Disclaimer: I donot own Alice Academy/Gakuen Alice

Chapter Ninteen : Spelled it out!

Mikan was in her room when Natsume bolted in.

" Hey Nats..." before Mikan could finish, Natsume pinned her to the bed and covered her mouth with his. The kiss just lasted for a mere few seconds. Natsume looked up at her. " Today is Valentine's and your gonna spend the day with me. Got it? "

Mikan was lay speechless.

" I'll take that as a yes. "

With that Natsume got up and and walked towards the door. He looked back to find Mikan still laying down. " Don't forget. " With that he left.


It was after Natsume entered his room that Mikan burst in.

" What was that? " she demanded.

" What? " replied Natsume.

Mikan fumed, and with her hands on her hips, charged at Natsume. " You cannot bully me into spending the day with you like that! "

" Oh yah? " said Natsume with a glint of mischief in his eyes. " Then how should I do it? " he continued as he neared her.

Mikan back down against the door as Natsume pinned her to it. There was confusion witten all over her face. " Tsubasa asked me to go with him and though I haven't said anything yet, I plan to go with him. "

Anger glowed in Natsume's eyes. " Didn't I already tell you that your going with me? " he said with gritted teeth.

" Yes but he asked first and he actually ASKED. Your always ordering me around. What's with that? "

Natsume stared at her for what seemed like ages. Finally after a long pause he let go of her and turned his back towards her.
" You won't get it. "

" What? " Mikan came around and faced Natsume. " Why won't I get it? "

Frustation took over his baser instincts and Natsume glared back at Mikan. " Because your too dense to get anything at all! I tried telling you and what happened?! You think I'm gay! "

" Dense!? " Mikan repeated as if she hadn't heard the rest of the sentence. " I'm not dense!"

" Forget all that! Your going with me that's all get it! "

" Why should I?! If I am dense then why do you want me to go with you anyway!? I'm going to go with Tsubasa! Atleast he doesn't insult me! " With that Mikan was about to stalk off when Natsume caught hold of her arm.

" You have to go with me. " said Natsume, trying hard to keep his temper in control.

" Why do I HAVE to?! "

" Bacause I said so! "

" Give me one reason why! "

" I love you thats why! " blurted out Natsume.

Mikan stood there, rooted to the spot. After a long pause Mikan replied. " Natsume, what does you liking Yuu have anything to do with this? "

Natsume's control snapped. He caught hold of ger shoulders and shook her. " I MEAN Y-O-U NOT Y-U-U! " Natsume spelled out for Mikan.

" Y-o-u ... " repeated Mikan in a daze. " As in ... me?! "

" Finally " whispered Natsume under his breath as he let go of Mikan's shoulders.

" But...I don't get it... " stammered Mikan.

" What? You still don't get it?! "

" No not that...its...ohhh! " Mikan exclaimed jerkily. " This wasn't one of your best jokes you know! "

Natsume let out a groan of pure frustation. He raked his hand through his hair as he studied her. " Miss Mikan Sakura, I was not joking. "

Mikan stared at him. Since Natsume never called her by her name, she finally gathered that he wasn't joking. It was like some sense finally knocked into her. " Natsume...I...don't know what to say.."

" Don't say anything. Just get out of here for now. "

" Huh? Get out? " She repeated, confused.

" Yah out! " he exclaimed with his back on her.

" Fine! I'm going! " Mikan exclaimed, getting her usual self back.

As Mikan slammed the door behind her, Natsume began to analyse his behaviour. He usually wasn't like that..talking all gushy and all. Actually the thing was that he had never felt so desperate to make someone understand something. HOw many times?? How many times had he had to repeat that he loved her until he literally had to spell it out to her? This wasn't the usual Natsume Hyuuga. Girls lay at his feet to get his attention. He wasn't used to pursuing someone. However he also wasn't used to losing something he set his eyes on. Okay so now that he had blatantly bared his feelings to her, now what? What if she ran back to that Andou's arms?! Natsume smiled to himself at that thought. If that happened, he'll just burn that star face to ashes, thats what will happpen. And boy oh boy, will he have fun doing that! Mikan was his no matter what!


As Mikan entered her room, she impulsedly bolted the door tightly. As she leaned against her door, her thoughts drifted back to the recent occuring. It all seemed like a dream to her. Did Natsume really say all that to her? Or had her imagination just run wild in there?! Well..one thing was for sure. Natsume definately was not gay! And it wasn't Yuu he was after all this time. So the other day he was confessing as well?? No wonder he called her dense...after all...all this time she had mistook him as a ... oh well! HOw was she supposed to know anyway!He was always teasing her....how could she take him seriously? However the question now was that did she love him too?? Could she love him? She had never looked at him that way...but then...her heart did beat faster when she caught a glimpse of him...and her pulse would race like crazy...but did all that really mean anything?? Was she too in love with Natsume Hyuuga...?

" Oh no...that cant be! " Mikan mentally slapped herself as the thought occured to her. " How can that be?! "

Mikan jumped up in surprise as the knock on the door sucked her back from her thoughts. As she opened the door, she was amazed to find nobody there. However a further search revealed an envelope lying next to her door.

" It's Natsume.. " thought Mikan to herself as she picked the envelope with trembling hands. As she ripped open the coVer, it was to reveal that there was small note in it.

" Meet me near the fountain. Love, Tsubasa. " said the note.

" Tsubasa...? " She repeated a little confused. " Oh well ofcourse it's Tsubasa! He wanted to talk to you earlier as well remember?! " She reminded herself. But then why was she suddenly feeling disappointed that it was from Tsubasa...? What did she expect anyway!? A note from Natsume?!

Mikan groaned inwardly. She thumped down on the floor and covered her head with her hands. Why oh why was she thinking of him?? Why couldn't she think of something else!? ANYTHING else!

" Mikan? "

Mikan jumped out of her thoughts as she looked up to find Koko staring her worriedly. " Oh Koko..hi. She managed with a small smile.

" Why are you sitting outside your room? " he inquired.

" What? Out- " It was then that it occured to Mikan that she had even forgotten that she was outside her room. " Oh...Tsubasa wants to meet me. " she replied, a little dazed.

" Here? " Said Koko as he looked around to see if he had missed Tsubasa standing behind him or something.

" No. No, not here...I...the fountain.." Mikan stammered out as her thoughts kept drifting back to what Natsume had confessed earlier.

Mikan gave herself a mental shake and turned back to Koko. He was staring back at her absouletly wide-eyed with his mouth gaping open. " Wh- what? " she said as she fixed her hair, thinking it must be something about her that had surprised him.

Koko knelt down beside her and caught hold of her shoulders. After a long pause, he asked, still wide-eyed, " When? "

" When? What when? Oh...well now I guess...I should get going. " With that she was about to get up and leave when Koko caught hold of her arm.

" When did Natsume confess. That's what I want to know. "

Mikan did a double take as she turned back to look at Koko. " How di-did...Oh no..." She finished as she realised that Koko could read minds. She had completely forgotten! Back then her mind was so unguarded that he must have read it like an open book! " He...oh Koko! " she said as she broke into tears. She embraced him and sobbed into his shoulder. Koko hugged her back, understanding her distress. " Mikan...it's alright.."

" No! I-I don't know what to do! I..." she her own words as another rush of tears overtook her.

" Mikan...I won't you into anything. Just do what your heart tells you. But more than anyone else, I know that he loves you truly. " He said as he rubbed her back to soothe her tears. " And you know that it must have been hard for Natsume to confess, considering that he is an arrogant, stubborn, obstinate, good-for-nothing fool and that - "


Koko felt a sharp blow beneath his chin as he fell to the ground. On regaining compsure, he noticed Natsume's daunting figure standing before him. " Natsume! What the hell was that for?! " Koko exclaimed as he tasted blood in his mouth.

" Natsume! " Mikan shouted at him as she nullified a fire ball aimed at Koko. " What are you doing?! "

" I trusted you! " exclaimed Natsume as he grabbed Koko by the collar.

" Natsume your getting it all wrong! " pleaded Koko.

" I heard you...you were trying to drive her against me! " Natsume's grip tightened as he continued.

" NO! " exclaimed Mikan from behind Natsume. " Would you stop this and listen?! "

Natsume reluctantly let go of Koko's collar and turned towards Mikan. " What do you have to say." He stated as he glared at her.

" Koko was not speaking against you. " She said as she went to stand beside Koko. " He was merely telling me...telling me that..." she faltered.

" What? How useless I am?! " snarled Natsume.

" NO! He was..."

" Forget it. " And with that Natsume turned to leave.

Mikan stared at his retreating figure and felt torn between what to do. She knew it was now or never. She felt that she had to stop him. Whether she loved him or not, she would think of that later. Right now, all she could think of was that she had to stop him. Make him believe that Koko was like a brother. She had to....

" Mikan! "

Mikan stopped and so did Natsume. However he did not turn back. He merely stopped for a heartbeat and then walked on. Mikan looked at him and then turned back to find Tsubasa standing there.

" Tsubasa? "

" I have been waiting at the fountain. Is something wrong? "

" Tsubasa...I..." she turned back to catch a glimpse of Natsume but he was nowhere.

" What is it? " Tsubasa asked gently.

" Mikan..." probed Koko, " don't have to be somewhere? "

Mikan turned to face him. " I...yes..." she smiled at him. And at that moment she understood. She had to stop Natsume. She had to make him believe her. She couldn't let him turn away...not yet. She had to tell him what she felt. She had to tell him that she too....and if he refused her after all this, then she'll try again...until he agreed.

She looked at Tsubasa. " I have to be somewhere. Sorry Tsubasa. " With that she rushed off, following the trail that she had seen Natsume take. At that moment the only thought that came to her mind was to stop Natsume anyhow! However after searching for more than half and hour, she was baffled as she could not find him anywhere.

" Where could he be...? " she asked herself in a whisper and the answer came to her in a flash. " Where does Natsume always go...? " a smile spread across her face as she raced towards the school grounds.


Next chappy is the last!! Hold your breath for it people. I 'm am so sorry I took so damn long to write this. I had my exams going on and at one point I just wanted to leave it all together...but then Hikaru718's review made me continue :) Thanx a lot girrll!! I love all my readers and review!!! yaaayyy!!! XD