This is my second fanfic! I hope u like it!!!

DICLAIMER: I don't own twilight or new moon, sadly…but then again I would probably kill the whole story… so I'm glad Stephenie Meyer wrote it and not me!


Chapter 1


This seemed to be happening often and now I couldn't take it anymore. Why? It was a simple question, but Edward's answer was what confused me the most. All it would take was one small simple bite, but my angelic boyfriend refused for me to become like him! The same argument came up at least five times in the last week, and now I was through with these silly fights. It was time to settle this dispute once and for all or I would be forced to take drastic measures, not that it would be all that bad.

"Come on Edward! Why not? I know you can do it, but why not? Don't you want me to be with you forever? I'm beginning to think you don't love me at all because if you did you would have already given in to my helpless begging!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He knew what I wanted, but would never give in to my requests. He looked up with the most saddened expression that I had ever seen on his face and answered me, his voice barely audible.

"Because I love you" he whimpered.

"No you don't actually I think you hate me because you won't change me! Is there someone else? Is that why, so you can just throw me aside and not change me," I whispered. I instantly regretted what I had just said it kinda just well… slipped out. I didn't mean to say it and I knew that MY Edward would NEVER EVER in all his eternity cheat on me like. I felt cruel and insensitive for just thinking the thought, but I had just voiced my thoughts in front of him, knowing that no matter what I tried to do I couldn't take my thoughts back and that I had hurt him very deeply.

As soon as the words slipped through my lips Edward snapped his head up to meet my eyes and I noticed that his eyes were a very deep black, almost like the dark sky tonight. A new moon. NO! This can't be happening not again! I won't let it please no!

"Bella how could you ever doubt my love for you? I love you more then life itself, and I'm sorry to hear that you think that I cheated on you. I would never do that to you, you're too precious and I do want you to be mine forever." As soon as he said those words I realized what was going to happen. I stretched my arm out to touch him, but in a flash I felt cold air whip past me and I knew he was gone. Why did I have to be such an idiot?

I curled up into a ball and cried for the whole night. My thoughts came to haunt me that night and never once did sleep take over me. The feeling in my body was worse then the last time something like this had happened. I had no heart anymore. It had been taken and crushed to a million pieces, and to make matters worse I realized that I could have prevented this from happening. If I had just stopped to think about what I had said then I could have had Edward resting right next to me whispering words of affection into my ear. I didn't know what to think after that, it was like he just took a part of me (a big part) with him. I was in a mental state and my plans were scattered, I couldn't think! Would he ever forgive me? Would he leave forever and never come back? I slammed my eyes shut and I could feel the warm tears stinging at the corners of my eyes. The only thing I could think of right then was that my life wasn't worth living and that I might as well commit suicide if Edward was never going to be in my life again. I had to do something…maybe even get someone other then the Cullens to change me, but I knew I couldn't. Betraying them was just too much I only wanted Edward to change me, but I knew he wouldn't do it.

Sleep still wasn't coming to me, and then as I flipped over onto my stomach I noticed the weirdest thing. A piece of paper was sticking out of the front pocket of my jacket. I pulled it out and read it, and there it was, the message that changed my life forever.

A/N sorry if it's kinda short!! Whaddaya think??? Good or bad?? Should I just delete it because my sister said it was crappy! Don't u hate sisters who just kill your imagination!! Oh well...please REVIEW!! Barely anyone has reviewed my other story so I'm depressed!! PLEASE!! All u have to do is click that purply button! Oh and anonymous reviews are accepted!