Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Total summery: Naruto is the son of the fourth hokage one of the last three to wield the Sharingan, also use of Kyuubi's power. Will be Naruto/TenTen because she is personally one of my favorites due to the fact her weapons skills rule and she doesn't have her head up Sasuke's ass. Maybe a Harem if I decide I want to attempt it but I'm not certain.


Konoha, night of the Kyuubi's assault

As the Yondaime fell his final task on this earth complete, the sealing of the Kyuubi no Kitsune into his first and only son, Sarutobi the Sandaime Hokage took the small child from him no one could have imagined the way events that night would unfold and the power the Kazama clan would contain within several years. The Kyuubi was in fact a female demon enraged over the slaughter of a new born kit in her clan, but that night things ran differently the Kyuubi was in some strange effect reverted to but a child, she would age like Naruto and die as he did, but in all reality while she contained her power the Kyuubi would grow up again free of the demonic taint her father had created within her before he died.

"Naruto, just what can we expect of you?" Sarutobi whispered to the new born.

"Sandaime, is that sensei's child?" A younger silver haired boy asked from behind him.

"Yes Kakashi, this is Naruto."

"Sir I would like to be allowed to look after Naruto, to look over him for Sensei."

"Very well, Hatake Kakashi, you a hereby assigned to be the personal guard of Kazama Naruto. Good luck if he awakens both of his bloodlines."

"Both sir?"

"The Hiraishin wasn't a jutsu as you where lead to believe it was Arashi's greatest secret it was in fact a bloodline that allows the users body to speed up to an almost inhuman level, and his mother was Uchiha Rin."

"So wouldn't the Uchiha clan want him?"

"They would kill the child as the demon I believe its better they think he was never born. Good luck Kakashi, I'll deal with the others you go, also see Hyuuga Hisashi, and Weapons Master Tenchi."

"If I may ask why."

"They were on your fathers old team, he told them what he was going to do and they have offered their assistance."

"Understood." With that Kakashi turned and left

Eight Years Later

Naruto had grown into a smart young man at age five he began to train as a ninja, Kakashi was teaching him ninjutsu and chakra control, which was a challenged but Naruto's stubbornness prevailed. In tactics Naruto proved to be as brilliant as his father, Kakashi feared what may have happened to his little brother had he been forced to hid his potential for years. Hisashi was teaching Naruto taijustsu with Hinata and his nephew Neji. Finally Tenchi was teaching Naruto weapons skill, including Naruto's personal favorite swordsmanship. Tenchi had held TenTen back a year in the academy to teach her at home, she was now set to become a member of Naruto's class. At age five Naruto had been attacked by a drunken mob and learned about the reborn Kyuubi and activated the Sharingan. Kakashi found the foxes appearance amazing and reasoned that Arashi's seal had not only contained the demon but purified its existence as well. At age seven Naruto had managed to activate the Hiraishin even if he was clumsy with it and today was Naruto's eighth birthday.

"Happy Birthday Naruto." Kakashi said as he walked into Naruto's room in his house.

"Morning Kakashi." Naruto yawned sleepily from were he sat on his bed.

"Get up and get dressed, we are going to meet with the others it is your birthday today."

"Sweet! What did you get me Kakashi?" Naruto asked the mention of his birthday snapping the boy right out of his sleep-induced stupor.

"You'll get it later Naruto." Kakashi said with a laugh

Naruto got up and dressed in what was now normal for him, he a blue shirt, with blue pants, and a red jacket like his father's. Naruto turned and looked at the painting of Arashi that was in his room. "Well dad, I'm eight years old today. What do you think of me?" then he turned and left the room.

Later that day found Naruto and Kakashi in front of Tenshi's family home they chose to come here because Kakashi's house was so small and Hisashi didn't want to deal with the other Hyuuga's opinions on the "Demon", since the last Hyuuga that said that got kicked in the genitals by Hinata, then got the chakra points to his crotch closed off by Neji. Needless to say that poor guy was in a world of hour even thru the painkillers for about a week. They entered into the house after a moment and TenTen immediately pulled Naruto into a hug.

"Happy Birthday Naruto." TenTen told him

"Thanks TenTen." Naruto said as the group walked towards the living room. When they entered they found Tenchi, Hisashi, Neji, and Hinata all waiting for them. After everyone had said happy birthday to Naruto he walked over to Hinata and Neji.

"Hey guy."

"Hey Naruto."

"H..Hi..N..Naruto." Hinata stuttered.

"How is everything going for your two?"

"Pretty good, things at the compound are getting bad thought the elders are still mad about me not getting the seal, and to make things worse is would appear as thought Hanabi is going to make a bid for Hinata's position."

"It will all work out Neji."

"Thanks Naruto."

Eventually the day wore on and it came time for Naruto's gifts. From Kakashi he received a scroll of Fire Jutsu with one additional jutsu, the Chidori, from Hinata he was given some medicines incase he got hurt, from Neji he got a 10in dagger incase he needed something other then a Kunai or sword if he ever got one, Hisashi got him a book on taijustsu styles, TenTen gave him a new set of Kunai, and finally from Tenchi he received a Katana he had forged himself. It was about three feet long not including the handle, the hilt was blue with gold wrapped around it, across the blade was written Kazama Naruto, the sheath was blue with gold trim and designs that seemed to be nine golden tails wrapping around the sword. Naruto was overjoyed with everything he got, the party had lasted well into the night until everyone began to leave, TenTen hugged Naruto goodbye, and with that he bade goodbye to his best friends.

Four Years Later

Kazama Naruto sat in class next to his best friends minus Neji who had graduated a year prior. Naruto had developed a major rivalry with Sasuke, who couldn't believe the dobe had the Sharingan. Iruka stood up before the class and announced that this years final would be Bunshin. Naruto and friends just smirked knowing that for them this test was a breeze. Naruto was called first and passed using the Kage Bunshin much to Mizuki's horror the other two passed in the same fashion. They left the academy that day officially ninja of Konoha.

That night a mob attacked Kakashi and Naruto's house attempting to kill him in fear that the "Demon" was growing to powerful for them to stop, and charged the house with swords and knives. Kakashi and Naruto were hopelessly outnumbered and fighting hard against the mob when Tenchi and TenTen arrived and fell into line with the weary group. Naruto had his sword out and was parrying blows trying to save himself, TenTen had moved to his side and was taking some of the men's knees out by hitting them with kunai.

"Damn there's to many of them." Kakashi swore

"TenTen cover me!" Naruto yelled and began to do hand seals while TenTen watched his back

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, and in that instant ten Narutos rushed into battle as the real one redrew his sword to defend himself.

"Nice move Naruto." TenTen commented

"Thanks." Then he rushed forward himself, followed closely by TenTen. By this point ANBU had arrived to take care of the rioters.

"Naruto are you ok?" TenTen asked seeing the far off look in his eyes

"They all think I'm the Kyuubi, not the jailor. Everyone hates me." Then he collapsed into tears.

TenTen knelt down and swept her friend up in an embrace and held him. "Shh Naruto it'll be ok, not everyone hates you and you know that."

"It feels like it sometimes TenTen."

"I know Naruto but not everyone hates you."

"I know TenTen, at least I have those that are like family to me right."

She smiled "Yea Naruto you do."

"It still isn't easy at times, I cant ever do anything cause most people seem to make me stay away from everyone, I mean look I tried to get Sakura to go out with me and her parents flipped out, oh well." Naruto replied

TenTen was saddened she had secretly liked Naruto for awhile but she couldn't say anything because she didn't want to ruin them being friends, but the depression and sadness in his eyes was killing her. She hugged him tighter "It'll get better Naruto, don't do anything stupid."

"I wont TenTen." He said with a slight smile at his friend.

"Thanks." She said still holding him close and resting her head on his shoulder.

"As much as I hate to break up this moment, you two might want to get out of the street I mean the ground is soaked with the blood of the attackers, but either way its fine by me." Kakashi said humor in his voice. The two blushed and separated then went inside while Tenchi and Kakashi went to speak to the Hokage about the events. Once inside Naruto sat on the couch still looking upset about what he had to do to the rioters.

"Naruto, I wish I could help you." TenTen told him softly

"I know TenTen but I don't see how, almost all of this damned village hates me, it seemed like I am just the source of all the hate for almost every god damned bastard in this village, I just want it to end TenTen, I'm tired of having to beat up the people we are supposed to protect for my own protection."

"I know Naruto, but don't stop fighting if you have to. You mean a lot to some people."

"And to others I mean that much for to hate and want to kill!" He yelled, and TenTen started crying slightly

"TenTen what's wrong?" Naruto asked concerned about his friend

"Its hard to see someone you care about in pain isn't it Naruto."

"Yea, I'm not going to argue that one." He spoke softly to her

"Well trying having someone you love in that position."

"TenTen, what do you mean. How could someone love me besides my family, to everyone I am just the demonic waste of space this village should have killed."

"Naruto! Sit down and shut the hell up. You are not what they say you are and people do love you, you stupid bastard." She yelled thru tears "Because I do and I have for awhile now!" Then she sat back down

"Sorry TenTen" Naruto said then hugged her close to him.

"Its ok Naruto, sorry for blowing up like that." Then Naruto went to pull away and let her go, TenTen did the last thing he expected. She leaned in and kissed him.


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