Title: Meela's Revenge

Author: Co-written by Katatonia and Chugirl2526

Fandom/Pairing: 'The Mummy Returns', Jon/Imhotep, Rick/Evy

Author's Note: This is SLASH!!! (Last warning!) This is also a sequel to my story 'The Mummy Survives' (therefore it might be advisable to read that first, neh?) - and totally the fault of Chugirl! She was the one who not only reviewed the previous story and asked about a sequel, but then emailed me and...well, I hate to use the word 'nag'...Anyway, she's the one who got me writing again - and that's no reason to hate her! Most of the plot ideas are her's as well...

Chugirl, baby - this one's for you!

Today had not been a good day for Meela – also called Anck-Su Namun, my beloved (by her soulmate) and 'that bitch' (by that evil wench also known as Nefertiri). Meela sat on the desert sand in the cooling twilight, fingering the scarab bites that had turned into scarred flesh on her arms and face. If she had given a damn, she would have tried to find shelter an hour ago when the sands had opened and spat her out. However, she had abandoned her soulmate, her one and only Imhotep…and as such she was feeling a little down.

The groaning from behind a mini-hill of rocks caught her attention. Meela's heart jumped. Maybe Imhotep hadn't died after all – maybe he was returned to her! Cautiously she peered around the rocks.

"Oh. It's you." There was a sneer on her face as she glared down at the prone form of Lock-nah…one of her most trusted, yes, but also most definitely not her soulmate.

"Good evening, my lady." Lock-nah matched her glare, as he looked her over. "Why aren't you dead?"

"Do not underestimate the power I hold over life and death."

In reality, Meela had no idea why she was returned to life, but it wouldn't do to let this pathetic mortal know that.

"And what of my lord and master, Imhotep?" Lock-nah questioned her as he struggled up to lean against the rocks. "Did he succeed in slaying the Scorpion King?"

Meela sneered harder. How dare this puny man question her beloved? All right, so Imhotep hadn't killed his enemy – one of many at that. And, yes, Imhotep had been dangling rather precociously off a gorge filled with the souls of the damned that had seemed intent on dragging Imhotep down…Meela stifled a sob…even so – their servant had no right! She spun on her heel and stalked around to her side of the rocks.

She paused after she had thrown herself down to think – not to sulk…immortal soulmates of Egyptian priests did not sulk…but to think about her next steps. Obviously she would have to find some way to return Imhotep to her…and to do that she needed help. Right now the only person who could help her was the infuriating man on her other side of the rocks.

It had not been a good day for Meela – and it was shaping up to be a worse night.

Thank you for reading - now review!!! ;D Also, please go read Chugirl2526's stories...she says they're no good. I mantain they're bloomin' fantastic!