L is for the way you look at me

Once again they weren't speaking to each other. Another stupid joke gone too far on Bakura's behalf sent Ryou into yet another fury. And, as usual, Bakura had gotten mad, claiming that Ryou didn't know how to take a joke and was "a stick in the mud who ruined all his fun", that, of course, made Ryou even angrier, which made him lock himself in his room.

Bakura sat outside the door, staring at it expressionlessly. It had been 20 minutes since Ryou locked himself inside. Bakura was getting rather impatient with his hikari. His anger rised, but so did his guilt. The prank was a little uncalled for, he had to admit, and he should've been more consiterate of his hikari's feelings. But, Afekai Bakura: Theif King was not about to apologize. He had to much pride to beg for forgiveness, which often got him in trouble.

"I know you're outside the door, Baku."Ryou said from inside,"and I won't leave until you get up and leave first."

"I'm not leaving, yodunoshi. Not until you come out here and apologize to me." Bakura crossed his arms and huffed.

The door was swung open and Ryou stood there, eyes burning a whole in Bakura's soul. The tomb robber winced, his hikari had never been this mad before. Sure, he did get a little upset after his pranks(like the time he put a fake spider in the shower after Ryou refused to let Bakura shower with him) but he got over it quickly, and sometimes ended up laughing about it afterwards. But, right this moment, Ryou didn't seem to be laughing any time soon.

"I have to apologize!? Me?! After what you did to me I have to apologize? Are you serious?" Ryou couldn't believe just how insensitive Bakura could be. Bakura srunched up his nose, as if he didn't know why Ryou was so angry with him over a little thing like putting a pink sweater in Ryou's white laundry load clothes(explaining why Ryou was dressed from head to toe in pink).

"You heard me. Apologize, or I'll never play with you again."Bakura turned his nsoe up at Ryou. The white haired teen shook with rage. Didn't Bakura get the big picture?

"You just don't understand! You're so infuriating!" Ryou screamed at him.

Bakura stood up and stepped closer to Ryou, glaring daggers at him, making the smaller boy step back the slightest bit,"No! Your infu..ri..ative…native..turingating!"

"I can't stand you!" Ryou yelled.

"You make me sick!"

"You're so imature!"

"You're a stick in the mud!"

"I don't know why I put up with you!"

"I HATE YOU! Gosh! Can't you take a joke? You're just so useless! Why are you so fucking hopeless to the word 'fun'. I wonder why you are apart of me sometimes."

Ryou's eyes dropped to the floor after hearing Bakura say that. His heart clenched tight in his chest and salty tears stung his eyes. He coughed and sucked back his tears.

"Well…well I hate you, too!" he screamed, then ran to the beathroom, closing it with a slam. A soft 'click' notified that Ryou had locked it, forbidding Bakura of going after him.

Bakura put a hand on his chest. His heat had just nose-dived into his stomach. His stomach churned, as if his heart was doggy paddling from end to end in it. Something about seeing Ryou so sad, seeing his eyes so full of pain, made him want to run in the bathroom and hold him. He mentally slapped himself for thinking such a thing. Why would he want to do that? It was his hikari's fault for being a party-pooping sensetive girly-boy, after all.

But just thinking of seeing Ryou's doe brown eyes so crestfallen, so heartbroken, made him striaghten up and walk to the bathroom door. He raised his hand to knock before entering but the slight sound of mutterings stoped him.

"Stupid, stupid Bakura…only thinking of himself…idiot"Ryou's voice murmured, a sniff followed behind, followed by a long sigh and a thud on tile. Bakura sighed to himself before knocking on the door.

"Ryou?"he asked, his voice was alien to him, never before had he sounded so guilty.

"Go away." Came the timid voice. Ryou sniffed again and Bakura felt his heart cannonball in his stomach once more. Bakura cleared his throat and tried again.

"Can I come in?"

"Not unless you're going to apologize."

Bakura was about make a smug commment on how he didn't apologize to no one, but decided agaisnt it."Hai, I am."

Yet another long sigh was heard, then the sound of shuffling, then Ryou opened the door. His arms were folded cross his chest, his face was accusing, and his eyes were slighty pink and puffy. Bakura's heart continued to doggy paddle in his stomach.

Bakura slipped into the white bathroom and stood in front of Ryou. For a while, they exchagned nothing but silence and stares. Well, Ryou stared at Bakura, Bakura stared at his shoes. The silence was deafening, almost like a timer. The silence whispered evilly to Bakura,"Hurry up and say something, Bakura, or he'll kick you out and you'll chance will be lost!"

"I just wanted to say…I'm sorry-"Bakura said.

"Thank you."Ryou smiled.

"-that you can't take a joke. I knew you wouldn't take it better. It's not my fault."

"WHAT!?"Ryou's eyes were ablaze once more. Bakura flinched again at Ryou's enraged look.

"What did I do! I said I was sorry!" Bakura said in his defense. Ryou clenched his fists at his side. Bakura was preparing to get yelled at once more but instead just Ryou broke down in tears. Literally. He fell down to his knees and shook his fists at his side.

"You don't get it do you?"Ryou cried.

Bakura stood, not knowing what to do or how to stop Ryou's tears flooding his perfect brown eyes.

"I don't like it when you blame everything you do on me! It makes me think of the past, when we didn't love each other and you said and did horrible things to me and others. You even said you 'hated me' and 'didn't want to be apart of me'. Then you come here and blame it on me all over again!"

"I APOLOGIZED!"Bakura said restlessly.

"No you didn't! You know you didn't! I just want you to apologize sincerely for once! I just want you to dissapear sometimes!"

"You mean…"Bakura's hands shook,"You don't love me anymore?"

Ryou looked up at Bakura's crimson eyes and saw…was that regret? Ryou blinked and wiped his eyes and shook his head, he just had to laugh.

"I love you more than air, Bakura-koi, you just make me so furious sometimes."he beckoned Bakura to sit by him. The tomb robber felt his pride slip away as he bent down beside his hikari and leaned his head on Ryou's lithe shoulders. Ryou stroked Bakuara's silver mane blissfully.

Bakura looked up at Ryou, catching those beautifull eyes. Never before had he seen such a gorgeous face, framed by cotton white hair and bright brown eyes. He placed a chaste kiss on Ryou's soft, pink lips. The white-haired boy's cheeks turned the slightest tinge of pink across the bridge of his nose.

The tomb robber cleared his throat,"I never said a proper "I'm sorry" in my life,"he admitted, tranced in Ryou's eyes and the distictive scent of him and the hand stroking his hair,"but…you mean everything to me…and for you I will. I'm sor-…err…I'm s-…uhh…ahem…I'm sor-"

Ryou giggled,"It's OK, koi. I know what you mean, and that's all that matters.". With that, they shared a blissful kiss, which, in itself, was an apology all its own

Mouth can't move/eyes tell it all
misting over/threatening to spill
Legs can't move/ threatening to fall
Heart of loneness/empty space/ nothing to fill – And A Very Merry Ramas To You by xIsisx