The Solar Scout

Deep in the Negaverse, Queen Beryl was dispatching a new plan to defeat the 3 sailor scouts: Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mars. So many times have they foiled her plans and defeated her minions. Queen Beryl grunted with dismay.

Beryl "Jedite, come forth!!"

Among her countless remaining minions, a man in a gray suit and short blond hair appeared before Queen Beryl. His blue eyes gave a cold shiver down someone's spine when they are looked upon.

Jedite "I've done some research of the past, my queen. As you recall, there were 4 scouts protecting the moon kingdom during our attack."

Beryl "Don't bore me with recaps, Jedite. Just get to the point."

Jedite "Well, unbeknownst to us, there seemed to be another scout protecting Queen Serenity."

Beryl "What!? Another sailor scout!?"

Jedite "Actually, my queen, she was recognized as a solar scout: protector of the entire galaxy and planets."

Beryl stayed silent for a moment to remember. Then she was filled with fury.

Beryl "Ah, yes. I vaguely remember a distant scout protecting from the outside. We didn't get a chance to destroy her. What became of that wretched scout?"

Jedite "Well, while Queen Serenity sent the citizens of the moon kingdom to be reborn on Earth, she requested that the solar scout protected the Earth until the reincarnation."

Queen Beryl began to seem curious. It pleased Jedite to see that she was satisfied.

Beryl "And after the reincarnation years ago?"

Jedite "The solar scout was to be reborn in another reality to distance herself from the sailor scouts. But there is still a chance if trouble comes, she will remember and join the fight."

Beryl "So, what you propose is that we find the solar scout and destroy her before her memories come back, is that correct?"

Jedite "Yes, my queen."

Beryl "Very well. Find this reality she's in and I'll deal with her. I WANT TO WRING HER NECK UNTIL SHE BEGS FOR MERCY!!!"

An evil cackle came through the Negaverse.

In a regular house on a regular street in a regular world, Anna Onodera was having dinner with her parents. Apparently, she was arguing about a night out with some friends.

Anna "Please, Dad! I really want to go! Gackt has a concert tonight and he's performing "REDEMPTION"!!"

Dad "Not until you raise that C up to an A. You're not going anywhere."

Anna "But I've turned 14 already. My 5th birthday is long gone, Dad."

Mom "We'll think about it."

Anna slouched in her chair.

Anna "(mumbling) That's what you always say until it's too late."

Dad "What?"

Anna "Nothing."

She went back to her food.


Her family looked outside a window and saw a dog stuck to it and whimpering. There seemed to be a huge storm outside that made the sky as red as blood.

Anna "What the hell!?"

The family observed the neighborhood through the window to see that houses were blown apart, trees coming out of the ground, and fellow neighbors were sucked into a massive vortex of wind. Anna ran to the front door.

Dad "Anna!!"

When his daughter stepped out, she came to know that her world was sucked into the vortex. From a distance, she could see her dachshund being blown away.

Anna "Sanosuke!!!"

In the deep red colored sky, a face appeared: a face Anna knew she would never forget. The face's eyes glared.

"You can't hide forever, Sailor Galaxy!!!"

A sudden force of wind lifted Anna off the ground and into what seemed like a never ending path of darkness. Anna's head was rushing. Everything changed. Before she passed out, she remembered the moon: how beautiful it was, how far away, and somehow, someway, there was the greatest kingdom on it.

Darien Shields walked through the park with an umbrella to protect him from the rain. He chuckled at the funniest thing: he found Serena stuffing her face with doughnuts and decided to call her Doughnut Head instead of Meatball Head. For some reason, he always wanted to make fun of her.

As he walked, Darien noticed something on the ground. He ran up to find that it was a girl with shoulder length purple hair and unconscious. He kneeled next to her.

Darien "Hey, are you ok?"

The girl finally opened her eyes and looked into his. The moment he saw her eyes, he felt a sudden warmth and peaceful feeling. It was as if he knew her from before. The fainted again before she could respond.

Darien "Oh, man."

He stood up, rubbed his head and shook with disagreement. He couldn't believe this is happening. Still, he closed his umbrella, picked up the girl, and walked home.

Many weeks have passed and still no sign of the solar scout. Queen Beryl was turning furious. Jedite failed her too many times and she had no choice but to eliminate him. Her new pet peeve, Neflyte, came into the fold. His figure was similar to Jedite but had long and wavy brown hair.

Beryl "Neflyte, I hope you don't fail me as Jedite did. I've seen enough failures for a lifetime."

Neflyte "Yes, my queen. I won't fail you. The stars have shown me that the identity of Tuxedo Mask will surface soon enough."

Beryl "I don't want him known. I want him ELIMINATED!! And while you're at it, find that solar scout!! Rid her of life before she unites with the other scouts!"

Neflyte "Yes, my queen." (I know what I'll do. I'll throw Tuxedo Mask into the Pit of Despair! No one will survive it!)

Darien and Anna walked downtown to find some new things for her to use while she stayed with him.

Darien "So, your home was destroyed?"

Anna "Yeah...I know you don't believe me, but you've just got to understand. I need to find my parents and why I'm here!"

Darien "Don't worry. I'll help you out. I won't leave you behind."

Anna smiled as if saying "thank you". Darien looked up ahead to see a glimpse of Neflyte in an alleyway. Shocked and wondering what was going on, Darien followed him.

Anna "Darien?"

She questioned his judgment, but followed him anyways. Darien and Anna were led to an alleyway and found not a trace of Neflyte.

Anna "Darien, what's up? Are you ok?"

Darien didn't want to answer her question, for he knew that she would be involved.

Darien "It's nothing. Come on, let's go."

But as they began to leave, Neflyte blocked their path.

Neflyte "Ha ha ha. Welcome, Mr. Shields. I've been expecting you."

Darien "What do you want?"

Neflyte "Oh, nothing. I just want you to play a little game."

And with that, he opened a portal which grew darkness consumed all around them.

Anna "What's going on!? Who ARE you!?"

Neflyte "You'll find out, if you can survive. But for now…welcome to the Pit of Despair!!!"

As the darkness cleared, Neflyte disappeared and they landed in what appeared to be an arena. A crowd roared and jeered against the new strangers. It was formed by monstrous creatures Anna's never seen before. She twirled and glared with fear.

Anna "What is this!? Why are we here!?"

Darien "Stay calm, Anna. Remember, I won't let anything happen to you. You'll be safe."

There were small clicks and large clanking close by. They recognized that sound.

Anna "Not for long."

Hordes of Negaverse minions swarmed around Darien and Anna. They were covered in armor. And armed with weapons. Darien and Anna were trapped and had nowhere to run.

Anna "You have a plan?"

Darien "Not at the moment."

Anna "Well, can you tell that we need one?"

Darien "Just stay calm." (I can't let her know I'm Tuxedo Mask!)

A minion came up to them and struck a blow to either one of them.