Disclaimer: I own nothing, not Prison Break, not Sara, and sadly not Michael.


Paring: Michael/Sara.

Spoilers for second season.

Summary: Sara is lost, will Michael find her?

Dedicated to Lisa, because I'm lost without her.

Thank you for make it possible.

Title: Breathe

Chapter title: Lost

Insults, comments and reviews are really welcomes.

By Lylou.

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"-I'm asking you to make a mistake..."

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The music on the background was low and he couldn't recognize the song, but Michael wasn't there because of the music.

The club wasn't completely in the dusk, but he didn't see what he had come looking for.

Michael hated the place, immediately.

It was as horrible as all the other places in which he had looked for her in.

It has been almost a month since the last time that Michael has seen her, in that lost and dusty hotel in New Mexico.

That evening, when he came out of the shower, she wasn't there anymore, and the only thing that was left, was a note with her writing on it: "This time, I know better. I'm sorry."

But all was different now.

Since he had found out what had happened to her, Michael had been looking for her.

He had search for her in every place like that near the border, hoping to see her face among the smoke and the background music... And hoping to bring her out from there after.

The evening that Michael read the note, thought that he would never see her again, Michael thought that maybe she didn't love him, or even worse, that maybe she loved him but couldn't forgive him.

And it was the worst feeling in his whole life.

Knowing that he had lost her forever, knowing that she always would think that he didn't love her, that he had never loved her.

But now it doesn't matter if she could forgive him or not, or if she could trust him as much as he trusts her.

Because now Sara needed his help, and all that he could do was pray, hoping that it won't be too late.

His black coat was sprinkled with small rain drops that shone in the soft light of that horrible place.

A man approached him, he was small and his eyes were dark and lifeless, but his voice was kind and professional, like if he had asked the same question to many others men before him:

-"Can I help you?"

Michael managed to sound calm when he spoke:

-"Yes... I'm searching for something in particular..."

-"I see... Blonde?"



The small man spoke again, above the low music and the smoke, and when he did, Michael felt the roughly uncontrollable impulse to beat him.

-"I'm sorry, but our most popular red-headed is busy now... Maybe you would like..."


I want her."

Michael took a deep breath, trying in vain not to think about what that man had just told him.

-"Listen to me.

I know that "the Doc" is good, but I'm sure that ..."

Michael felt a sharp pain in his chest, and it hurt him so much as he thought that was impossible at this stage, but even so, he asked:

-"Why did you call her 'The Doc'?"

-"I think she was a doctor or something before she come here..."

-"And how did she came... here?"

-"Her boyfriend or something brought her here.

He was... cold."

-"I want her."

The small man looked at him, and Michael thought that maybe he had discovered him, but not.

What Michael could see in that man eyes, was just greed.

-"Just put your price.

I'll pay it."

The man went away and disappeared among the rest of the clients and the smoke.

Michael waited almost ten minutes looking around, and thinking about what would happen now.

He finally had found her, but he would still have to take her out from there.

And after that... What in hell could he said to her?

"I'm sorry about what had happen to you... Maybe we can still be friends?"

When he read that note in the hotel, he hated her for leaving him.

And he hated himself more for letting her go.

But now, all those things seemed silly compared with this.

Michael saw that small man walking back to him with a confident look in his greedy eyes.

-"I have had to bother at the customer that was with her...



Michael got some bills out of his coat pocket and gave it to him.

The disgusting man counted the money and smiled.

-"The last door over this corridor...

Have fun."

Michael walked until the old and dark door at the end of the passage and took a deep breath once more, and then he turned the doorknob slowly and entered into the room.

The only light there were some candles half-consumed, but even that, Michael could see her with a long dark green nightgown.

-"Hi Sara."

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To be continued...

Insults, comments... whatever.