A.N So this is my first High School Musical story. It's mostly a Troyella fluff, with Chadlor Zepay, and all of the other
typical couples. This takes place in the gang's senior year. Troy and Gabriella are officially a couple. Let me know what
you think.
Chapter 1
"Just three more minutes till free period." Gabriella thought. Meanwhile, Troy sat on the edge of his seat waiting for the bell
to ring. "For the announcements today, don't forget about the first home basketball game this Friday." The teacher said just as the
bell rang. Troy bolted (ha ha Troy Bolton bolted ha ha just having a moment there.) out of his seat and down the hallway. He
reached Gabriella's classroom and casually leaned against the wall. Troy grabbed her waist right as she walked out of the classroom.
"Hey." Gabriella said, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "So what do you want to do for free period?" Troy asked as he took
Gabriella's hand and started down the hall. " I don't know, we could rehearse with Kelsi." Gabriella suggested. "Nah." Troy shook
his head. "Or we could shoot baskets." Gabriella joked. "I have a better idea." Troy said teasingly. He led her to his secret hide out.
"Ah, I love it up here." Gabriella said as she walked towards the railing. Troy followed and wrapped his arms around her. Gabriella
turned around. Troy kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with his hair. Troy lightly licked her lips, begging for
entrance. Gabriella parted her lips, and the making out continued. After a little over five minutes they pulled apart. "Bolton, I like the
way you think." Gabriella said quietly. "Do you still want a ride home after school?" Troy asked. His parents got him a new black on
black Chevrolet Spitzer for his seventeenth birthday. (see profile for picture!) "Troy have I ever turned you down for a ride?"
Gabriella asked sarcastically. "Just checking." Troy said putting his hands up in defense. Gabriella sat down on the bench. Troy sat
down next to her. She leaned into his chest. "I can't wait for the game tomorrow." Gabriella said. "Ya, me too." He kissed her which
turned into making out again. Troy and Gabriella talked/kissed until the bell signaling that free period was over. "Come on, time for
the last hour of the day." Gabriella sighed. Troy put his arm around her waist and the left for chemistry.
They walked into the
classroom. Gabriella went to sit with Taylor, her lab partner, while Troy went over to Chad, just in time for the bell to ring. (A.N. I
am only in eighth grade so I don't really know what they do in chemistry so just kinda bear with me.) "Today we will be mixing
(insert chosen chemicals here )with (insert chosen chemicals here) to make (insert some result here.)" Mr. Archer announced. "We
went over this yesterday so you know what to do let's get started." He added.
"So..?" Taylor asked. "So what?" Gabriella replied as she started on the lab. "Come on Gabi, so how was your free period I
saw you and Troy sneaking off." Taylor said. "We went to the balcony and, talked." Gabriella replied. "And.." Talyor sang. "And,
we kissed okay." Gabriella added something to the beaker. "So are we going to make shirts for the game tomorrow?" Taylor added
another ingredient. "We can make them at my house, my mom has tons of fabric paints and stuff." Gabriella said excitedly.
Mean while over with Troy and Chad.
"Dude I am so pumped for the game tomorrow." Chad said as he carelessly added things to the beaker. "Ch.." Troy tried to say but
Chad cut him off. "I mean we are going to cream the eagles!" "Chad don't add that!" Troy warned, but he didn't listen. "Come on
we won the championship last year!" BOOM!!!!!! a huge puff of smoke blasted out of their beaker. "Troy what did you do!"
Gabriella yelled. Troy turned around. "Hey it's not my fault look who my lab partner is!" Troy said. "Chad!" The whole class
groaned. "oops?" Chad said stupidly. "Here start again and next time you two can't be partners!" Mr. Archer said and he handed
them new supplies. "Now everyone get back to work." Mr. Archer told the class. "Mr. Archer we're done." Taylor said. "Alright let
me check your work." Mr. Archer walked over to their table and checked the project. "Perfect, nice job ladies." Taylor stuck her
tongue out at Chad. Troy added some chemicals and had Mr. Archer check the project. "Looks good Troy." Mr. Archer said. The
final bell for the day rang. Gabriella turned to Taylor. "So meet me at my house around 6?" "Sure see ya later." Taylor followed
Chad out of the Classroom. Troy help Gabriella gather her stuff up and they walked out of the room. "So I'm going to go help
Sharpay in work on costumes them I'll meet you outside the locker room." Gabriella said. "Okay, I have practice til' five see you
then." Troy kissed her. "Good luck." Gabriella whispered. "Thanks see you in a bit." Troy said before turning to go into the locker
Gabriella turned around and headed towards the auditorium. She walked in only to find...
So what did you guys think? this is my second story, but my first HSM story, so pretty please review and to those who
read my other story Owen Ohio, sorry I haven't updated in a long time but I will try to tomorrow so don't give up on me