Guys I am soooooooo sorry!!! Things have just been incredibly busy for me! Tennis ended a while ago...I took 2nd at league(woot woot) Then the wrestling coach at my school asked me and my friend if we wanted to be that is going to be taking up a lot of my time! ALSO I have started a new story!!! (which I really shouldn't have because I need to work on Owen Ohio 2...) Anyways...
The Contest. I just watched She's the Man like five times so I am going to be making many references to it and the first person to find them ALL will get to be a character in later chapters. If nobody finds them all then the person who finds the most will get advertisement for one of their stories or a small spoiler!
Disclaimer: Yes actually my dad just bought me High School Musical! And in the same day I invented the space shuttle and microwave popcorn.
Chapter nine
Everyone was now in the gym. The guys were playing basketball, well except for Ryan he was talking to London Tipton, while the girls watched and got massages.
With the Guys...
Chad passed the ball to Troy who did a slam dunk as two blonde twins walked by. "Whoa dude that was awesome! I'm Zack and this is my Brother Cody." Zack said.
"Thanks. I'm Troy. This is Chad and that's Zeke."
" You think you guys could show us how to play like that." Cody said.
"I know Troy can he's got a life time of knowledge." Chad said.
"Gotta go!" They twins said at the same time then ran away. A few seconds later Troy saw the manager from the front desk running after them.
With the Girls...
"Hey where did Ryan go?" Gabriella asked. "I think he went off to find London Tipton. We've known her for a long time." Sharpay said with her eyes closed. "Ohhh! Sounds like Ryan has a little crush." Taylor squealed "I'd say it's more than just a crush." Sharpay giggled.
Just then the Ryan and the guys walked over. "I didn't know the gym had massages." Ryan said. "Oh they don't this is Duke, Sebastian, and Justin they do the laundry." Sharpay said. Troy glared at Sebastian who was massaging Gabriella's shoulders. Sebastian immediately stopped "Uh we've got to go." He said pulling Duke and Justin away. "So who won?" Taylor asked. "Troy." Zeke and Chad rolled their eyes. Troy didn't say anything. "Okay it's 5:30 we better get ready for the movie." Sharpay said as she stood up. Everyone followed her to the elevator. Sharpay and Taylor got off first since they were on floor seven followed by Zeke, Chad, and Ryan who were on floor thirteen.
Gabriella looked up at Troy. He had been very quite. His normally bright eyes were dark.
"Troy are you mad at me?" Gabriella asked quietly.
"No." Troy wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
"I just don't like random strangers feeling up my girl."
"He was just massaging my shoulders and Sharpay made me." Gabriella giggled. Troy smiled and kissed her. Gabriella slid her hand into Troy's pocket and took out the room key with out him knowing.
"Plus your massages are way better!" Gabriella said as they pulled away.
"No." Gabriella laughed as the doors opened and ran away.
"Oh you're gonna get it now Montez!" Troy ran after her. He caught up to her in front of their door but Gabriella opened it and ran in. She tried to close the door but she wasn't quick enough. Troy pounced on Gabriella and pinned her to the bed. He started tickling her sides.
"AH NO...TROY...STOP..."
"Only if you say Troy Bolton is the sexiest man alive and he gives the best massages."
"Okay..." Troy kept tickling her sides.
"OKAY OKAY OKAY! Troy Bolton is the sexiest man alive...and he gives the best massages." Gabriella barely choked out. "Thank you." Troy leaned down and kissed her. "Do you want the shower first?" Troy asked ask he pulled away. "Nah you can go first since I'll probably take longer." Gabriella said. "You sure?" Troy kissed her again. Gabriella nodded her head. "It's the least I could do since you're taking me shopping tomorrow." "Hahaha funny." Troy said as he walked into the bathroom.
Gabriella decided to call her mom since she never did.
ring ring...
"Hi Mami."
"Gabriella! How's Boston? Did you get there okay?"
"We got here fine no problems. It's really pretty here with all the snow."
"That's good. What are your plans for tonight I'm sure Sharpay has everyone on a time schedule."
"Ha yea she does. Tonight we all are going to go see Jarhead but in return the guys have to take us shopping tomorrow. What about you?"
"Scott's been keeping me busy. Actually the Bolton's and I are going to a show tonight."
"Really what one?"
"A slightly modern version of Shakespeare's "The Twelfth Night,' Sorry mija someone is at the door. Have fun."
"Okay I will bye."
Gabriella hung up the phone as Troy walked out of the bathroom. "Were you talking on the phone?" Troy asked. "Yea I called my should probably do the same." Gabriella said before she walked into the bathroom.
A few minutes later...
Gabriella came out of the bathroom to get her clothes, wrapped only in a towel. "Hey sexy." Troy got off the bed and kissed her, pinning her to the wall. Gabriella kissed back. Troy licked her bottom lip and gently tugged on her towel. Gabriella pulled away. "Troy stop tugging on my towel!" Troy smirked. "I need to get dressed." Gabriella said trying to get out of his grasp. "No you don't." Troy grinned. "You want me to walk around like this for the rest of the night?" Gabriella said raising her eyebrows. Troy immediately stepped away from her so she could change.
Finally Gabriella emerged from the bathroom fully dressed. Troy was watching something on ESPN. His cell phone was sitting next to him. "Troy did you call home?" Gabriella asked and sat down next to him. "Uh yea I was just talking to my dad on the phone..." Troy put the cell phone up to his ear. "...bye dad." Gabriella rolled her eyes and slapped his shoulder. "It's six fifty we should get down to the lobby." Gabriella said.
Troy wrapped his arms around Gabriella in the elevator. "Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight." Troy huskily whispered in her ear. "No you didn't." Gabriella giggled. "You look beautiful babe." Troy kissed her cheek. "Thanks, I love you." Gabriella hugged him. "I love you too babe." Troy leaned down to kiss her just as the elevator doors opened. Chad, Zeke and Ryan walked in. "Troy you'll never believe it!! I went down to the candy counter earlier and there's this girl who looks exactly like Sharpay down there!! And she was talking to a guy that looked exactly like you!! This totally proves my theory that everyone is born with a evil twin that gets sent to the opposite side of the country!!" Chad said. Everyone stared at him. "Chad that is probably the spaziest thing you have ever said." Zeke slapped the back of his head. "Okay first Sharpay already has a twin and second Troy and I met her already her name is Maddie." Gabriella said as the doors opened again revealing Sharpay and Taylor. "Okay I called Daddy and he got us a car so, we'll catch the 7:20 showing of Jarhead. I figured we could eat at the theater then go get something afterwards." Sharpay said as she walked into the elevator. The doors opened again and they followed Sharpay out to a huge black SUV with a driver. "To the Warren Theater please." She said as she climbed in.
A few minutes later...
They got to the movie theater around seven. "Okay I'll go get the tickets you guys go get snacks." Ryan said. Troy wrapped his arm around Gabriella's waist and walked over to the concession stand line. "Hi what can I get for ya?" A teenage boy asked. Troy and Gabriella stared at each other for a second before Troy said. "One medium popcorn a package of regular gummy worms and a Dr. Pepper." "Man! How do you do that?" Gabriella looked dumb founded at him. It was a little game they played when they went to the movies Troy would guess what Gabriella wanted, which changed every time, and he always got it right. "You thought you had me with the gummy bears didn't you." Troy laughed and paid for the food. "So where's my prize?" He said as they walked over to the group were Ryan was handing out tickets. Gabriella rolled her eyes and quickly pecked Troy on the lips then grabbed two tickets from Ryan. Everyone walked to the theater laughing at Chad's attempts to carry all of the candy he had bought.
"So where should we sit, front row, middle or back?" Zeke asked. "Middle." Everyone said together. Gabriella sat down next to Troy. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her then stole a gummy worm from the pack sitting on her lap. Gabriella kissed his cheek as the movie started.
About thirty minutes into the movie Troy leaned down so that his lips were barley touching Gabriella's ear and whispered. "I love you." Gabriella smiled and whispered "I love you too." Then snuggled closer to him and rested her head on his chest.
Gabriella's P.O.V
That's another thing about Troy that I love. He is always surprising me and saying he loves me at the most random moments but it is always feels so good to hear it from him. I smiled when I felt Troy pulling me closer to him. I breathed deep. His scent was almost intoxicating. Troy always managed to smell amazing to me...well not always especially after a game but most of the time.
Troy's P.O.V
I smiled when Gabriella let me pull her closer. I know she hates these kinds of movies but hopefully me shopping with her tomorrow will make up for it. I would do anything for that girl. The team always laughs at me saying I'm whipped but I don't care. I know that someday Gabriella would make the perfect wife but not right now we are both way too young.
Normal P.O.V
An hour and a half later the movie ended. Troy wrapped his arm around Gabriella's waist as they walked through the lobby. "Okay so I googled a cute little shop and I think that we could get a snack there since most of us had a lot of candy...Chad...So just follow me." Sharpay said leading the way. A few minutes later they arrived at a small Soda Shoppe. "Shar, this is an Ice Cream's like thirty degrease outside." Zeke said. "Yes but they also have the best hot chocolate in the country." Taylor pointed out after reading the sign. "Thank you." Sharpay stuck her tongue out at Zeke.
The smell of sweet chocolate and cinnamon filled the air as they walked inside. "Cool all of the ice cream flavors also come in hot chocolate!" Chad stood there amazed at the selection.
"What are you getting babe?" Troy asked Gabriella. "I can't decide between rocky road hot chocolate or holiday spice..." She trailed off studying the menu. "How 'bout you get one and I get the other." Troy said. "Good idea." Gabriella smiled. "Hi welcome to Ye Ole Soda Shoppe what can I get you?" The lady at the register said. "Well one rocky road hot chocolate and one holiday spice." Troy said. "Alright that will be $2.50." Troy paid and took their drinks off the counter. There were no tables inside just outside on the patio. "Hey guys we'll meet you outside." Gabriella said as she and Troy went to sit down. Once outside Troy sat down and pulled Gabriella onto his lap. "Mmm...This hot chocolate is the best. Thanks Troy." Gabriella kissed his cheek. "Wanna try some?" She offered him her cup. Troy took it and in turn gave her his. Everyone else came and sat down at the table with them.
A few minutes later the weather had changed drastically. The temperature must have dropped at least ten degrease. "Guys it's getting really cold. How far is it to the hotel?" Gabriella shivered. "It's just down the street. We better go." Sharpay said. Everyone stood up and started walking.
Troy noticed a little old lady a few feet ahead of them stumble and drop the sack she was carrying causing all of it's contents to go flying out. Troy ran ahead and helped her pick up her things. "Oh why thank you young man, you are too kind." They lady said as Troy handed her bag back. "Oh it's no problem." Troy said as the rest of the group caught up. "You youngsters should be getting inside there's a storm coming I can feel it." The lady said. "That's what we are planning to do. I hope you don't live too far from here yourself." Troy said. "Oh no I live with my daughter above the Soda Shoppe, she owns it." She smiled. "Really, we were just there. That is definitely the best hot chocolate I have ever tasted." Gabriella said. "Oh thank you, I better be going before the weather gets any worse. Have a nice night." The little old lady waved as she walked away. "That was really sweet of you Troy." Gabriella said as they continued walking. "Oh I didn't really think anything of it. I just saw her fall so I helped her." Troy said wrapping his arms around her.
By the time they had reached the hotel it had stared to snow, hard. Troy and Gabriella rushed up to their room desperate for warmth. They both quickly changed into warmer clothes, Troy in sweats and Gabriella in one Troy's sweat shirts and a pair of red flannel pajama pants.
"Troy why is it so freaking cold in here?" Gabriella mumbled into his chest. "I don't know babe, I turned the thermostat all the way up!" Troy said burying his head into her hair. It was at least one in the morning and their hotel room was freezing!
"Okay that's it I'm going to go down to the front desk and see what's going on...Oh my gosh I can see my own breath." Gabriella said, shivering.
"No way cool!" Troy sat up so he could see his own breath. Gabriella rolled her eyes. "Keep my spot warm for me." Gabriella quickly pecked Troy's cheek then walked out of the room.
Gabriella walked out of the elevator into lobby and saw the night manager sleeping on one of the lobby couches.
"Um...Excuse me..." Gabriella read his name tag. "...Skippy."
Skippy jerked awake causing her to jump.
"Uh what do you need?" Skippy asked.
"Well um I think something is wrong with the heat in our room..." Gabriella started but Skippy cut her off.
"I'm sorry but I have more important things to do than teach some little girl how to use the thermostat. Now if you will excuse me." Skippy stood up from the couch and shoved Gabriella out of the way.
Gabriella stood there shocked for a few seconds before she walked back to the elevator.
Gabriella furiously stormed into her and Troy's room. "Hey babe what did they say?" Troy asked as he pulled her down onto the bed next to him. Gabriella rolled her eyes. "Well Skippy the night manager said that he had more important things to do than teach a little girl how to use the thermostat then shoved me out of his way so he could go sleep some more." She huffed into his chest. "Wait you mean he literally like pushed you out of his way?" Troy growled. Gabriella nodded her head. "This is bullshit! I'm going down there right now!" Troy yelled as he jumped out of bed. " NO Troy don't!" Gabriella said trying to pull him back down. "No I don't care who they are no one will talk to my girl like that!" Troy furiously stormed out of the room.
Troy came back into the room carrying two blankets. "What'd they say." Gabriella asked as he laid down. "Damn how did you get so warm?" Troy pulled her closer to him. "I thought I lost my old heating pad in the move but as it turns out it was in the bottom of my suit case. Now what did they say?" Gabriella pleaded. Troy laughed and wrapped the blankets around them.
"Mr. Moseby, the normal manager, told me that the heater for the building had just broken down and it was only a matter of time before the guest would wake up cold but he has the repair people coming tomorrow." He said into her neck. "What about Skippy?" Gabriella looked hard at Troy. "Go to sleep baby." Troy quickly kissed her.
"Sleep baby."
"Troy are you going to tell me or not?"
"Fine!" Gabriella rolled over so her back was facing Troy and slid out of his grasp to the other side of the bed. "Come on Gabi you're not really mad at me are you?" Troy asked pulling her closer. "Why won't you tell me what is going to happen to Skippy?" Gabriella asked still not facing him. "I just didn't want to tell you that Mr. Moseby is going to fire him okay!" Troy sighed. Gabriella rolled over in his arms. "So you didn't want to upset me?" Gabriella asked. "Well yeah." Troy gave her a confused look. "Aw, that so sweet!" Gabriella slowly kissed him. Troy smiled after she pulled away. "Okay baby now I need sleep." Troy playfully kissed her nose.
Just as they were both about to fall asleep when the phone rang. Troy groaned and reached over Gabriella to push the speaker button.
"Hello?" Gabriella laughed at Troy's annoyed tone.
"Troy, it's Sharpay! Is your hotel room cold?" Sharpay yelled.
"Yes why do you care?" Troy nuzzled his head into Gabriella's neck as if he were trying to hide from Sharpay's voice.
"Because every person I've called has said there room is cold and mine is freezing!"
"Uh huh." Troy was gently placing kisses on Gabriella's neck causing her to giggle.
"So, I just wanted to add this to the list of reasons why my daddy should sue the hotel!" She practically yelled.
"Sharpay are you done yet?" Troy groaned, still kissing Gabriella's neck.
"WELL far be it from me to try to make your hotel stay more enjoyable you egotistical JOCK!"
Gabriella winced as she heard Sharpay slam the phone down. Troy laughed and hung up the speaker phone.
"She will do great things."
Gabriella laughed and kissed his cheek.
"Goodnight Troy."
"Night Baby."
With that Troy and Gabriella finally feel into a deep sleep.
Okay I am soooo sorry it took sooooo long!!! This chapter probably isn't that good but please review!! Anyways Wrestling keeps me really busy but I will try to update when ever I can!! CONTEST!! For the contest you must PM me your answer (I don't want anyone to look at the reviews and cheat.)