Intruder - Part Forty-one

Hilde awoke with a start. She was sure...
There it was again! The roar of a reactor! There just better be five...
*Whoosh! *
There was another that was three!
"Come on, just two more..."
She ran out into the hall to get Katherine, and knocked her flying as they both ran into each other. There was another roar and a clunk as a fourth Gundam landed.
Charlie was practically bouncing off the walls, he knew what was happening, just as well as they did. The guys were back!
"One more! Come on! Just one more..."
*Whoosh - thud*
"Yes!" they shouted at each other, hugged as they leapt to their feet, and raced off down the short corridor to the Gundam's Hangar.
They burst through the door, almost knocking flat Heero as he reached the exit, and ran to their pilots - Hilde to Duo and Katherine to Trowa.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down babe you're gonna-"
"Waahh!!" Hilde cried as she skidded across the room, she'd slipped in the puddle.
Duo pushed himself into a run and leapt in her path.
"Ow!" Duo moaned as he was pinned to the floor by a very excited Hilde.
She tried to welcome him back, but she had been struck down with a fit of giggles and found herself unable to speak. So she just lay there on top of him, and refused to remove her arms from around his chest.
"Hilde-" *cough* "babe" *cough* "Ican'tbreathe."
She opened her eyes to look at his face, and found it was tinged with blue.
She jumped up as he shoved her off.
They both stood up as he took a deep breath.
*Sigh* "Phew! I get through countless dolls and bad guys and risk death-"
She cautiously wrapped her arms around him again.
"-who knows how many times, and who comes closest to killing me? My own girl!"
She smiled at him, and ticked him with the end of his braid. Dropping it she hugged him.
He grinned back, his violet eyes sparkling happily. "Nice to see you too Hilde."
"Did I ever tell you that you talk too much?" she asked.
He opened his mouth to reply, and she pulled him tighter, and kissed him.

"Trowa!" Katherine cried, running to his side (avoiding the puddle).
"Kathy." He said.
She gave him a 'please don't be like that' look.
He smiled at her.
"It's great that you're back."
"I'm glad to be back, trust me."
She gave him a sisterly cuddle and noticed the cut on his head.
"It's nothing." He said, hoping she wouldn't fuss.
She put her sleeve in her mouth and then wiped the cut.
"Ok, now it's nothing." She agreed, and backed off to give Charlie room to say hello.
Heero had left, and Wufei had gone with him.
Quatre however had found himself trapped, and, not wanting to disturb them, he hung back near Sandrock. She saw him.
"Quatre? Are you alright?"
He nodded. He wasn't exactly sure, he thought so, but he felt lonely inside.
"Come here."
He still hung back.
"It's alright, I don't bite."
Her voice seemed to calm him, and he walked over to her, as she moved closer to him.
She put her arms around him, and whispered in his ear.
*I'm glad you're back too.*
He couldn't tell if it was her voice, the words or the touch, but suddenly he wasn't lonely anymore. He said nothing, just smiled sweetly, as he always did, and everything seemed right again. Over her shoulder he saw Trowa with Charlie.
Trowa looked over and nodded to him, this was what he wanted, after all, Katherine was his sister.
"I'm glad to be back."

The End!
Well Done! ~ Sam ^_^