed him to wrap his arm around her shoulder, a routine sort of stance.
"Not just yet. I promise when we do decide, then you'll be the first to know."
"I better be," growled Mrs. Granger playfully.
Mr. Granger placed a loving kiss on his grandchild's forehead before he turned to face the young couple. "So how are your friends Harry and Ginny? Have they finally left for their honeymoon?"
"Yes, they left three nights ago. Ginny has already bombarded me with owls filling me in on everything. Though some things I think she merely brushed over, not that I mind given it is Harry she is talking about and he's practically my brother, I can tell she is excited and happy. They both are."
"That's good considering–"
Their attention was turned to the high window where a large, onyx black owl was perched, a type only one wizarding facility used—
"That's an Azkaban owl," murmured Hermione tautly.
Draco moved swiftly over to the window allowing the bird quick entrance. Unlike other owls which would normally stay until paid, pet, or fed, this one instantaneously took flight once Draco took out the worn yellow parchment. He exchanged a quick glance before he opened up the note and scanned it with his mouth dropping ever so slightly–
I learned through a source that your mudblood is still alive and actually well, having brought a half-breed into this world. The thought disgusts me Draco. To think you spawned a life that was not of pure blood just infuriates me to no end. It is betrayal, it is.
This will be the last time you hear from me. After it was discovered that my last letter brought upon your mudblood's downfall, my letter sending was revoked. They only allowed me one more to send so I could perhaps get and give some cessation. My boy, never let it be said that my thoughts were never of you. You may have bred something vile with a hideous creature, but you are still my son. Ignoring my thoughts of you now, which are austere and cruel to say the least, there was a time when I loved you Draco. You were once my son.
Perhaps one day you will come to your senses and move forward into the wizarding world by marrying a pureblood and creating an heir with her, but until then, our relationship will be on hold. If it never resumes, well then, this is goodbye.
Never forget, I once did love you.
Draco smiled upon finishing the letter, the sarcasm and snarky comments just making him chuckle inside. Leave it to Lucius to send such an almost endearing letter and sign it with his first name. He was never one to have Draco refer to him as 'father' let alone such a cherished word like 'dad', but this was just ridiculous. Draco made a mental note right then and there to never let his baby girl, or any future children Hermione and him would have, call him anything other than 'dad'.
"Is it from him?" asked Hermione, her voice shaky with fear.
Draco faced her, crumpling the letter in his hand quickly. He tossed it over his left shoulder before he leaned into her, placing his hands on the lower part of her hips. He kissed her forehead before he whispered, his lips so close they brushed against her warm skin, "It doesn't matter. Nothing matters anymore."
"Well then what was the letter about?" asked Hermione, her inquisitive nature unfolding. Forever the bookworm, she did like to know what was going on.
"Closure. The letter was about me getting some closure."
He heard his little girl whimper and promptly he went into parent mode. He strode over to Mr. Granger who handed his granddaughter to her father allowing her to be comforted by Draco.
"Oh sweetness, it's alright."
"She is just being fussy. Let me take her upstairs for a nap."
Draco nodded as he placed his daughter in Hermione's arms. She ventured upstairs nippily to put her baby to bed as Draco sat down with her parents. He was not shaken by the letter from his father nor was he worried about anything said. Draco would not bother himself, worry himself, or do anything concerning his father. It was his turn to be the father.
He would be a real father.
"So Draco," began Mrs. Granger uneasily, "are we ever going to get to call you son?"
Draco laughed as he said, "While I would love that, I just...I haven't found the right time yet. To ask her, I mean."
"I thought you already did ask her, but then she blacked out. I would have figured you would have asked her once she woke up again."
"I thought so too. I actually had planned on it, but then...I don't know. After seeing her hold our baby, my daughter, for the first time...I just can't ask her. It needs to be special. A proposal needs to be more than just me asking her, but...eh, before I get cheesy or before she hears, I'll stop. I think you both get the point."
"You are too sweet. I swear, you seem so perfect for her that it's sometimes scary."
And just how true was that? Well I guess when you think about it, we were each other's perfect match at Hogwarts if you ignore the whole opposite sides of the war thing. For the sake of the argument, ignore that for a second. We were the top students. I mean I did have a bit more help than she did given I was Snape's favorite, but then again, she was the favorite of every other bloody teacher so the advantage is not really in my favor (Forever the Slytherin). The point is that we were the top students. Shouldn't we have been together? Plus, she was by far the most beautiful seventh year girl. Pansy–ugh, pug-faced girl slobbered over me like no tomorrow. That Lavender girl was pretty cute and so was the little Hufflepuff...what was her name? Susan Bones? Anyways, none of them could compare to Hermione. Damn it...what would life be like if I hadn't been such a follower?
"Well the brat is asleep. Sorry mum, I thought she would be more up for visitors today. Then again, Draco did say she was up all night crying."
"Give it a while and eventually she'll get through later hours before she wakes up around six and seven in the morning. Hermione use to scream her head off until one of us held her so..."
Hermione stuck her tongue out at her father forcing the group to erupt out in laughter. Draco draped an arm around her shoulder after she sat down next to him, leaning her body into his. The relatively young couple enjoyed conversing with Hermione's parents, both of whom were interested in their new life with their new addition.
Hermione and Draco would not leave their spot on the couch for several hours. Mr. and Mrs. Granger were able to hold the baby one last time prior to leaving the Malfoy home. Draco and Hermione shared a quiet dinner together with their daughter where Draco made a suggestion.
"Do you want to go for a walk?"
Hermione looked away from their baby girl to meet his eyes. Subsequently she asked, in a manner repeated, "A walk?"
"Yeah. Let's just go take a walk. You, me, and our little girl. What do you say?"
A walk. It was just such an ordinary thing to do. Keeping in mind the two of them were capable of magic, of doing nearly everything without worries over money or their current statuses, going for a walk was just so...banal. Well, banal in some eyes, but it appeared Draco thought of it as a wonderful way to spend an evening.
"I think," she said, taking the opportunity to wrap her arms around his neck, "that would be a lovely idea. Let me go get her dressed for the night air and we'll go."
She agreed with him.
A chaste kiss was placed on his cheek urging his lips to uplift in a small smile. Damn, did he love his Hermione. Nothing would ever take him away from his Angel and baby girl, ever.
Draco sure as hell was a man who learned from his mistakes. There were times when Hermione drove him up a wall, but he loved her. Bloody hell, he loved her. As for his baby girl, well, he couldn't even put into words what he felt about her. It was just such an odd type of feeling for him to have. He knew the feeling of love for he had been in love twice, but the love he felt for his daughter was dissimilar and unlike anything he had ever felt before. He just...loved her. He loved his little girl unconditionally and he somehow knew he always would.
"Ready to go?"
Draco turned around to see Hermione clad in a light jacket while his daughter was positively bundled up in every way possible. She was such a tiny little thing, it almost made Draco question whether he was going to take a walk with his kid or with a bunch of clothes masquerading as a baby.
Hermione giggled as he took a hold of their daughter, planting a light kiss on her forehead. Hermione brushed back some of her silky hair just enjoying the moment of tenderness all three of them were sharing.
After several minutes of cooing over their lovely, Draco and Hermione started walking, hand in hand, toward an unknown destination. It really didn't matter. Draco just wanted to walk with Hermione and hold his daughter, precisely what the man was doing.
"Draco," said Hermione, pleasantly breaking the silence, "Would you mind if I chose her middle name?"
Draco stopped walking and looked at her amiably. A smile spread across her features as she casted her eyes downward at her little girl.
"It's just...you chose the perfect name for her. I love it. So, I think it's only fair if I choose her middle name."
Draco chuckled as he said, "I think that's more than fair. So what is our baby girl's middle name then?"
"That um...that was..." Draco was fumbling with his words, stammering even, in an attempt to coherently get out a simple sentence. Her choice of names caught him entirely off guard to say the least.
"That um...that was Taylor's middle name."
"I know."
Draco looked at her, gulping thickly, unsure if he had heard her correctly.
No. In the back of his mind, he knew he had heard her. He just wasn't sure whether she was being honest or doing it for his sake.
"Hermione...I don't want–"
"Look, Taylor will always be a part of you. In loving you, I love everything about you. If you love Taylor, then I'll love Taylor. This is our little girl. Nicole is the perfect name because it is not only a significant part of you, but perfect given that it means 'victory of the people'."
Draco was genuinely shocked by that. He was unaware that Nicole was such a strong, vibrant name.
"With her birth Draco, we won. We won it all and if you think it about it...I mean we shouldn't take so much credit, but you are a Slytherin so I know how you love to let things go to your head–" he smirked at her, "–but by us getting together...the Dark Lord fell. In a way, she was meant to have a name such as this."
Draco was in awe, flabbergasted, at everything she had just told him. Yes, she was right in the sense that their love did conquer evil, did bring about a victory. Their daughter was the symbol for the triumph so why not give her a middle name that acknowledged it?
"Hermione, how is it that you could see through me when nobody could?" asked Draco, his voice hoarse and raw.
"Well," said Hermione, understanding perfectly well what he was referring to, "how was it that you were able to save me?"
Without another glance, she turned away from him which somewhat disconcerted him given the conversation the two had just had. Why isn't she in my arms? Why isn't she letting me hold her?
Finally, after questioning her motives over something rather ridiculous on his part, he saw she merely had chosen to sit on a bothy-like bench. Their home was located in a serene countryside in Scotland, far away from any pestering reporters, onlookers, and free of the molestation that came which such beasts. The two wanted their life to be perfect and it was, just so long as they were left alone. Aside from the glorious sunrises and breathtaking sunsets which graced the manor's presence everyday, the house was surrounded by lavish gardens, exactly what they were strolling through at the moment. Hermione had wanted benches in various places so she could sit down once the baby was born and watch as the child played. Draco made sure this was carried out.
Hence, why she chose to sit on the bench. So she could sit so why was Draco suddenly feeling his throat constrict and the ground shake?
Cause you're about to ask her the most important question of your life! No...I wasn't planning on it–but it's the perfect time. This is a moment so intimate, so real, that you must do it now. Right now as you place your daughter in her arms, get down on one knee, and–you bloody well know the rest! Just do it already!
Draco took four steps toward her noting how she smiled up at him, another moment where she looked sixteen all over again. At least until he placed their daughter in her arms. Her being a mother was definitely an attractive quality.
Hermione was so caught up in cooing at her daughter, pressing little kisses to her plump cheeks and diminutive nose, that she did not even notice Draco's shift in stance. No longer was he standing in front of her, but instead opted for bending down on only one knee.
"Hermione..." he whispered, nearly inaudibly.
She faced him and just as he expected, the situation—what he was about to do—hit her in a matter of moments.
"When I saw you that day in the snow wrapped up in that cute little scarf and oversized gloves, I didn't know it was going to be the best encounter of my life."
Her eyes were already glassy with tears, the good kind, but she would not let them fall.
"I was prepared to live that way for the rest of my life. I was prepared to just...not live. Then you came along and absolutely ruined everything."
A light laugh crossed between a whimper was emitted from her trembling mouth. She refused to speak; wanted to remain quiet. The only sound other than Draco's voice was the soft whispering of the wind and the unobtrusive clatter coming from Draco's frisky cat pouncing around behind them, chasing night beetles.
"I didn't think anyone would be able to understand me, to know me, to figure me out, and I surly did not expect the person to break through that barrier to be Harry Potter's best mate. I mean...I thought it was more likely for me to get with Professor McGonagall before that."
Another half laugh, half whimper; another attempt to not stop it.
"Nobody could get to me until you. You know, I just can't get enough of that. Hermione I'm to the point where I can't live without you. I just can't. I need you like I need air and water and...and our little girl. I need you in my life and for the rest of my life."
Hermione bit her lip knowing what he was about to do. All she could think was—it's about bloody time!
What she was expecting to hear was a four word question. One can guess her amount of shock when the next thing he said was a spell.
Hermione looked on confused until she heard the soft whizzing of an object racing toward them at firebolt speed. Draco caught it easily in his hand, the object being of extremely small size.
It was a box.
No. Not just any box, but a jewelry box...the kind that holds a ring...a special ring—
"Will you marry me?"
And there was the ring. The ring was sitting in the confines of the dark velvety material, sparkling as though every light source to ever exist was embedded into the glorious rock. A modest elegant diamond was surrounded by small cut, green emeralds (What a Slytherin, she thought) held together by the shiny band of silver. It was beautiful. Positively beautiful.
Finally, after what felt to Draco like a bloody eternity, she looked back up to meet his eyes, sparkling like dark pewter. He did not see fear or worry or anxiety or anything of that nature. He truly saw stars and happiness and life in her eyes; it was stunning.
"Draco...yes. YES!"
With that, Draco Malfoy was a happy man.
Hermione smiled to herself as she woke up, her naked limbs positively tangled with the bed sheets. What struck her as odd was waking up by herself, without Draco's warm, from what she remembered—naked, body pressed against hers. She slowly lifted up, wrapping the blanket around her bare upper body, looking around for him.
Then it hit her like a bludger in the head. Well, is there not a beautiful little baby in the house?
Hermione removed herself from the sheets, throwing on an oversized t-shirt and of course one of Draco's boxers, her customary attire when waking up. Noting the color of light outside, she realized it had to be early morning, perhaps four, being as the dawn seemed to be readily approaching.
Walking softly, soundlessly, down the hall, she faintly heard whispered words coming from her baby's words. Completely unaware of it, the words she heard would stay with her forever.
"Sweetness, I love you so much."
It was Draco discernibly, spending the early hours of the day rocking and gently shushing his daughter back to sleep. Hermione felt it was far too sweet a moment to walk in and ruin the mood so she remained where she was standing, leaning against the door frame and hidden from his view.
"I had a really good night last night. You see your daddy finally asked your mum to marry him and you know what she said? She said yes. Merlin help me, she said yes."
A light blush spread across her face. Honestly, as if there was any doubt. He had to have known that I would say yes!
"I wonder how I was lucky enough to get her. I wonder it so often and so hard sometimes why I was blessed enough to get her. Getting her got me you and I think you know how much I love you, baby girl."
Draco had never known such a love. He loved his two girls, his Angel and his baby, with everything in him. He would die to protect them and give up his immortal soul for their happiness because their happiness meant more to him than his own. He just loved them.
"You want to know a secret baby girl? Though I'd never admit this to your mum—"
At once, Hermione tensed. Somehow it felt as though she was prying in on their moment, on something far too private between him and his daughter to continue listening, but as she made to move, he spoke the words far quicker than her strides to get away.
"—but I have actually fancied your mother far longer than I have let on."
What? Did he really just say that? How long...exactly?
"You see I remember when I saw her for the first time. We were eleven and there was just something about her which completely entranced me. I was smitten over your mother for the briefest of times given the circumstances which came after. This was back in a time when your daddy was a mad fool and believed her blood was inferior. I always thought to myself, never aloud, of how much I wished she was not a muggle-born witch and certainly not Harry Potter's mate."
Draco could see his little girl falling asleep from the soothing sound of his deep voice, her father's voice, and he made no efforts to keep her awake. At this point, he was more so speaking aloud for himself than for anything else.
"How I wished that. Now? Now I think about how stupid I was. Your dad wasn't too smart then. No matter now because I've got your mum and you so for me, sweetness, life is good."
Hermione had raised her hand subconsciously to her heart, heavy puffs of breath coming out of her as though she was a Hungarian Horntail breathing fire.
He's such a wonderful man. He is amazing and Merlin...I love him. I love him so much.
"And another thing sweetness," whispered Draco, rising from his sitting position to place her back in her bassinet, already asleep, "you're going to grow up to look like her. You're going to be absolutely beautiful. While it terrifies me considering all of those ruddy boys will be chasing after you, I wouldn't want you to look like anyone else. Your mum is my absolute favorite person so I'm glad you'll look like her."
Hermione forced herself away, wretched back into the master bedroom, fearful her sobs, which had started to take over her body back when he said the word 'smitten', would ruin the moment between father and daughter.
Draco finished tucking her in, brushing back her soft dark hair, Hermione's hair, out of her face. He placed a tender kiss on her forehead before leaning over her once more to simply admire his baby girl, his gorgeous daughter...
"I love you...Iris."
The End
A/N: Okay so there you have it. I apologize for the long wait (well long for me given I normally post in a few days time), but I was not going to put out something I wasn't proud of. I refuse to put out something I don't like and I do like this. There were a few rewrites of this chapter so I do hope you all enjoyed it because I did enjoy writing it. I think this chapter summed everything up.
I'm kind of sad and melancholy right now since it's hitting me that it is over. I do love this story and I'm grateful to everyone who supported it and enjoyed it. Thank you so much! I guess I'm off now to write something else, something far different from this.
Sorry to those who have requested it, but there will be no sequel. Their story has been told.
Alright so the name of the story was used in this chapter. "Iris" is a song by the band the Goo Goo Dolls and I based not just the chapter, but the entire story off of the song. The whole point of this story was to reveal the type of relationship described in the song. "And I don't want the world to see me cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything is made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am." Consider that in this last chapter and I think everyone should have a better idea of the story title now. Oh and there daughter's name - I planned out the story a long LONG time ago so I always had intended for them to have a child together to be named Iris.
READ AND REVIEW!! If you can read it, then you can review it.
Iris is the work of fanfiction. The characters belong to J.K. Rowling, but the featured story is mine.