Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha Rumiko Takahashi does...cries


Koga watched as the stuffy lord disappeared into the sky via his smokey red cloud, it seemed that the lord might know something about how he had ended up his this clearing with him on top of him. Shuddering he turned to his attendents and ordered the to follow him as he headed back towards the gave in search of some answers. Maybe a little sleep would do him some good and help relieve the headache that was starting to build slowly in his temple.

Sesshomaru found a clearing near to his home preparing to bed down for the night. Looking up into the night sky he cursed the wench who had trapped him in this realm and hoped that his sleep was clear and undisturbed.

Admirettea watched the conversation between the two men and chuckled to herself as she noticed their similar attitude towards things. Plucking a petal from an irridescent plant near her water gazing mirror, she spoke a soft spell before letting the petal fall onto the image of the two men. Soon they would see the world from eachothers perspectives, and maybe they would learn to get along...


Sesshomaru awoke to unfamiliar surroundings as he reached out to instinctualy pet the head of his ward rin but found the familiar warmth missing. Shooting up in bed, he frantically searched for her before remembering that he wasn't with them anymore. Taking a deep breath, he regained his stoic demeanor before standing and heading to a stream to bathe.

The air that permeated the glen about his temporary dwelling smelled greatly of a flower that bloomed in a nearby field, their scent was a soft one that made one think of a orchard of cherry blossom trees. Lifting his nose to scent it he felt a very small smile grace his lips, more of a tilt in the corner really, as he stripped down to his bare skin and waded into the water that was a little more cool than he would have liked. Wading towards its center he found that it reached a little higher than waist level. Settling for a few moments he then dove beneath the waters surface, his hair forming a sleek silver cloud that sparkled like a polished gem or precious metal. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the sensation of the cool water sliding across his sleek and muscular body like it was part of his blood.

Kouga grumbled as he trampled through the woods trying to find food to bring back to his people. His guards had suggested that he show a step towards leadership and bring back a prize to show his people how much he cared for their well-being...so here he was stopping through the underbrush like an enraged boar, his anger fuming at how easily he had been duped into doing someone elses job for them. Snarling at a poor tree he used his claws to slash it to ribbons before moving on, broken trees and brush behind him much like a path of destruction.

Reaching a feild of beautiful flowers he felt his anger drift a little as the scents surrounded him and lulled him into a more submissive state. As he walked further towards a copse of trees that stood towards the south, he heard an odd splashing of water that went against the waters currents. Slipping into the brush he spotted a pile of clothes and smirked, thinking of taking the bather unaware and "taking care" of the clothes for them. Smirking at his mischeivous thoughts, he looked up towards the stream and felt his jaw drop slightly. Before him was a man, or at least it appeared to be one, whom surpassed even the most beautiful demoness he could think of. glistening silver hair clung to a gracefully muscular back, his torso lean yet definatly male, his skin almost seemed as though a stray moonbeam had been captured beneath it, and his movements were so beautiful that it made him blush. Gulping slightly he moved an inch forward and felt a twig snap beneath his foot as his toes touch the water. The person bathing tensed suddenly before leaping his way and taking him by the throat from behind.

Sesshomaru snarled deep into his chest as his bathing was interrupted by a passerby who just didn't have the intelligence to leave a full-blooded demon alone. Gripping the fool by the neck, her tightened his arm around the persons chest and bared his fangs above their throat much like a threatened dog.

"why have you been spying on me...you should have passed on by."

Kouga gulped a little before blushing, he could feel the entire contour of the man holding him and it was making his pulse race. Summoning his voice he stammered back a reply.

"I..I didn't mean to spy on you. I was only going to play a trick but got distracted..." Sesshomaru smirked at this as he pushed the man backwards and pressed him against a tree with his arm and body. Leaning close he could smell that it was the young wolf pup and inwardly smiled a wicked smile as he leaned forward and nipped the wolfs ear. The wolf pup jumped slightly in his arms as a small whimper escaped his mouth.

"people that spy on others should be punished don't you think?" The wolf shook slighlt as he shook his head no and tried to break free. Pressing his body firmly against the young wolfs, sesshomaru licked the pointed ear before him before biting down on his neck and breaking the flesh.

Kouga whimpered both in pleasure and in pain as the beautiful man bit his throat and suckled at it gently, the firm male body against him making his knees weak. As he breathed in deeply he felt his eyes widen as he recognized the scent. The one that tortured his body so and gave him so much pleasure, was the dog-demon sesshomaru that he had met before.

Sesshomaru knew the moment he had been recognized as he felt the boys body lock up beneath him. smirking before wiping his face clear of emotion, he let the boy go as he pickedup his clothes.

"I think you have been sufficiently punished for now...wolf cub..." Kouga fell to the ground in a stammering heap as he watched the dog demon disappear into the trees...

Well. hope you liked this one. Its starting to get more into the juicy area and you can see that a small spark of feelings are being made between the two of them.

:kouga:- What are you talking about! He tried to rape me!...

sesshomaru-Quit complaining wolf. You would have submitted willingly and you know it.

:kouga:-blushes deeply before throwing a fit Its not fair! Why do I have to be the bottom?!

sesshomaru-Cause you love the things I do to you.

:kouga:- shuts his mouth and blushes ...

Sunatsuluv: grins at sesshomaru and kouga I rest my case. --